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Everything posted by Rick05

  1. Thanks so much. That Ashdown looks like a great option, what cab would you suggest to pair with this?
  2. Hi All, Thanks for checking out this topic, apologies in advance as I maybe asking a lot of basic questions so wanted to put in a bit of background first. In the past I have mainly played gigs and rehearsed in places that have already had an amp, or I have used a DI input, so mainly focused my spending on basses and my effects board. I do own a small fender rumble 40W and a very old 250W trace Elliott GP7SM combo, but it weighs a ton and isn’t really ideal to cart around, so thinking of selling this and investing in something better and lighter. Currently I am in a heavy rock band that are starting to play bigger gigs where I think it would be better to bring my own amp and am looking at the best options. I really like my pedal board setup and especially the tone I get from my darkglass x ultra so I think I need an amp with a good transparent sound rather than any distortion itself. At this stage I’m not sure if a combo or head and cab would be best? My thinking would be a head and cab so I do have the option one if it’s required, but please correct me if that’s not right. Looking around at reviews the Aguilar tonehammer 500 looked a good option but not sure what cab would be best suited. Though if there are other head suggestions I am happy all recommendations. Thanks again for reading through all of this and any and all advice is welcome. Thanks, Rick
  3. Would love to have one of these but agree on the $$. The earthQuaker dispatch master does a great job though
  4. Great track, it has some really cool grooves in there. Nice one!
  5. Hi, My band Night Thieves released an EP last year called Spiral and is available on all streaming platforms. The two singles from it are below. I would love to hear what you guys think! If you like it please subscribe or like us on instagram/Facebook etc. Thanks, Rick
  6. Thanks, that’s really good to know and will check with the luthier. Iv paid the deposit on the bass and will pay the full amount when it is built, but will just check on local VAT.
  7. Ok thanks, I wasn’t aware of that but it’s something I’ll have to accept. im paying in Euros but fairly good exchange rate at the moment through the bank. In terms of the VAT etc, will that come straight from customs? Just wondering how and when I will pay that.
  8. Thanks. this is the first bass Iv bought from abroad, so not aware of this additional cost. Is this a shipping or a customs charge? iv been quoted an amount for the bass and shipping by the luthier, so is this a cost on top of that?
  9. I have an earthquaker dispatch Mayer and really love it. It only has one reverb and then the option to delay it but the reverb tone is lovely. Also it’s really great fun to use the delay settings to ‘warp’ the sound.
  10. Loving this, the music is right up my street. Brilliant bass tone and production overall!
  11. It felt like a normal progression moving from logic to GarageBand. Tried a free version of protools and I just didn’t get on with it
  12. Thanks, the only wood I’m looking at from the cities list is bubinga
  13. That’s really great to know! Thank you so much for this. Also a huge thanks to everyone on the thread for answering these questions. really happy to get this cleared up and know I can still get the woods I want in the bass without any extra charges or red tape.
  14. Awesome, did the buyer have to complete anything or is the form just on the side of the seller?
  15. Thanks, so from all the replies today and reading around this issue it looks like I should be ok getting a bass made with bubinga and getting it shipped from Italy to the UK, with no issues.
  16. Thanks. Is this still an issue now musical instruments are exempt from CITIES?
  17. Thanks that’s awesome. So there should be no problem in getting the bass built for me in Italy shipped to the UK even if it has bubinga in it? I’ll check with the luthier as well but thank you for this
  18. Hi All, iv been looking through this thread and wanted to ask if anyone knows if the CITIES regulations are affected by Brexit? im currently in the process of ordering a bass from Italy that has some bubinga laminations in the neck and saw this is listed under the restrictions. As I don’t want to risk my bass getting stuck on import I think I might as the luthier to use a different wood to be safe. But wanted to ask if anyone has any experience on this?
  19. Are these issues with the seller and not Ibanez itself? Real shame they are coming to the customer like this
  20. Hi, I cam across this thread and I just like to add that I would really recommend Terry. I got a 3 basses fixed up by him, all for different reasons and they all now play perfectly. He managed to look at all 3 within a week and he was brilliant. glowing recommendation from me.
  21. Update: thanks for all the comments on this. Iv had a talk with the factory and I’m going for a wenge-bubinga neck with birdseye maple fretboard. Really excited to see how it turns out
  22. That’s awesome to know, thanks. Love that finish on the Cort. Looking at pairing the wenge and maple neck with a swamp ash body.
  23. Love it! Thank you! im going to speak to the guys in the factory and see what they think, but it sounds like a match made in heaven for me
  24. Glad you got it sorted. I’m in the market for a headless bass and I almost got the ibanez but the one I found in store was sold before I could get round to trying it. After looking around I’m thinking about getting one an custom one from the link below and I’m really excited by it. https://www.overloadguitars.com/products/achilles-multiscale
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