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Everything posted by Jam

  1. Jam

    Hi there.

    Welcome to the forum dude! Look forward to reading about your bass constructing efforts!
  2. Welcome to the forum! I have Radiohead...I think you win!
  3. September, Earth Wind and Fire.
  4. +1 for the Disney soundtrack love! Disney can be a bit polarising but the music is almost always outstanding.
  5. Opeth - Lines in My Hand
  6. Jam


    I disagree, I don't think that's the case at all, rather that because they were playing so much from their new album, they chose older songs that would fit better with that setlist. I think once they've finished this tour, the next time they play they'll have a mix of old and new. I was gutted when they didn't finish with Demon of the Fall though....
  7. Still can't get Lessons in Love by Level 42 down...
  8. Jam


    [quote name='Gizmo' timestamp='1321572669' post='1440939'] Got to agree about the f***ing idiots talking and heckling at Bham,bad form im not sure what the "rain in blood/play us a moshing song" guy was on but he looked & sounded totally blasted (he wasnt to far back from me) & what was the guy shouting "get you tits out" durning the devils orchard thinking ffs!,im all for a little bit of sport with akerfeldt durning the breaks as hes the one that corts it and he seems to enjoy it as much as the crowd does,but durning dynamic parts of the songs plz just keep your mounts shut if you not singing along!,i myself told two teeny guys across from me to STFU twice durning the acoustic set,it was like they were in the playground pushing & whooping at each other morons....... [/quote] My first, and definitely last gig in Birmingham. I would have gone to London to see them if I wasn't seeing Turisas the next day in Reading. At the end of A Fair Judgement where he sang "nothing...left....." and there was a big pause/instrumental bit, just before he sang "here" this moron in front of me just shouted "DEEEEEERRRRRPP". I've always wanted to hear that song live, and I was so wound up. I ended up just telling the guy to "please be quiet, that's a good fellow".
  9. Jam


    Incidentally I sat down and listened to the Deliverance album, and it gave me chills. Amazing musicianship, outstanding bass playing and so so good. I don't normally like death growls but Mikael Akerfeldt can seemingly do no wrong! Man crush.
  10. Jam


    I went to see Opeth in Birmingham. I've loved them for years, and I was a bit disappointed with the new album until I gave it a few spins. The bass playing is absolutely brilliant, especially in "Lines in my Hand". I've been practicing that recently and it's so much fun. The band were incredible as always, but the audience in Birmingham were terrible. I don't know whether it was me getting old, or people wanting more growling, but there were so many people talking really loudly, especially during the softer bits. Really disappointing and pretty rude, I thought. Someone shouted to Akerfedlt "WE WANT TO MOSH" to which he responded "You want to mosh? I used to do that when I was a teenager. It's f@cking stupid. Go listen to Anthrax if you want to mosh". Maybe that sums up the audience there, I dunno.
  11. Love or hate Mark King (I fall into the love category, incidentally), he seems like a really lovely bloke. Good on him, I hope they raise loads.
  12. Warwicks aren't very popular at the moment, god knows why. I have one and I love it. Take some pictures and stick it up in the for sale section, and have a look, see what similar basses are going for. To be honest I'd hold on to it, the market's not good for you at the moment..
  13. Simple into (and line in general) but so effective, and great fun to play. There's a little melodic solo part further on in the song which is fun too!
  14. I don't know if this applies, but when I asked our guitarist this weekend about the previous bassist: "He was good. REALLY GOOD. I miss him..."
  15. I'm a bit new to the Jazz thing but have recently been taking lessons with a local bass teacher who specialises in Jazz (and also double bass) and it's really opened my eyes. I can feel it improving my playing, and I understand more and more about theory too. I've been working on Autumn Leaves and Song for my Father. That song has such groove! I used to knock Jazz when I was younger (though I still don't get "Free Jazz"...) but I have a newfound respect for it, and a hunger for more now!
  16. Is that "Summer breeze"?
  17. Stranger in a Strange Land - Iron Maiden. Very easy song to play but really satisfying, especially the intro and the little bass solo!
  18. Jam


    Welcome to the forum
  19. A friendly welcome from another Oxonian
  20. I took a group of Japanese schoolkids to Eynsham today, nice little village
  21. [quote name='Paultrader' post='1148979' date='Mar 3 2011, 09:59 PM']I hail from that comfy space between Oxford and Witney![/quote] That could be anywhere! Bladon? Kidlington? Cutteslowe? Summertown?!
  22. Welcome to the forum! Whereabouts in the shire do you hail from? There are a fair few of us on here
  23. Perhaps if you spent less time counting numbers and spent more time playing bass then you'd still be in the band! Seriously though, don't let this get you down. Keep your kit and keep playing at home, play the songs YOU want to play and the right people will come along eventually. If they don't think you're a good player (and I'm sure you are, most people are very modest about their skill), prove them wrong and use this time to get even better than you are now. Blow them out of the water!
  24. Sorry to hear about your dog man, hope you're bearing up.
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