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The Burpster

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Everything posted by The Burpster

  1. Kinsman make one a big hard one...... Ooooeeer missus. Check JHS website for thier availablity.
  2. DB.... I believe you may get more response from those peeps in teh repairs and Techie forum so I'll pop you in there... Chaps and chapesses.......Help for the above please? ( I cant count above 4 when it comes to strings )
  3. MD, JHS are the importers for Danelectro.... [url="http://www.jhs.co.uk/home.htm"]http://www.jhs.co.uk/home.htm[/url] Serious eye candy on there, also you can get a list of dealers. Enjoy...
  4. Rich- your wish is my command...... orf you go to general bass disscussion! Enjoy, B.
  5. Jimmy, Any joy with the serial numbers yet? B.
  6. Wazz, I can think of several reasons why they MIGHT have done it but dont know why they ACTUALLY did it..... I guess the only way to find that out for sure might be to email them, unless there is a Fender-head on here that can come up with the goods?
  7. Well folks, we have a dedicated ebay forum. I'm not going to preach to you about how to behave, I would however like to suggest a few points for you to consider before you post a thread....... 1.eBay is MUCH larger than Basschat and reflects society, so for every 1 of us that is SSSsssssoooooooo into basses there is probably 4 or 5 that bought a bass played it for a few weeks and got fed up. These then end up on the 'bay ! 2.Not everybody on eBay is a scammer. They may GENUINELY not have the depth of knowledge that the average contirbutor on here has and hence thier descriptions may not be accurate. 3. Any article is only worth what someone is willing to pay....... They may WANT £1500 for a 2003 MIM P Bass but realistically we know that aint gonna happen. .If it doesnt sell they loose out not us ! 4. Flippant comments are not helpful and can be hurtful and desstructive.... please just think before you put... [i]"this ebayer is a lying scumbag scammer !" [/i] Even if you have some evidence to support this comment it would be more pertinent to put EXACTLY what your evidence is and what you did about it. Remember the person selling that bass may also be a basschatter! 5. You can put POSITIVE on here as well. If you've had a really good deal let the rest of us know about it. 6. If you have have been subject of a fraud/ scam /or just really bad service----- let the relavant authories know first, so that when you post on here you can update with what has happened. If you can think of anything I've missed let me know please.. Enjoy the forum and use it well, it can and should be an excellent resource
  8. I havent quite grasped this one yet..... do we mean downright uncomfortable to play? or ones that just dont feel as yummy as our favorite one(s) ? Personally I now struggle to find anything other than my PRSs 'nice' I keep picking up toys when I visit shops (Guess they must get p***ed off with career 'test pilots' like me) but as soon as I get home and pick up one of the babies they just feel like they were made for me. Much the same feeling as those amongst our forum members that have ACTUALLY had their faves made for them. Even tho' I own a P, it feels neck heavy and doesnt feel anywhere near as balanced as the PRSs and most of the others (with the exception of Warwicks which do feel pleaseant) I have tried just dont float my boat. All very accomplished in their own right, but not for me.... Is that more a common thread?, we have likeness and personal preferance for tactility, as we do for the music we enjoy and play?
  9. :wub:
  10. Brilliant, absolutely brilliant .........! But...... Why? Mad as a box of frogs!
  11. I'd say we've got all bases (or should that be basses?) covered between us there......... I'm sure we could spend hours over several beers disscussing the subtle nuances of each type??????
  12. The Ovation B778 is ideal for what you want..... its pretty (avaialable in black or natural....yummy) and is the version on which the NS version is based. It is what I'll get if I get another (its a massive improvement on the Celebrity that I did have) You may need to contact JHS (the Ovation importers to see if they have one, as they are not common!) link details below..... [url="http://www.jhs.co.uk/contact.htm"]http://www.jhs.co.uk/contact.htm[/url] PS I found them great when I've spoken to them!
  13. [quote name='paul, the' post='28211' date='Jul 7 2007, 09:44 AM']Above and beyond the call of duty Bob, nice one.[/quote] Better than that, I've emailled them to let them know he's a perspective customer and to look after him !!!!!! They (Fred and Alice) sold me my PRS's, they were brilliant!!! If they were in the UK I would have no hesitation in travelling from one end of it to the other to see them..... If I can help them out and in the same breath help another bassist get started, I will go to sleep happy tonite!
  14. I've just had a look and I know its a bit of a drive from you, but if you can get to Toledo, go and see Alice and Fred at [url="http://www.durdels.com/"]http://www.durdels.com/[/url] Durdels music........ Great people and they will be able to help you. They always have a selection of Fenders in, and quiet a few others.......
