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The Burpster

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Everything posted by The Burpster

  1. I think its fair to say that its no more a genuine MM than I am Pope Bob the first!
  2. [quote name='KevinJazzBass' post='1037922' date='Nov 26 2010, 04:11 PM']Hi guys, I know this isnt a for sale thread but I wanted to say something and thought this was the best place to do it. Kev[/quote] Kev I believe General bass discussion is the place for this topic.
  3. The Burpster


    Just done a swap with Luke and very good comms and reliable!
  4. I'll level up the ballot at 3 all, and here's why.... Just by the fact you are on here asking our opinions whatever you buy isnt likely to be a life keeper. Whilst the Shuker will be better built, certainly waaayyy better QC'd and will more than likely even feel better to play, it has not been made for you specifically (ie to order) and is therefore an off the peg bass as is the Fender. Wherever you turn up to play everyone will recognise teh Fender and you wont have to explain what it is, and when you come to sell it you will get the same response. If you try to move on a Shuker if you dont like it or get bored with it or come across hard times and need to convert it into filthy lucre you will take a huge hit on it andit may take you a while to sell it. Never a problem with a Fender. Jeez I cant believe I have just put this post. If it was my £1k there is only one of 2 ways way it would go, and it wouldnt be on either of the above.
  5. I have a PRS Mike Mushok baritone tuned down to A that you may be able to persuade me to part with - PM me if you are interested. You can do it, it sounds immense but you need to be an accomplished 6 string player which I'm afraid I'm not. Going all the way down to E is tricky (as the scale just isnt long enough) but A holds tuning and plays very well. [url="http://www.prsguitars.com/mushok/index.php"]http://www.prsguitars.com/mushok/index.php[/url]
  6. [quote name='Mikeg' post='1031215' date='Nov 21 2010, 10:44 AM']i think im gona start pimping it out next week, maybe buy a stick on PRS badge Oh and by the way i do have much better bass's, this ones just lying around.[/quote] Badge, BADGE...? Paul would reduce himslef to putting a badge on his basses...... Have you pimped any of your other basses then? Come on fess up!
  7. With requirements as specific as that I think you should Wizard pick ups a call and get them to produce you a custom pair. [url="http://www.wizardpickups.co.uk/"]http://www.wizardpickups.co.uk/[/url]
  8. [quote name='chilievans' post='1000758' date='Oct 26 2010, 06:38 AM']MY AWESOME wife has just agreed that is a good idea for me to get a,new bass. I've a 700 budget. I really fancy an ibanez srt900dx. beautiful thing. Is there anything else I should be considering at this kind of price? thanks in advance[/quote] This has just been relisted because it didnt sell. [url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/2000-PRS-Paul-Reed-Smith-Bass-EB-4-Mint-Birds-NR-/120649362091?pt=Guitar&hash=item1c17432aab"]http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/2000-PRS-Paul-Reed-S...=item1c17432aab[/url] Whack a last min bid in for the start price and you could have it in the UK for around your budget (maybe a bit higher after import duties) - believe me you would never want for another bass! If its gotta be here and no hassle, then late US P or J or a Warwick.
  9. " Bring a sleeping bag as I know you won’t want to put it down once you start !" The sleeping bag of course is to put over your head to hide you incase anyone recognises you !
  10. Jeez I'd forgotten what a great looking dame Linda was before she truned into a tree hugging soy eating political buffoon!
  11. Awwwwwwww how sweet, an unashamed PRS EBIV rip off - even with birds on the fretboard ! Well I suppose mimickry is the highest form of flattery. If you like it of course its worth pimping, will it turn it into a real PRS ? Sadly no! Play it and enjoy it, but save your money and invest in some better wood to start your pimping career on, maybe Ibanez or Squire or Fender. (INMHO of course)
  12. Off to repairs and tech for you... Oh and BTW once you have got the socket mended do yourself a massive favor and carefully wrap up the PLanet waves lead make it into a nice circle and drop it into your dustbin. These leads are cack - Invest in a new one from OBBM on this site or get the components and make your own (if you can fit & solder in your own jack socket) using Nuetrik connectors and Van Damme or Klotz lead - For the small investment you'll instantly wonder what you were playing with before when you plug in.
  13. My advice would be if you cannot try one of each set up properly back to back then go with teh Ibanez as they punch well above their weight and I am yet to see touch or set up a poor one. Bob.
  14. Irrespective of the fact that technically it looks like an O level students first attempt at at making some Newell posts, it puts a new eff in fugly.....
  15. Yep I can do - I have 2 sets not fitted and a need for black set. Can you PM me your addy and details - I'll Jiffy these up and send them to you, you can send the black ones back when you have mine. Bob.
  16. The TV on really inappropriately loud and my dad snoring his box off - WHat an unpleasnet combo!
  17. I might be up for that - can I check I have a spare set and get back to you tomoro? Bob.
  18. In squeeky voice......... "ees not the messiah, ees a very naughty boy!"
  19. ooo oooo o oooooooo 1st dibs on the WAV 4 pls....?
  20. Thank goodness....... and TBH I'm not surprised, normally its in there somewhere - these are no 'one trick pony' basses and tonally its not hard to coax what you want out ot them - Thats why I love 'em.....
  21. I know - well done, and thank you.
  22. I've been sooo hoping that somoene would bring up the geetard that scrubbed out the son on a Jackson headstock and handpainted in sh*t instead so that it read 'Jackshit' His painting wasnt ace but is was a way cool idea and now I'll be jiggered if I can find a pic... T'was an amercian rock band (I think)....
  23. Pleeeeeeeeeeaaaase someone help WH oout before I have to sell internal organs so I can obtain this one!
  24. [quote name='lemmywinks' post='1021875' date='Nov 12 2010, 08:03 PM']Asking a mod to move it to the for sale section might be an idea too! Also get some pics up, it'l sell a lot quicker i reckon![/quote] Your wish is my command.....
  25. It does seem odd but then ebay does that sometimes - folks will pay nearly as much for an item that isnt new as you can get a new one for by searchingon google - Well bizarre!
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