Right to cut a long story short,
(need help mainly with a dirty/overdrive/distortion sound?)
I'm not a huge effects guy.
Iv'e had the me50b, ODB3 etc.. but always found myself just using a clean sound because i cant seem the find that right gritty tone for me, in the current band i play in.. i know in places a nice bit of grit in my sound will go a far way. So on the weekend i went out and brought the Blackstar HT Distx, tonight when i got to rehearsal i couldn't stop messing around with it. I just can't seem to be happy, so like before i went back to just using my clean tone on my MXR Di+ (the mxr also has a distortion effect that i can't seem to get right)
So i'm wondering, Is it me doing something wrong? am i not setting the things up correctly. i need advice!
The sound im after is, nothing to OTT just a little bit of dirt to give me that "edge" when I feel the need for it, i could always double up the distx and also use the distortion on the mxr if i ever feel like going that one step further. But may i also add, i still want to be heard... when i found an OKish tone, i was getting drowned out by the guitars.. i may aswell of gone home...
Gear im using..:
Spector Legend 5
Hartke LH500 - Settings (taken from tonights rehearsal: Bass - 7, Mid - 9, Treble - 4, Bright and Limiter - Both OFF)
Hartke Hydrive 410's
MXR DI+ - Settings (taken from tonights rehearsal: Bass - 12 o'clock, Mid - 3 o'clock, Treble - 10'oclock, Color - OFF - i used to always run this with the color function on, but tonight it sounded a little muddy)
DISTX - Obviously don't have settings for that, i was trying everything with pretty lowish gain.. as i said, i only want a nice touch of dirt in my sound!
I have it set up like this... ( Bass -> Boss Tu3 -> Distx -> Di+ -> LH500 )
Any help would be appreciated.
Many thanks,