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Everything posted by Wooks79

  1. [quote name='tedmanzie' timestamp='1425308591' post='2706051'] it would be ideal for that. especially as it currently used to hold cups of lemonade and plates of cakes at children's tea parties. [/quote] Ha, at least its getting used Seriously though, if its still about in May when I get down that way...
  2. Very cool!
  3. [quote name='FretNoMore' timestamp='1425229001' post='2705298'] Just finished my new "digital" pedalboard; Zoom and Source Audio pedals controlled by Disaster Area MIDI controllers. Polytune->MS-60B->OFD->Manta->Orbital->MS-70CDR->M81 [/quote] Love your boards, so tidy!!
  4. Looks like a Retro210 to me...
  5. Very happy to be able to say that we are playing at Download festival this year! We were officially announced this morning as part of the 38 new acts unveiled
  6. Congrats man, we got announced this morning as well Pint? We are opening the Sunday, do you a swap if you like? haha
  7. Up here in sunny Teesside we seem to have experienced some kind of Indie-geddon, and the local scene is awash with (in my opinion) beige indie dross. Everything jangles :/ I don't dislike indie, but you know, when you see another acoustic singer that's never gigged outside of Teesside, and they almost have a Manc accent coming out of that oversided Parka they are wearing, you end up wanting to hit your head on the table when they do actually do an inevitable badly played Oasis cover It winds me up that our BBC Introducing for BBC Tees show is wasted as well, again it's all indie, (we last had a rock show in 2012) there's no real chance of hearing anyone (again, my opinion) that's actually going anywhere played on that show, which to me defeats the point, and also wastes the link that they have that could put smaller bands on festival slots, handed off to larger BBC shows etc. No word of a lie, the BBC Tees Introducing shows regularly feature things like haikus, conker games, football talk and... yes this is true, a tune that was an improvisation on a recorder. Is that really what BBC Introducing is for? Are they going to put an artist playing improvised recorder on the BBC Intro stage at Reading/Leeds? I have honestly felt like complaining, as I want to hear new artists that I might like, or even if they are totally not my thing, at least a little bit of a variation of styles! Rant over (...and just so it doesn't seem like a rant out of bitterness or anything, they have played my band, I just want to be INTRODUCED to some new bands that I might like)
  8. I have a Novation Bass Station for sale, get in touch if you want any details. Old for sale thread, now no longer live in Manchester - http://basschat.co.uk/topic/183075-fs-novation-bass-station-keyboard-bass-synth (I'm all paid up for selling on here, so this is ok I think?)
  9. [quote name='dadofsix' timestamp='1424723572' post='2699720'] I think that's the problem that the OPs girlfriend is suffering with having to spend so much time alone with two tiny children. Just sayin [/quote] Yeah, but a relationship is a two way thing, so I know I let my wife get out and do whatever she wants when I can take over with the kids. I'd like to think we are making it work
  10. [quote name='Billy Apple' timestamp='1424724300' post='2699741'] Keep us posted, might be able to get to your Londinium gig on the 10th [/quote] Cheers man, that would be cool! Got another good announcement to come on weds as well Its all go this week!
  11. If anyone fancied coming along, and it would be great to see you, tickets available from us at - http://sirensinthedelta.bandcamp.com/merch/sirens-in-the-delta-may-2015-uk-tour-gig-tickets
  12. Erm, 500 watt valve head at £600-£1000? Yeah, I'll have one if that ever becomes a thing! (You need to carry it for me though please) EDIT: Where's the pic of the Hiwatt head from? Just interested, cheers
  13. [quote name='hairychris' timestamp='1424690476' post='2699100'] The only reason that I'm in my current band is because the previous bassist's wife gave him an ultimatum after #2 was born... If you're a professional musician then that's one thing, but if it isn't your main source of income I can see a much harder argument to win. [/quote] I can't imagine I would very nice to live with if I had no chance to get out a bit and let off some steam...
  14. I would love to get a compressor and someone who knows the magic to make it sound good, cos it has baffled me whenever I have tried
  15. I get all sorts of grief! What with regular gigging, practice once or twice a week, 48hrs full time work each week and two kids at home (9 week old and a 2 year old) I can kind of understand why she gets stressed, as I leave a lot for her to deal with at home... But... Gigging and everything band related has really picked up, we've got more gigs booked in the first 6 months of this year than all of last year, two UK tours coming up and a good festival slot, so I don't plan on slowing down anytime soon to be honest. My brother in law used to be the drummer, until he had his 2nd child and decided he couldn't be away so much, so that adds to making me look worse when she is angry too! My justification is that it's my only escape, it's the only thing that getse out of the house. I don't drink much, don't smoke, don't do drugs, so it's my social life as much as it is anything else, and she wouldn't want me to be a shut in... I hope you manage to find a solution, as I know how much of a pain it can be when you get lots of chew for playing gigs
  16. Photoshop. Photoshop for everything with me.
  17. Wooks79

    DIY Effects

    Is there anyone on here fancies looking at a Fuzzrocious Dark Driving that doesn't seem to be playing right for me please?
  18. I've applied, I'd love to endorse them, I already bang on about my Barefaced Vintage enough
  19. [quote name='The Admiral' timestamp='1423999104' post='2691269']We always sold the XXL and XL early doors [/quote] We have found the same. All sizes of tee sold out fast except the small.
  20. Just got one in my precision, only had one practice and one gig, but liking it so far!
  21. 1600 watts, 4500 peak! What cabs are you using, and are you not worried?!? Haha, this thread needs pics and a demo vid!
  22. I like em
  23. Now I really didn't expect to put this up for sale any time, as it is genuinely the best sounding preamp I have ever owned, I even had my Matamp GT200 modified at Matamp to allow me to use the GT200 as a valve poweramp, and put the Verellen Meatsmoke pre through it... I just could probably use the money elsewhere at the mo... Gorgeous tone, and the boost channel is unreal! It just makes me want the full Meatsmoke head. This could be, [b][i]and likely will be[/i][/b], withdrawn at any time. I'm after £500 for this, has spent all its days on a pedalboard so is in perfect condition, only visibly used cos there is velcro on the bottom. If you ordered one new from Ben, there would be the wait time, plus once you've added in shipping and customs, you are looking at £620 plus to your door at the moment.
  24. I like big stages from a performance point of view, and also from a space and setup point of view, but I hate them when the sound isn't good, as you are so spread out, if the sound guy and monitor mix aren't bob on, you have a really strange sound to fight with... One of the bigger stages we have played, the sound was really bad onstage, and it kind of spoilt it for us. Looked cool, and loads of room to move, but such a weird onstage sound, just bad monitor mixing I think medium stages are the way to go
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