Hey there,
I'm James. I've been playing bass for about 3 years and I play a variety of stuff really.
I was brought up on Motown stuff so I've always had an interest in that groovy soul stuff, despite some of Jamerson's stuff being an absolute nightmare to play (I'm really not that good!).
Apart from that, I like my rock and funk, Chilis, Incubus, you know the score, and I also love to slap (despite not being very good at it) , so I like Larry Graham, Primus, some Miller and Wooten stuff. I guess i'm somewhat of a bass cliche..
I play a Japanese Fender Aerodyne Jazz bass (the pretty one without the pickguard). I got it as a memento of my time in Japan. One of my bastard housemates put a bloody great scratch on the back which still haunts my dreams to this day.
Apart from that I have a Hohner Arbor MX2 (anyone else have one? I can't find any info on them..) which has flatwounds on it and a bit of sponge at the bridge for extra smooth sounding groovy action.
So yeah. Hi! Looking forward to getting involved on here..
Here are some annoying questions while i'm here..
1) Can anyone recommend any good stuff for me to play judging by what I've said above? I'm just getting into Rush...(Yes yes i know i'm about 20 years too late.)
2) Does anyone know any good Bass teachers in Oxford?
Cheers guys!