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Everything posted by EmmanuelFolo

  1. hey ebs freak how you know rick, do you go to watch him at troy atall?
  2. Thanks again Mark uve been really helpfull im going to get cracking with transcribing them gospel tunes cheers Emmanuel
  3. Kl Im going to give it a go, ive tried in the past but i couldn't stick to one song there was way to many that had tasty lines i was dumb founded. one thing i need to clear up is are the runs, are they do all in da scale that the song is in? A good gospel CD to listen to is Lisa McClendon really sweet grooves and licks. I have to much gospel on my mac i think i need to just pick one and wrestle with it. BeLowm if you give me your email i could send you some stuff and maybe we could both get cracking on it and see how each of us are doing and help each other out same goes for you mcgraham check leave ya emails. good luck Cheers Emmanuel
  4. hey i enjoy playing a lot of gospel music and i also play for a few churches i just wonted to speak to someone who is into the same type of music and knew how to put together them crazy runs you hear them do cheers
  5. Thank you so much find are alot clearer now cheers
  6. Hello guys could someone please explain the following definitions to me and there importance Tonic, Subdomiant and Dominate 7th Cheers
  7. whoops i meant what*
  8. hey can some one explain to me where the importances of learning scales forms? is that how runs are created?
  9. hey guys I wont to buy a KSD 705, im from London and I was wondering if any one knew a store where i could purchase one and how much do they go for roughly? cheers Emmanuel
  10. what you mean? i should set up a link where people from abroad can get dame basses? sounds interesting
  11. cheers mate
  12. hey guys was wondering where i could get my hands on a levys gig bag, ive tried websites but they dont ship to the uk which is sad also does anyone know where i can get my hands on a dame bass cheers
  13. lol you guys are funny
  14. wow i never knew the way i typed would cause such a stir i wonted help not to be told how bad my typing was, next time ill type it in word first for you guys. Anywho thanks for the guys that gave me advice keep em coming! Ill let you guys know how its going. and to the guy that wonted to know about troy come tuesdays (open mic) or fridays (jazz). Oh went to the illest reheasal today in The Premesis up hackney jammed a little but mostly watched see what i could learn. was there from 10am to 11pm mad tired just got in learned quite a bit if you happen 2 be in piccadly circus on the 3rd come 2 barrumba i think thats how you spell it but who cares
  15. hey wats ur email i can help you out wit ya bass playigng if you have skype of anything my emails [email protected]
  16. Hey guy names emmanuel been playing the bass for about 7 months now had a blast from learning to play ( bass is the best instrument ever anywho im 18 from London. the music I enjoying listening to and playing to is alot of R&B, Jazz and Gospel urm kinda reached the point where im a little frusrtated with my playing cause i aint really learnt noting new. you kno them moments where you just started playing and like everytime you pick it up some thing jus clicks and your like "oh yeah" and it takes your playing to another stage for example jus learning all the notes on da fret board and where dey are and the diffferent patterens thats makes thing just that easiyer. but yeah i aint gotten no more oh yeahs which is a little upsetting there this really nice bar i got to up old street called the troy bar wicked place guys like dean mark (craig davids bass player) and rick james (daniel bedingfield bass player) and a few other slick musicans come down and jam and i so wanna jam with them but juss afriad that my playing aint up to scratch so i juss sit back and watch. anyways i need some excerise do to guys urm sum warm up i need to be enlightened i try play to songs but i cant seem to stick to one song i have to much of a selection and when i can do one i move to another thinking its ganna be easiyer. so guys i need your help gimme some advice maybe hopefully one day it will be your advice thats make me one of the best hehe ! cheers
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