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Everything posted by Defo

  1. Defo

    Daft Question

    Can my Darklass Vintage Deluxe with Direct Output reliably replace a DI box when going direct to PA live?
  2. Interested in trades?
  3. Hi folks, decided I'm only after a trade for a fretless, thanks for the interest but if I can't trade for that I'll keep her Andy
  4. Interested in trades?
  5. Interested in trades?
  6. Interested in trades?
  7. The 30w bass version was my first amp, about as loud as my radio
  8. Black with hint of silver metallic, not transparent so no grain seen - I see you have a fretless Thumb.....
  9. Hi Mate, from what I can see there's no routing for 3rd pickup
  10. [quote name='krispn' timestamp='1500041768' post='3335317'] The year of production is the give away to determine the route or just peek under the pick guard. [/quote] Thanks mate, what years have what this chap is after? Thanks Andy
  11. Hiya, photos attached. No idea about the pickup routing, sorry.
  12. Will consider cash for sure
  13. Perfect nick, rarely gets played so moving on. Particularly interested in a fretless but open to suggestions
  14. Dingwall Combustion V?
  15. Dingwall Combustion V plus a EBS MultiComp / Zoom B3?
  16. What trades are you after?
  17. Trades?
  18. Interested in trade? I'm looking for a fretless trade against my Dingwall Combustion 5, plus I live in Hudds!
  19. It's really hard if you're used to having a nice warm stack or punchy combo by your feet, we all grew up in a symbiotic relationship like that didn't we? At the end of the day what matters is the right responsiveness going back into your ears, if your monitors can do that then great, that said what monitors can give you what a £2000 stack you've spent decades working up to can do?
  20. If you want to keep costs reasonable you can't do better than a Hartke HD50
  21. Friday nights rig
  22. I use a puma 900, punchy and smooth, the taste control is not a gimmick, can match you to a room in seconds. I run it through Vanderkley cabs.
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