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The Burpster

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Everything posted by The Burpster

  1. [quote name='Crazykiwi' post='46846' date='Aug 17 2007, 01:45 PM']If God had meant for us to work with plastics, he would have given us vacuum molding buttocks and xacto blades for fingernails. [/quote] You mean you can't crush Walnuts with your butt cheeks? I'd heard you could? Personally I get thru' 3 diamond cut-off discs a week cutting my fingernails so that I dont severe my D'addarios when playing, so maybe I'm half-way there?
  2. Its together, the neck is just.......... :wub: Pics at the weeeknd.....
  3. I think its about time I did a 'what to look for in your first bass' thread.....? B.
  4. By no means think of me as typical, as I have a history of GAS for the female of our species. Hence I find myself 45yrs old and having been divorced 3 times... ( long story and not for here, but its not as bad as it sounds) I admit to being selfish, as I have not planned to have children at any point in my life, and as soon as I was allowed, (NHS are funny about that !) I had the op to make sure I couldn't! Now, selecting partners based on those criteria is like any other form of contract or negotiation. 1. let emotions get the better of you, 2. Put them in check and decide if its what you really want and can you afford it, 3. Negotiate open and clearly about what your life priorities are, & 4. if they are not filled completely, be prepared to walk away however much the short term pain might be. You may think I'm cold and callous, and to some degree you'd be right, however, I am also very genrous with my time, skills and material possesions...... Where does this fit in above? I dont always agree with my partner, but we TALK issues through. I dont always want what she does but we NEGOTIATE common ground. We may not agree with how the other deals with financial decsions but unless it effects both of us we are free to do as we please with our OWN money and possesions. Any realationship should be based on openess and honesty...... We both have GAS but for different things....... I guess that isnt typical then....?
  5. Hummmn On an instrument whose whole being depends on metallic movement through a magnetic field, I wonder at the wisdom of having magnets strong enough to hold a cover plate on, near to pick ups and elctronics......? So my question would be does it affect the pups and subsequently the tone?
  6. Well folks the project is nearing completion, and I will put some pics on when its done...... Receipe? Take one well used 1981 Ibanez Blazer, dissect, dress frets, rebuild with the finest (IMHO) new components and, re wire. Set up, rout & fit jack socket. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I apologise for 'schaller catalogue' approach to parts but, they work..... Schaller BML tuners --"--- 3D Bridge --"--- PBX pup --"--- Straplocks Switchcraft electrics and jack plate. Hand crafted scratch plate. D'addario Chromes (what else?) Enjoy.......
  7. It was only 8 years after they put a man on the moon for petes sake.... ;-) I'm impressed they could get in teh body at all!
  8. Ibanez kit should never be overlooked, or dissmissed out of hand........ These are no exception, Very pretty!
  9. Just another Jazz copy will be just that ........ With everybody striving to get specific Jazzes as it is, they may do themselves out of a lot of sales if thats how they go...... Without going too overboard, they might want to think outside the box a little to give them someting of an 'individuality' MAYBE something along the lines of a Fender Jaguar copy(ligther smaller bodied Por J variant) but still looking vaugely Fenderish may give them something that isnt around at the moment......? Several folks of late have been hankering after Jags and unless they are very patient or have very deep wallets they are dissapointed..... As for using the shape of the above guitar, IMO whilst it will appeal to some, they wont be huge numbers, and it seems at the moment there is lots of options available for most players.... Food for thought....?
  10. Me thinks he'd been on the pop or maybe mind bending halucinogens when he wrote this add..... Or maybe its Amy Winehouse on a good day ....
  11. A trad V and a reverse V would look pretty cool on stage tho'..... >>>>>>>>>>> <<<<<<<<<<<<<
  12. [quote name='Muppet' post='44079' date='Aug 11 2007, 01:16 AM']More sophisticated, intelligent ladies are always drawn to the bass player. They appreciate subtle understatement. Unless you're slapping.[/quote] Rhubarb! They are attracted to us because we have incredble touch and dexterity, and know how to release monsterous earth moving sounds from small inanimate objects...... Has a parellel on the female human anatomy somewhere but I'll be jiggered if I can find it!
