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Everything posted by Bass_In_Yer_Face

  1. is this at half speed?
  2. [quote name='Lfalex v1.1' post='153533' date='Mar 8 2008, 11:29 AM']I have a 2004 MIA S-1 Jazz. It's lovely and I wouldn't be without it. Conversely, I own a (modded) Squier 70's VMJ and that's excellent, too. I've played good and bad MIM Jazzes. Find a good 'un, and they're fine. I've not tried CIJ, but people seem to think highly of them. All the Highway 1 models I've tried (both P and J) give the MIAs a run for their money. Do be aware that the American standard has changed [i]again[/i], with the addition of newer colours, the loss of S-1 switching (a matter of opinion), and the new "High Mass Vintage" Bridge design. As ever... Try before you buy, and if you find a winner, run off with it before someone else does! Here's my two; MIA VMJ with a BadAssII. After the photo, it gained black controls and DR Miller FatBeam Strings[/quote] I've got this exact one with the natural finish. I play nothing else now it's knocks spots of everything else I have.
  3. Some of the Pixies stuff has very simple bass lines but make the song. I'm thing 'Monkey's gone to heaven' or 'gigantic'
  4. [quote name='allighatt0r' post='152456' date='Mar 6 2008, 03:51 PM']Thin Lizzy - Chinatown The main riff is fairly easy and a good bit of fun, and the intro run down is very challenging speed wise, I'm still working on it. [url="http://www.bassmasta.net/t/thin_lizzy/138616.html"]Chinatown Tab[/url] [url="http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=gipG6jTb1Zs"]Youtube Link[/url] Steve Miller Band - Jungle Love An almost funk rock song, i haven't actually started learning this yet, but i very much intend to. [url="http://www.bassmasta.net/s/steve_miller_band,_the/156845.html"]Jungle Love Tab[/url] [url="http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=u86uIm0dgZQ"]Youtube Link[/url] That's the two i have my sights set on right now....[/quote] Jungle Love is a great track and it's a cracking bass line...I might have a go at that.
  5. I am currently to broke to pay for lessons and I am struggling to find new tracks to practice. I wondered what everyone else was playing to give me some ideas.
  6. [quote name='Johngh' post='151936' date='Mar 5 2008, 06:47 PM']YYZ by Rush, I can play some Rush stuff, but I've never had the time to figure this one out. However the wife is off to Brazil for a month to see her folks in two weeks time, so I'm going to crack this tune while she is away ! +1 for Rhythm Stick as well, very tricky ![/quote] Oh man YYZ. What a track. My tutor couldn't even get all the way through that!
  7. [quote name='allighatt0r' post='151933' date='Mar 5 2008, 06:43 PM']I honestly don't know... I wonder if they ever bothered making other songs... they obviously deserved to be more than one hit wonders I didn't notice Jimmy before... I'll have to watch and take a closer look...[/quote] May I recommend listening to the Spiderbait version of 'Black Betty' and hold onto your ears
  8. [quote name='Crazykiwi' post='152086' date='Mar 5 2008, 10:44 PM']I haven't actually heard the original of that, only the version that was played at the 1987 Princes Trust Gala by... ...mmm, Mark King of all people.[/quote] I spotted Mick Karn playing at a few of those early ones.
  9. [quote name='SJA' post='151640' date='Mar 5 2008, 12:25 PM']Mick Karn- the fretless tone, attack and the way he does slides. a funny aside- on Derek Forbes' new band Four Good Men's forum, there was a discussion of the current Simple Minds album- I remarked that Eddie Duffy's bassline on "stay visible" sounded a lot like Derek- he replied-"if it sounds like me, that's because it IS me!" - he played on a couple of tracks, only they didn't credit him. -it's the way he plays with a pick- rhythmically busy with lots of dead notes.[/quote] I was going to say Mick Karn but I mention him all the time so I didn't!...some of the mid -eighties Pino stuff sounds a lot like MK. Are Derek Forbe's new outfit any good?...i love that early simple minds stuff
  10. ...just played 'Why' by Carly Simon. Loved the bass on it and without looking it up, you can just tell it's Bernard Edward's magic touch again.....and I was correct. Are there any other bassists that are so obvious you can tell them without looking?
