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Posts posted by Jam

  1. [quote name='lojo' post='1003899' date='Oct 28 2010, 03:39 PM']If my wife asked this, then she would not be the same person I know now anyway, so Id guess things would have gone wrong already due to her change of character

    I am as someone said earlier a "hobby player" but both of us know the importance of hobbies, sports and being social, and encourage it in our kids

    Its is up to me to manage how much it impacts on other stuff, if a week gets intense with a gig etc at a bad time, I make sure I compensate the following week with more family stuff

    I did give up something when we married and promised to not encourage our kids to do it, but she has never asked me to give in any other area in 13 years, and that was a 2 wheel dangerous thing, so I can understand and don't really miss it

    I be a real grump if I couldn't play music and footy anyhow

    Sorry if that bored you all, but it just made me feel grateful (for me wife and bass:) )[/quote]

    I'm the same, if I can't go training/play music I tend to get quite irritable.

  2. [quote name='ben604' post='1001357' date='Oct 26 2010, 04:55 PM'][url="http://www.therocklockcompany.com/"]http://www.therocklockcompany.com/[/url][/quote]
    Looks like a good idea, though in a lot of those pictures the bass is "locked" to things you could easily steal too. Like there's one which is locked to an amp on wheels!

  3. [quote name='EdwardHimself' post='1000341' date='Oct 25 2010, 07:19 PM']Sorry to be putting in a serious post here. But if you're in or around the Manchester area and looking to be in a heavy rock/metal band then please [u]avoid[/u] Hell to Pay:


    They're looking for a bass player, have been for a few months now and with good reason...[/quote]

    Spill the beans dude! I saw your comment on their page. Their slogan alone puts me off, as does the guy with the straightened hair. What's wrong with them?

  4. [quote name='j2112c' post='997333' date='Oct 22 2010, 05:36 PM']Now THAT is the reaction I am getting from everybody.
    There is a club in the South West that saw my ad for a bassist and said... we are a club not a player... but when you get a full line up send me a link to your MySpace. That was two months ago... this week they called me and said can we book you now!

    I am in Aberdare can practice in Ponty or Myrthr... where abouts are you?

    Don't tell me... Glasgow!! :) Oh close... Oxford! Typical huh!?[/quote]

    Damn, maybe one day! If you get the band off the ground and come to Oxford to play, send me a PM and I'll come see you!

  5. [quote name='j2112c' post='997310' date='Oct 22 2010, 05:19 PM']You know Lem... I very nearly posted a reply to your advert seeking a band as I want to start up the UK's only Dio Tribute band.. I have had a lot of interest from clubs that want to book up a Dio act and I know 12 songs fully from a set list of 18 songs I set out (I play mean guitar!)

    I have a drummer the will come on board but only when it is all set up (he is thinking money) - and I have a few vocalists in mind... one was in Merthyr.

    So ho hum, if you fancy fighting the good fight with some Old Skool 1980's metal then offer is there mate. :)[/quote]

    Oh damn! I would LOVE to play in a Dio tribute act!

  6. [quote name='SaxxyBass' post='997143' date='Oct 22 2010, 02:53 PM']Hi all, have just bought myself a bass guitar - hopefully to fulfil a long term ambition to learn! I'm a Sax player (Jazz/blues/R&B/funk/just about anything!) so hopefully that might help me theory-wise! :) :lol:[/quote]

    Welcome to the forum! I've always wanted to play sax, such a cool instrument :)

  7. [quote name='Clarky' post='996993' date='Oct 22 2010, 01:13 PM']FYI, if you have an iTunes account there's a compilation of all of their classic albums called Citizen Steely Dan 1972-1980 for a ridiculously low price (less than £20 for six or seven albums IIRC)[/quote]

    I'm going through that album now on spotify, thanks for the recommendation :)

  8. [quote name='beyond' post='996959' date='Oct 22 2010, 12:48 PM']I know there is probably no answer to this but here goes. How can I overcome nervousness. I am new to the bass and at the moment only play to myself in front of the computer, but the minute anyone comes into the room to watch I go to pieces. In my day job I have meetings in top boardrooms, meet and have discussions with all types of people including top celebs etc. and have no problem at all, but the minute I pick up the guitar................. Why is this?[/quote]

    It's just practice and confidence. The more you play in front of people, the less you'll care what they think. Perhaps playing with a band will help, do you have any like-minded musical friends? The great thing about being a bass player is that when you gig the only people who watch you are the other bass players!

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