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Everything posted by Defo

  1. Sweet!! Santa knows his stuff
  2. Merry Christmas!
  3. I picked up an Affinity PJ out of curiosity and bought it on the spot, for 200 i was amazed by the quality and sounds - I play it every day
  4. Whoops, missed the news of your buy - it’s beautiful, welcome to the club
  5. I have a Combustion and an ABZ, the ABZ is the superior machine, playability is amazing and build quality best ive seen. However, the Combustion is just a load of fun, again build quality is amazing, sound/playability fab. I did an a/b/c against a Spector Euro5LX and a Roscoe 5 down at Bass Direct and the Combustion won hands down. I voted for the AB1 but I’m starting to think that what you are after is the Combustion...
  6. Adam Clayton prefers Jazz necks on his Precisions
  7. Try the bass Tube Screamer
  8. Do you want it to colour your sound? - this is not necessarily a bad thing, an EBS Multicomp will add some edge (Timmy C uses one) for example. If you want something transparent to bring out the tone of your instrument then the Super Symmetry is probably as good as ytou’re Going to get in a stomp box.
  9. Hartke HD50 is versatile and loud enough with an inbuilt limiter
  10. I’m thinking of getting one just to be able to have something in my gigbag in case my Tecamp head goes down - 2 minutes and all’s good
  11. Well tempted but a lot of real estate on a board?
  12. I use a Multicomp or a Super Symmetry. Multicomp for rock, Symmetry for everything else I will be playing with the SS for decades
  13. I don't think you will be disappointed either way mate, those cabs are pure quality
  14. Try a MXR M81, preamp pedal with 3 band eq and sweepable mids, switches in pretty much any eq you want
  15. +1 for the Tecamp Puma (although we do seem to always go for the amp we're currently playing don't we?) I tried the AH500 but it was too "neutral", played Hartke for a few years, Ashdown before that, then we're off into the realms of history.... Fact was every time I tried a bass out at Bass Direct and took it home it just didn't sound as good so I eventually went back and bought the rig they were putting me through, Tecamp and Vanderkley, been a few years now and no amp GAS!
  16. I'm in West Yorkshire mate
  17. Trust me mate they are other worldly. I use mine with a Tecamp head, I get so many compliments on "smooth but punchy" tone.
  18. Stunning, mine will never leave me
  19. Chorus, Boss - easy.
  20. Defo

    Which Fuzz help?

    Sounds to me like you might want to at least try a Bass TubeScreamer, they're a bit of an acquired taste to many, I use one for a cover of Transmission, never found another that can match it for that 80s punk funk
  21. Never tried most of these mentioned but very happy with my MXR, two distinct tones, either funk or prog.
  22. Did you think about the MXR deluxe fuzz? It just dials in the fuzz over the higher frequencies and lets you keep the meat of your tone, it's almost like a synth in some ways, I have used mine with an octave pedal for Levin kind of stuff
  23. Defo

    Daft Question

    Thank you, seemed to make sense to me but I hear so much about the necessity for a dedicated DI, I have a MXR M81 which does the job very well too
  24. I've fancied either them or a Carbine set up for years but too big and i've got used to carting miniature cabs round and i like it. Maybe when i get that world tour with roadies......
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