  11. I am still trying to get passed the Bristol Rovers bit as I am a Saints fan
  12. [quote name='lazzer' post='140636' date='Feb 14 2008, 08:58 PM']Many years ago, I advertised my Aria SB1000 for sale in the Hull Daily Mail and took a phone call from a guy that wanted to try it.. I duly set my bass gear up in my Dad's garage and waited for the doorbell to ring. On opening the door I was surprised to see not just one lad, but several. They all trooped through my folks house, down the garden and into the garage....... "are you a band" I says, "yeah we are and we've just been given a record deal and a bit of cash to spend" one of 'em regailed, "cool, what are you called?" I nonchalantly enquired. "The Housemartins!" said the spokesman........ Well, I played a bit for them, they bought the bass and the rest is pop history! Lazzer :-)[/quote] I know who to blame for the creation of the Beautiful South now
  13. [quote name='Thunderthumbs' post='140219' date='Feb 14 2008, 12:19 PM']Doh! That'll teach me to read posts properly! I, of course, [b]did[/b] state all the obvious ones. Oh well, still great all the same [/quote] Yeah thansk anyway....i've got most of those.....may I add 'My old piano' by Diana Ross to that list.
  14. [quote name='bubinga5' post='140207' date='Feb 14 2008, 12:13 PM']Bass in yer face, i know u said not the obvious chic, but one to check out is Chic's, 'Forbidden Lover'. The groove hits you straight away!!! [/quote] Excellent that's the sort of stuff I was after i'll check it out.
  15. Borrowed the wife's disco cd to play in the car this morning. Just discovered a Chic song called 'I Want You Love'. I've never heard it before but OMFG what a bass line from Mr Edwards again.....it's been stuck in my head all morining and what a tone. I think he was famous for not swapping the strings on his Stingray ever. It's not difficult to see why Stu Zender said he was a huge influence on his playing. Does anyone have any other tracks worth checking out by Bernard Edwards ? (not the obvious Chic / Sister Sledge / Diana Ross I mean).
  16. I remember seing that footage on The Tube recently. As said earlier, the bass player had his Stingray up around his chin somewhere a la Mark King as was the fashion back then...I think the guy from Talk Talk & Andy McClusky used to play a bit like that as well...an anti Hooky! I seem to remember him being quite small as the Stingray looked huge! That reminds me of a great quote from Peter Hook who was asked why he slung his bass so low. "Otherwise I'd look like that **** from Level 42"
  17. [quote name='Thunderthumbs' post='138982' date='Feb 12 2008, 05:46 PM']"Doh!" as Homer would say. I once did the same thing in front of Andy Rourke of The Smiths, and he stopped me to correct me where I'd gone wrong.[/quote] I think I'd have been doing the Wayne's World "We are not worthy" bit at that stage.
  18. I would have shaken his hand and said...thanks for the bass line of 'Runaway' ...it is one of my favourites.
  19. [quote name='Jimbo' post='136110' date='Feb 7 2008, 10:08 PM']Cool stuff - didn't tell me who played bass on Lalo Schifrin's original score for Dirty Harry though - am I just rubbish at using t'interweb?[/quote] Just looked up who played on 'My Old Piano' by Diana Ross which I am currently learning. Love the bass on it and always thought it was Bernard Edwards who produced the album.....now it's telling me Nathan Watts was on the album as well....doh!
  20. [quote name='Shaggy' post='134094' date='Feb 5 2008, 08:49 AM']I missed that R2 programme, meant to hear it as I saw both Magazine and McGeogh-era Banshees live and adored them. McGeogh, Adamson, and Formula were an absolutely unique musical unit – nothing like them before or since - and although Howard Devoto’s whiny vocals can irritate he sure could write songs. Barry Adamson was probably the main influence on my bass playing. Although no virtuoso – he has quite a spare style of playing – his timing and soulful, funky basslines are just so spot on and fuse so wonderfully with McGeogh’s jagged guitar sound and Formula’s swirling keyboards. Also the only reason I ever bought a bass deliberately because of a player to get a similar sound – my Ovation Magnum, although I went for a fretless.[/quote] Yes the Ovation Magnum is pretty unique looking bass.
