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Everything posted by Defo

  1. Yep, played TE amps 'back in the day' and know the tone, just don't be afraid to roll off the mids and you'll find it. Bass you are playing matters too I think, a Stingray really does the trick, a passive with flatwounds less so.
  2. That’s cool, just goes to show how versatile these basses are
  3. It does feel that way, definitely kind of ‘square’ but I’m not sure if it just feels that way because of the width
  4. It is noticeably thinner but still feels substantial - probably not for moshers and metal/crossover types. I play in a prog band and an 80s covers band and it gives me no problems
  5. Yep
  6. Yep, it's the Bass direct one, Bahama Blue, I can't stop staring at it!
  7. Doug Wimbish signature, custom order so only one of its kind. I had a DW sig about ten years ago and stupidly traded it in, big regrets... Good to be back in the saddle
  8. Squier Affinity or Classic Vibe - I still use them now alongside Warwicks, Musicman, Mayones....
  9. I've been doing this for years with a Hartke HD50 which I use as a monitor for my backing vocals
  10. I stick a Trace Elliot Elf in my pocket in case my Tecamp goes down (not that it ever has)
  11. Serial number starts with 3 so I guess it's an '83!
  12. That's interesting, thanks I think it was sold to me as an '86 (not that it matters) - will do some digging
  13. Aria R80, 1986. Look at the grain on that.
  14. Always fancied one, would you play rock/pop covers on it or is it too refined?
  15. Never going anywhere, the complete bass
  16. Letting the side down there old chap, you need a healthy dose of GAS
  17. Hondo Deluxe Series 830 Aria RSB Deluxe II Charvel 575 Deluxe Ibanez SR800 Fretless Jaydee Mark King Washburn Status - Still Have Warwick Corvette Rockbass 5 String Fender MIM Jazz Ibanez SR505 Ibanez DWB3 Doug Wimbish Signature Spector Legend Custom 5 String Fender US Precision Musicman Stingray 4H - Still Have Spector Doug Wimbish Signature Fender US Jazz Deluxe Musicman Bongo 4HH - Still Have Fodera LG Dingwall ABZ Dingwall Combustion 5 String Squier Affinity PJ - Still Have Ibanez MC924 Musician - Still Have Aria R80 - Still Have Warwick Thumb Fretless - Still Have Mayones Jabba - Still Have Squier CV 60s Jazz - Still Have
  18. Anyone who has snaffled a Squier Classic Vibe 60s Jazz knows it is in every sense a 'pro' instrument, don't care how much it cost.
  19. Jeff Berlin plays a Cort Gary Willis plays an Ibanez
  20. This - A luthier quality bass with astounding tonal range (for a passive) and so so so playable. Mine is the smoothest bass I have ever played. Even if it's £600 sell the wife and make it yours. Also if you can get anywhere near an Ibanez Musician you will have an alembic quality bass that never ever disappoints
  21. Whatever you do don't dump the Tecamp, they will become very much sought after before too long, incredible heads
  22. I think a "help me find" section on the site would be cool
  23. Try a Volto, no plugged power supply needed, fits underneath pedaltrains
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