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Everything posted by Jam

  1. Nice... How much did it set you back, if you don't mind me asking?
  2. Jam

    Angel & Demon

    Beautiful, especially the red one!
  3. Jam

    Laney RBW300

    Update: Went and had a look at it this weekend. It sounds awesome! It's pretty big and it weighs a ton but it's not bad at all for the price i got it for. Managed to get down to £120 in the end, so can't complain. I'm still getting to grips with all the bells and whistles, it's much different to my last amp.. Speaking of which, I had a look for any versions of my old amp on the net. It's an "Ohm", no discernable model number or anything, just your basic amp with vol, bass, treble and mids. It's served me reasonably well, despite annoying crackles whenever I turn any of the knobs... I'll try and get a picture up sometime to see if anyone can help me identify it..
  4. Electric bass for 3 years (I know I know i've a long way to go!!) Shakuhachi for 6 months, started when I was in Japan. Bodhran for about a week....it's a fun instrument to play and the first time i've played percussion so it helps me to understand bass more!
  5. Good stuff! Welcome buddy.
  6. Jam

    Laney RBW300

    Balls, I just realised I read the wrong ad. The price is the same, but the model is different: Laney DP 150 bass amplifier 4x10 combo. This looks a little better than the RBW... It looks like quite a decent combo for the price, no?
  7. Jam

    Laney RBW300

    [quote name='Alien' date='Oct 1 2007, 09:46 PM' post='68400'] Whoever's selling it doesn't know what they're on about for starters. Brilliant, thanks buddy. You reckon it's worth going for or waiting for a better one to pop up?
  8. Jam

    Laney RBW300

    I'm looking into buying this combo: 3 year old Laney RBW300 for sale. 300 volts. £140. Is this a good deal? Are they any good, and has anyone had any experience with them? Hope to hear from you guys soon, i'm planning on going to have a look this weekend. Cheers!
  9. I love the old metallica stuff but I just don't have the time, patience or skill to do master of puppets or battery. Yes Yes I know someone out there is saying "what, you suck, they're easy" but yeah..
  10. Jam


  11. Jam


    Yeah I actually ended up buying myself a Japanese Fender while I was out there for more than half the price it is here. Madness. Still I was pretty pleased with myself!
  12. Jam


    Yeah man Harcourt's a sh*thole and I was glad to see the back of it. Geography huh? I always remember that being like "colour in the map" and "the water cycle" repeatedly through secondary. Does it get much harder at uni? Yeah my degree's Japanese and German and I just came back from a year in Japan. What Brookes has done is taken one of the halls at Morrells and made it into a shared house for the people who've just come back from Japan, and some Japanese natives who've just arrived in England, who we got to know when we were out there...It's actually pretty fun! Is your PGCE in teaching? I did a taster course, hilariously known as the "SAS", or Student Associate Scheme, which sent us out to various schools and had us helping out in classes, and it was really interesting. I reckon i'd like to be a teacher one day but I don't know if i'd have the patience to deal with secondary school kids. I get on better with the younger ones, they're hilarious!
  13. Jam


    Headington Hill campus. Just come back from my year abroad so am in Japan House in Morrells..I lived at Harcourt for my first year and it was a bloody nightmare getting to anywhere. I know where Witney is too, my family live in Kidlington. I'm living away from home this year because I wanted the proper student experience, you know? What were you studying? Musics?
  14. Jam


    Maybe I will! Whereabouts in Oxford are you? I'm at Brookes..
  15. Jam


    Ah you can't be that bad?
  16. Jam


    See now, I have the funk, and I want to be able to play better, but i'm not quite funky enough yet! I don't think Ped has the time to teach me either. Don't worry. I'll find someone! And dude, if that's you playing Pow, thank you so much. I think that's the best version i've seen on youtube for learning the song, and you've done other parts as opposed to just the main riff, which is great.. I'm glad I found this site!
  17. Jam


    Wooten's a madman... Still for some reason I prefer Larry Graham's stuff....
  18. Jam


    Cool, I'll look it up! I've added some pics of myself in the "add pics of yourself" thread if anyone's interested in what I look like. I wouldn't recommend looking though, unless you have some bleach handy to burn your eyes out with.. Anything in particular by Wooten and/or Miller you'd recommend? I mean I know of them and I've heard a little of their stuff but i've never really looked into playing any...
  19. Well, no-one here knows what I look like, but I suppose it's one way for you all to get to know me.. I'm James by the way. One is a shameless posing one,[attachment=2459:Capture_00005.JPG] and the other my brother took while I was noodling... [attachment=2460:james_bass.JPG] (I don't actually windmill when I play, it's a bit distracting!) And here's one of me so you can see my ugly mug properly:[attachment=2461:DSCF3853.JPG] (Note, off my face at new years..) Be nice!
  20. Jam


    Seems i'm not the only person up at this time in the morning! Can you recommend any stuff for slap?
  21. Jam


    Hey there, I'm James. I've been playing bass for about 3 years and I play a variety of stuff really. I was brought up on Motown stuff so I've always had an interest in that groovy soul stuff, despite some of Jamerson's stuff being an absolute nightmare to play (I'm really not that good!). Apart from that, I like my rock and funk, Chilis, Incubus, you know the score, and I also love to slap (despite not being very good at it) , so I like Larry Graham, Primus, some Miller and Wooten stuff. I guess i'm somewhat of a bass cliche.. I play a Japanese Fender Aerodyne Jazz bass (the pretty one without the pickguard). I got it as a memento of my time in Japan. One of my bastard housemates put a bloody great scratch on the back which still haunts my dreams to this day. Apart from that I have a Hohner Arbor MX2 (anyone else have one? I can't find any info on them..) which has flatwounds on it and a bit of sponge at the bridge for extra smooth sounding groovy action. So yeah. Hi! Looking forward to getting involved on here.. Here are some annoying questions while i'm here.. 1) Can anyone recommend any good stuff for me to play judging by what I've said above? I'm just getting into Rush...(Yes yes i know i'm about 20 years too late.) 2) Does anyone know any good Bass teachers in Oxford? Cheers guys!
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