  15. The main differences are :- 1. (IMO the most important) the Neck: The Jazz has a skinny neck, which is narrower at the nut (The bit that the strings go over near the head) which reduces the string spacing. (a lot will say tihs makes it easier to play, although it doesnt for me as I have big hands) 2. The Pick up arrangements. The P usually has one split mid spaced single coil pup, and the J usually has two pups a neck and bridge pup. As to the benefits of either, only you with time and experience will be able to come to your own decison. The Fenderheads on here will wax lyrical about the benefits of one or the other as will everyone have their own preferenace or neck type. I'm sorry to be boring and repetative but you really need to go to a shop and try several in your price range...... THEN DO THE SENSIBLE THING ! That is [i][b]walk out[/b][/i]....... and go back the next day to buy (you will have narrowed it down to one or two max) and you'll pick it up again and love it lots and lots ...... If you dont, ask yourself "is there more to try?" I didnt have the benefit of that when I started.... My first was bought as a present. [u]NOW[/u] I know it had the wrong neck for me, it was passive and had weak electrics but at the time I loved it ..... you have the benefit, and believe me it is a benefit of being as completely objective and educated about your choice as you can be ; before you make it. I also agree with that advice above that a Por J is an excellent choice for your first bass. I'll point out to you that a large number bass players (incuding pros) ONLY play a P or J...........
  16. [quote name='thumb4bob' post='28046' date='Jul 6 2007, 07:20 PM']thanks burpster but I have a rather deep and passoinate hatred for motley crue so im not sure I could bring myself to use an instrument asociated with nikki, cheers anyway[/quote] Thumbob. If you checkoput the webby you'll find the other versions of the same guitar and only one bears his signature paint job. Bit like a Frank Bello MIM P bass. Lots and lots of other MIM P basses..... Your not going to say they are all bad because of the Bello signature now are you? I shouldnt write it off until you've at least seen it. Better still played one......! Big bob.
  17. Check out the Nikki Sixx NS 778 bass by Ovation (http://www.ovationguitars.com/index.cfm?fa=detail&mid=1917) Althugh you'd better start arranging the mortgage or selling off relations......
  18. [quote name='silverfoxnik' post='27733' date='Jul 6 2007, 07:49 AM']But that kind of brings me back to my point in the first place; if we all sound like ourselves, then just how many really useable and distinct bass tones are there? Or is that confusing playing style with the way a bass sounds...[/quote] Nik, I'm finally on board with your point. Several I would guess based around string and 'plucking' arrangements...... 1. Big fat Thwump produced by flatties on fretless or maple fretted necks. (like electric double bass 60's Motown) 2. Zingy roundwound precise tone by modern basses and pups (Barts etc) your Flea and Jaco and Mark King kinda sound. 3. The fast attack pick generated sound (predominantly roundwounds on a Por J bass, or in the metal genre ESP or Ibanez) largely used in modern rock of various guises. 4. The Funky slap sound used in carwash funk and reggae...... (Bootsy) I'm sure I'll get beaten from pillar to post for this selection, but my guess is that broadly we all try to emulate one of these sounds most of the time.
  19. [quote name='EdwardHimself' post='27753' date='Jul 6 2007, 08:36 AM']haha that's what i keep saying to my m8 about les pauls.[/quote] And you would be right........!
  20. Beauty is they say in the eye of the beholder.......! Looks like an old knacker to me, but then what do I know?
  21. MD, Fast Fret doesnt make 'em break in quicker but keeps 'em clean and helpd to make 'em smoooov so you can slide without removing the callouses form your finger ends ....... (combined with playing helps to polish them) In my experience it takes a good couple of weeks for that Ppppppzing to go and of course it goes gradually so you get used the new tone. I have noticed that the tone is slightly brighter on both mine with Rosewood f-boards. The Maple one just sounds wonderful even with new ones, but after they have bedded they are IMO perfect...... Good luck......
  22. Would I be right in saying that, the bass line is like the foundations of a house? They may not always be obvious or of selfstanding beauty, but they are substantial and the rest of the music would be likely to fall down without them.......
  23. [quote name='markdavid' post='26942' date='Jul 4 2007, 12:45 PM']Thanks for the replies, I have taken the flats back to the shop who have swapped the A string for me so thats that sorted, will put A string on and will see how these flats go once they have been broken in as I have read some good things about them[/quote] Good man!, great news the shop swapping the A string for you. I wipe mine down with GHS Fast Fret after every time I play, in a couple of weeks they will start to get shiny and become lovely to play. If you can just be patient I believe you find out why we like them......
  24. JB, I use GHS Fast Fret (£4.99) on my flatties after I have played and they are sliky smoooov when I come to back to play....... Like baby oil on a freshly shaved bea.............. (porn alert!)
  25. Hooooow woooode. naked ladies on my forum! (Makes a change from folks gettinng woodies from a '76 P fretless....... )
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