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  1. We could have a competition to see who sticks with the Gary Willis book the longest?:)
  2. Hi Im tempted with this course- Ive been trying for probably the last 15 years to get into the Gary Willis book and every time I end up losing the will to live! I think Scott is actually a great teacher despite all the slagging he gets for his 'youtuber' style so I might go for it. I wonder how much of the course will be borrowed from the willis book though? Maybe we should start a thread for people who take the accelerator course to compare notes how we get on..
  3. Hi Ive got a lovely old German flatback bass which sounds amazing (and much better than my playing). Trouble is that the action is sitting a bit high (15mm E 11mm G) and seems to be a good bit higher than most guys on here. I recently had it repaired by a really good luthier and she was saying that the fingerboard wouldn't be able to take the strings being lowered any more than they are and that replacing the fingerboard would be the only option to get the action lower. The fingerboard is already pretty thin and wouldn't take any re-profiling. Trouble is this would be really expensive and the bass isn't worth loads so Im not sure its worth doing! She did fit a new higher saddle which has eased the string tension slightly and said that the best option might be to look into lower tension strings- it seems that the G string is currently the hardest to play. Has anyone any advice on what to do or string recommendations? Its currently fitted with D'addario Helicore Hybrid, low tension. I currently play both pizz and arco so I wouldn't want to go super low- maybe another 2-3mm. I was wondering about the possibility of bridge adjusters so I could lower the action to the point at which it might start buzzing and raise it slightly from there but not sure this is a good idea! Any advice appreciated! cheers Phil
  4. And i just went and bought it! 70s p vibe with loads of mojo..
  5. Hi Im looking at buying an all original fender p bass that has a 79 neck and an 81 body. The seller has showed me pictures of the insides and it all checks out- from reading the fender site it seems it is pretty common practice that they put necks that had been sitting about for a few years with more recently made bodies. My question is about value- would a bass like this be typically worth less than a regular 79? It's pretty much the best playing/sounding p bass I've tried and from that point of view I'm sold! It's just that if I ever needed to sell it on it would be nice to know what it's worth! Thanks for any info. Phil
  6. Coming from a sound engineer perspective- flatter frequency response cabs are definitely way easier to manage in difficult rooms because you don't have the peaks and troughs in the freg response that may interfere with the rooms modes. That why a decent PA system is always easier to get a good sound than cheaper stuff.. The BB2 goes pretty low but its not boosting the bass freqs- it simply allows you to dial lower frequencies in if you want- if you want more mids and less bass its pretty easy to eq that in too! It seems the thats the way its designed is a starting point for the sound and you just shape it the way you want- just like a decent monitior wedge. Of course an ampeg 810 sounds great- but if your on a stage big enough to have one of those then you'll be hearing plenty of sub coming back from the FOH Pa too. Also you can't carry one with one hand! Also more hi fi cabs show up all the flaws in your playing style so its easy to create a load of mud that way too. Il see how I get on in the next few months though..
  7. So I got the BB2. Ive just had one gig with it so far but it seems like a great cab. You do pretty much get out of it what you put in (although Im not sure its entirely flat sounding) so I can see why some guys might not like it. Its much more like a really good PA speaker (think D& than a traditional bass cab. This is good if your bass is being DI'd to PA so you get a more accurate result of what you sound like out front. I think I prefer it with the horn off though- theres no shortage of top end and I was using a passive j bass with fairly tired strings! It would take your head off if you were using an active bass with the treble boosted.. I definitely don't get the 'too much bass thing either'! Its makes you realise that a lot of cabs are just putting out mids and not actual bottom end- its great to hear the actual low end especially when the fundamental of an open e is 41hz! Will see how I get on over the next few months and how it copes with any dodgy sounding rooms..
  8. Hi does anyone know of any good double bass luthiers in Edinburgh? The guy everyone used to swear by in Portabello has now retired and stringers don't really have anyone that specialises in DB. Chantal Van Lierop in Glasgow is meant to me excellent but it may mean two trips through to Glasgow.. Got an old bass has some rattles that need to be sorted! Thanks Phil
  9. Hi is this still available?
  10. HI Is this still available?
  11. Need to do a wee bit of saving up first but should be able to order one in the next month or so!
  12. Has anyone any thoughts on turning the tweeter off on the BB2? Its supposed to reduce the treble freq response from 10k to 4k- hoping it would be able to go from clean to a bit more old school sounding..
  13. Hi Pete- I hope your well! Are the fearless cabs quite hard to get here in the UK? I quite like that barefaced are based in the UK and that the support seems to be pretty good. Do people tend not to like them as they are too flat sounding? Im getting the impression that they have more the sound of a good PA monitor rather then a coloured bass amp.. Looks like Im going to be buying one new now (unless anyone has one for sale here) so I can always take advantage of the returns policy if it doesnt suit.
  14. Great Im going to needing a new amp head too by the sounds of things! haha..
  15. Good to know it works well with upright too!
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