  13. [quote name='parker_muse' post='43969' date='Aug 10 2007, 08:02 PM']Oooooh Im pleasantly suprised! Why aren't they considered to be one of the biggest and best manufacterors then? Thanks, Parker[/quote] PM, Its all about fashion...... Dean make very nice guitars, however much like ESP they intentionally aim their products at the 'metal market' ! Now imagine turning up to a black tie wedding party to play covers, with your DimeBag Darrel replica, black eyemake up and dreadlocks..... Would you be able to play the baslines? Yup, but they'd look at you like you'd just shi* in a Martini glass...... Now would you get twanged out the rehersal room of your thrash band with a Louisville slugger, if you turned up with a bog std '61 Fender P? I very much doubt it.... Any more capable bass than a Brand new Dean? Well thats open to opinion, but ultimately its about putting a set of strings, over pick ups and through an amp...... Just watch Mtv for a few hours and take in what the bassists play, I'd put money on, 7/10 would be playing Fenders or P/J variants..... I guess there is just a much higher proportion of us on here that play a variety of genres and much fewer 'metal only' players, hence they dont seem so popular...... Popularity is no guarantee of quality.... and the inverse is true !!!!!! Does that help ?
  14. Chop a piece out and burn it, Alder burns slower..... Good grief, does it realy matter? sounds like someone is being pernicaty to me.....!
  15. Too much Lemming Oil is as bad as not enough.... Of course this depends on how muchand where you play. You should have an idea if the board looks dry or grubby, and if it is grubby really you should clean it before you put nice new oil on... Breath on the fingerboard up close and wipe any dead skin/animals/fagends/radioactive fallout off and then apply a light covering of Lemming Oil. Allow to dry and gently buff.... (the fingerboard silly!). If you're worried about the state of the board but dont wantto change the strings, its really not a problem to just undo them at the head end, tidy them so they dont scratch anything and do the job on the neck. IMO folks get a wee bit paranoid about taking strings off..... B.
  16. I can see why that neck looks loverly....
  17. Eddie, Yes PM me and I'll refer you to them......
  18. Hey Kris you numbone guy, me love you looong time! :wub:
  19. [quote name='Beedster' post='42770' date='Aug 8 2007, 09:55 AM'](although I'd recommend that you never buy a guitar with more strings than you have fingers on your fretting hand)[/quote] Chris, Eddie might be from Lincolnshire, in which case he may actually be able to fret all 6 strings!
  20. Well, heres a start.... on ebay....! #200137743880 Eddie, if you really get stuck I can put you in touch with a US shop that deal with Peavey and can get you pretty much anything! bob
  21. [quote name='SiOfBass' post='42696' date='Aug 7 2007, 11:44 PM']...but at least im prettier than my guitarist[/quote] I believe you will find most bassists are the 'strong silent' type..... [u]MUCH [/u]more reliable than the flakey extrovert types that are guitarists......
  22. and lots more pennies than my Hohner......
  23. Good lad...... Impact driver near a guitar? Woooooo hoooooo easy tiger!
  24. Personally I'm a fan of "basses should be heard, and not seen" if the drummers and guitarists live and die by the inverse of that comment then fine I have no problem with it. Could Guitarists sound anywhere near as good without us providing foundation and power to their twiddly iddly iddly bits? proabably, but they wouldnt enjoy it and they'd soon get bored ! Could drummers sound so good without us adding a tuned voice to their rythym? Probably but agian it would sound flat ! Even kinds of music in which we dont play (ie 'drum an bass' dance/hip hop) has a foundation on which the tone would and could, be generated by us....... And what other instrument is a welcome in pretty much any genre of music as is ours? I only play bass, only want to play bass, and frankly am quite happy with any label stuck to me as long as it includes the word bass! Is that dense or niaive?
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