  21. [quote name='BigRedX' post='132559' date='Feb 2 2008, 02:01 PM']The whole of the album is as if someone discovered some unreleased JD tracks and decided to mix them with a slightly more modern production. Derivative but damn good fun! You may also enjoy [url="http://www.cut-city.com/"]Cut City[/url][/quote] Cut City are pretty good also.....got any more?
  22. Recently listened to the Radio 2 documentay about the vastly under rated guitartist the late-great John McGeoch. I have been a big fan of his work with the Banshees / Armoury Show / PIL but except for ‘Shot By Both Sides’ , I wasn’t aware of his early stuff with Magazine. Over the weekend I got some Magazine CD’s and I was amazed to find out how good the bass lines were by Barry Adamson. Sounds like some fretless work going on. Can anyone suggest anymore Barry Adamson stuff….?
  23. It's pretty much a Mark King solo show these days isn't it? Saw them on the Running In The Family tour and The '89 tour when all the original members had left. It was good first time round and rubbish second. I remember thinking that the guitarist (Alan Murphy) looked ill and he died of aids!
  24. [quote name='BigRedX' post='128207' date='Jan 26 2008, 12:42 PM']Good thread! This one's really got me thinking. It sounds like I'm from the same age as the OP and I'm missing the same things as he is in 'popular' contemporary music. Each year I do a CD of new tracks I've enjoyed for my musically inclined friends, so I just had a look through to see if there were any bass hero contenders... Unfortunately for a start at least half the tracks don't feature any 'real' bass guitar. The bass is either synth or sampled loops. And on most of the other tracks the bass playing while sympathetic to the feel of the song is in a strictly supporting role only. There's some great songwriting, singing and even guitar playing, but not too much in the way of interesting bass guitar. However there are three tracks where bass guitar plays a major role in the song and is a great bass line too. So I present for your enjoyment: "Here Are The Roses" by Dragons: OK so it's very Joy Division, but in the absence of the real thing I think, it's an acceptable substitute and certainly an improvement over Interpol or The Editors. "Tonyte" by Chrome Hoof Giles Peterson's introduction says it all... "Another Chance" by Mothernight There's better and more prominent bass on some of the other tracks off their album but this has great guitar/bass interplay where the two parts fit perfectly together to form a riff that would be lacking without the other...[/quote] Good shout on The Dragons track...I like it. Hope Ian Curtis & Dave Gahan's lawyers aren't watching mind. Remind me a bit of late Jesus & Marychain
  25. [quote name='flip' post='129263' date='Jan 28 2008, 01:37 PM']I tend to agree with Toasted, just because they're not on MTV doesn't mean they don't exist. I've always found that the most inspirational music had to be found rather than being handed to you on a plate, but maybe that's just me. I listed a few earlier, but in case you missed them here's an expanded list; Kings Of Leon, Bloc Party, Biffy Clyro, Against Me!, Muse, Dillinger Escape Plan, We Are Scientists, Minus The Bear, Rancid, Alkaline Trio, Hot Water Music, The Dismemberment Plan, Six Going On Seven, At The Drive-In, The Matches, Bad Religion, Les Savy Fav, Constantines, Mastodon, Fireside, Sick Of It All, Billy Talent, These Arms Are Snakes, Rise Against... I guess it's entirely subjective but I think this thread has got a bit mixed up between bassists with swagger and attitude as originally listed and bassists with chops. I'm still trying to work out where The Fratellis, The View, The Feeling and 3 Doors Down fit into the equation... [/quote] I think we'll have to put it down to a generation thing, I tried every band and I didn't like any of them I'm afraid....execept The Kings Of Leon and Hysteria by Muse which I liked anyway.
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