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Everything posted by kingysilvers

  1. Still for sale? Interested in the classic!
  2. Still for sale? Where abouts in London are you based?
  3. A pretty modest rig compared with most in this thread but thought I'd share anyway:
  4. [quote name='dr Szelma' timestamp='1381310516' post='2237218'] that compressor is very nice for the money! I used to love mine, dull highs were a bit upsetting but apart from that - great tool [/quote] Yeah, I picked it up when GAK had them on offer a while back, if I had to strip my board down to just one pedal that comp would be the one that I kept as I never switch the thing off. It is true what you say about the highs though, it's no big deal for me as I tend to be rolling off the highs everywhere anyway but I can imagine it would be a drawback for some people.
  5. If in doubt, more duct tape:
  6. Ey up, Chris! Fancy running into you here!
  7. My Eastwood EEB-1
  8. Hey all, the band I play in, Arbor Lights ([url="http://arborlights.bandcamp.com"]http://arborlights.bandcamp.com[/url]) will be supporting the mighty Nordic Giants ([url="http://nordicgiants.bandcamp.com/"]http://nordicgiants.bandcamp.com/[/url]) next Thursday, along with Karhide ([url="http://karhide.bandcamp.com"]http://karhide.bandcamp.com[/url]) and We Used To Have Horses ([url="http://weusedtohavehorses.bandcamp.com/"]http://weusedtohaveh...s.bandcamp.com/[/url]). So if you like your post-rock/instrumental stuff please come check it out!
  9. This always is the first thing to spring to mind when I think of 'rays: [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SGJFWirQ3ks[/media]
  10. Haha, that was actually a great reply, I knew there wasn't going to be a simple answer and it was more curiosity rather than looking to re-create that kind of sound. To hear the gigs were the kind of avant garde spectacular I have pictured in my head just makes me very jealous as I will never get to witness one for myself
  11. [font="helvetica, arial, sans-serif"][color="#5a5a5a"][size=3]D'addario Chromes for me [/size][/color][/font]
  12. So I'm currently listening to and thoroughly enjoying the Can "Lost Tapes" box set and it has got me wondering about the rig Holger Czukay would of used during the Can years (I realise that does span a fair period), anybody able to shed some light on this?
  13. Surely if you have two 100w amps you have 200w in total? You would need ten BA115s to get 1000w of power at your disposal.
  14. As a newbie I thought I'd share my rig, only small but it does the job.
  15. "I shout all my obscenities from steeples, but please don't label me a madman. I'm off to see the Bootleg Beatles, as the bootleg Mark Chapman." [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vX6IXq2xLpg"]Half Man Half Biscuit - When The Evening Sun Goes Down[/url]
  16. Your username is most excellent.
  17. Hey all, so I signed up to these forums a while back and then forgot all about my account. After a bit of GAS'ing though I've ended back on here today and decided it's about time I put my account to good use. So yeah, I started playing bass a couple of years back when I joined the band Arbor Lights (shameless plug: [url="http://arborlights.bandcamp.com"]http://arborlights.bandcamp.com[/url]) and quickly had to learn all about the world of bass. First off I had to find a bass sound that I liked and being a bit of a PiL fan I decided I was after that I wanted that Jah Wobble dub kind of thing and went about figuring out how to get it. Anyway, I really took to bass after a short while and now much prefer it to playing guitar, I keep it all pretty simple but getting more and more confident the more I play. Anyway, enough waffling, my current set up is: Ibanez ATK-300 -> Korg Tuner -> Carl Martin Octo Comp -> Bogdan Polish Hate -> Boss BF-2 -> Digitech DL-4 -> Ampeg PF-500 -> Ampeg SVT115e
  18. So my current rig is simply a PF-500 powering an SVT115e, like the sound and despite the small size I don't have any issues gigging it. That said I wouldn't mind a 210 for when practising or playing bigger gigs, so I was just wondering if anybody had ran these two together and how it went? Also would be interested in any alternative (cheapish) 210s people would recommend.
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