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minty fresh death

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Everything posted by minty fresh death

  1. [quote name='benwhiteuk' post='190368' date='May 2 2008, 11:15 AM']+1 deffo someone offered me £500 for my Stingray when I was asking £700 and they implied that they were doing me a favour by offering this much...no need to ask why my response was.[/quote] pm me his name please ben, when I had my trans red sr4 up here I got exactly the same sh*tty type of offer and I would like to know if it's the same guy. [quote name='BassManKev' post='190362' date='May 2 2008, 11:04 AM']name and shame that kind of incident i think...[/quote] It's even worse that the reason he is going back on the deal is that he found a cheaper one... I'm of two minds on this name and shame business, but is it fair that he found and bought a VBA for less than we had agreed without getting in contact with me? I mean at the end of the day, he might have gotten a bargain and more power to him for nabbing it... but the bit that is really getting to me... is he could have asked me first to see if i'd at least bring my price down to somewhere near. But of course this is the internet, he might just be some little kid who doesnt even own a bass *shrug*
  2. Well I just got messed about on a sale on my VBA that was supposed to concerete as well... *sigh* I'm starting to think that it is fair to leave feedback on people who mess you around, I mean this dude said he was definately going to buy my amp... we exchanged multiple, maybe 5+ phone calls and 10+ txts, it's just *very* lucky that I didn't buy anything on the assumption that I was going to get the money from him....... It's a shame I had to involve my brother, who has taken the amp upto Newcastle under the impression this guy was going to pick it up from there..... I'm pretty gutted really, waste of my time, money and stress.
  3. I've honestly not had that much bother, i've bought and sold quite a fair amount of stuff on here. You get time wasters everywhere EDIT: I must say i've some seriously insulting low-ball offers on here though.... completely taking the piss.
  4. 725 eh? That's a good price, not my colour but that is the pup config i'd like in a bongo.... Could you take some pics of the nicks and dings plz Ste? I'm after a new 5 string inc your bass i've narrowed it down to: Sandberg California MM Warwick Jazzman LX
  5. what colour is that, could be dark blue or black?
  6. where abouts are you located?
  7. [quote name='Adee' post='186628' date='Apr 27 2008, 06:00 PM']The bass aint for sale at £450 ! I paid £470 and it cost me £30 fuel to collect it, hence the £500 - Thats if the price I paid actually has anything to do with anyone apart from Mart and myself, thank you very much The bass has been passed from pillar to post on this forum and I thought it best to put it out of its misery on Ebay. Yes the initial price was a bit hefty but why should I give it away? I can't afford to keep it hanging around as I said before I was to sell the Fender to fund the Lakky. This is the typical Bassworld / Basschat person bashing that gives this forum a bad reputation, I actually think some you you get off on it. As for the Fralin pup, its going in my Fender P-Bass for now until I decide what I am doing with it.[/quote] I referenced toasted for that price, and yes I know circa how much you paid so as far as i'm concerned it does effect any offer I would have made. It's your prerogative on how much you decide to sell an item for, just as it is mine to make an offer... and my offer was for how much you paid for the bass.
  8. I would also be interested in it for 450, god knows i've been interested in it since it was first advertised... but I don't want to spend any of the money Smash has given me for his SB-2 until it is safely in his hands. I want a P and I would like to get another SR4 so this seems perfect for me! But I really am not going to pay more than you paid for it Ade, otherwise it's bad karma for the forum tbh, more so than it is already. I'm aware that I might be considered one of the guys on the make since I really enjoy trying out new gear and passing on deals (although I do occasionally post in the main forums), but I havn't made money on any of the deals i've had up here appart from the Aguilar GS212... that was on ebay and litterally a couple of quid after I offered it here at the price I bought it not inc what I gave bigmac for delivery.
  9. [quote name='steve-soar' post='184724' date='Apr 24 2008, 06:35 PM']Seems to be a lot of this thing about lately. I'm waiting for some news as regards pickups I bought and PAID for last night. Check the EMG JV's in the other items section.[/quote] [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=16162&pid=184777&st=0&#entry184777"]http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=...mp;#entry184777[/url]
  10. [quote name='steve-soar' post='184267' date='Apr 24 2008, 07:43 AM']Kit agreed to sell them to me for £45 and at 22.00pm he gave me his paypal details. My wife then put the money into his account. I only hope that Kit stays true to his end of the deal and posts the pickups to me as he already has the money.[/quote] [quote name='steve-soar' post='184759' date='Apr 24 2008, 07:21 PM']Kit, as you can see, at 11.28 you said that I had pm'd you about the pickups, in fact by this time you had alread sold the pickups to me, I had paid you, as per our agreement and sent you 3 pm's with my details all before you posted this reply to Gizmo.[/quote] the pickups are already in the post to you steve, I must admit I paniced last night because I was tired and I do need the money.... but i'm not a complete c***. however, I hope you might agree with me that you over-reacted, bully boy tactics like you have employed won't work dude... because after all they were my pups and I could have just send you your money back and burn them if I wanted to. taking this out of a pm context and trying to rubbish me publically is a pretty poor show imo man.... I also think your comment in kevs thread was completely and utterly unjustified mate every single item i've sold on here has been a really fair price to say the least, even if you bought the pups at the original asking price it was still only 1/3 of retail!? I apologise about before though.
  11. [quote name='Gizmo' post='184155' date='Apr 23 2008, 10:06 PM']Hey minty Im intrested in the pups,do you do Paypal? Might also have a bud who'll take the bass i'll be seeing him tomorrow so i'll PM you with a ya or nay on the bass but i'll take those pups Cheers Gizmo Ps Great avart C&H rox[/quote] Heya man Unfortunately steve soar has already pm'd me reguarding the emgs... but if your mate can stump up the cash for the Squire then i'll sell both to you BUT You will have to give me a definate answer by the end of tomorrow (24th), or i'll have to ship to Steve, since i'm being a bastard by even thinking about going back on the deal I agreed to here.
  12. bump, offers or it's going on ebay on the weekend
  13. bump, offers or it's going on ebay on the weekend
  14. [quote name='theosd' post='178665' date='Apr 17 2008, 10:02 AM']If anything the Sterling is reknowned for being even more aggressive!![/quote] It does clean and then you eq out the aggression
  15. Is he interested in trades at all, if so, what is he after?
  16. any pics?
  17. Oh go on i'll have it pm me your details, i'm in mid wales near montgomery if you can drop it off?
  18. [quote name='BassistJonathan' post='179289' date='Apr 17 2008, 08:25 PM']Everyone wants it lol, but noone seems to have £900 spare[/quote] +1
  19. Sounds like a Sterling might be what you need, I suggest you go and play both the bongo and sterling first.
  20. [quote name='Sercet' post='176583' date='Apr 14 2008, 06:33 PM']For what it's worth, I think that's a good price. I sold a Maplelo Rickenbacker here for £850 around six months ago. Since then the price has gone up and these basses seem harder to find.[/quote] They are still as easy to find, it's just ric put the prices up. 900 is a fair price and sorry about that post, it was ment to be a pm
  21. *fingers crossed* it should be through customs tomorrow, i'll take a few pics before I send it on it's final voyage this sucker has done some miles!
  22. I might stick a bid on the T-Max since I need a smaller amp anyway if I won, but I can't pick the Ampeg up if I accidently won it.
  23. Yeah but most peeps are broke atm, like I say your in the ball park so it's not an unreasonable price at all. I'm currently closeing a deal on an Aguilar DB210, but if that were to fall through, I might be in touch.
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