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The Burpster

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Everything posted by The Burpster

  1. [quote name='guitarnbass' post='22169' date='Jun 22 2007, 10:33 PM']1 hour of solid technique practice with a metronome is enough for anybody on the bass in one day, and if you can manage that, you won't need a gripmaster. Remember as well that for those gripmasters to be effective, as in improve the strength in your fingers(not make you play better), you need to use it regularly, and I don't mean excessively, but if you just pick it up now and again, every other day, it won't do squat.[/quote] Spot on advice!
  2. Now before you all shoot me down...... I do have a fairly sordid past in sport and have (trained and been trained by some very respected coaches)...... I would agree in the initial stages of learning to play one of these would be useful to build some directed strength, for your fretting fingers.... However once you have the ability to play without cramp or pain for say 30 mins... your time and effort would be best practising on an instrument or at least a neck (like the little fretty or whatever its called). as you need to build muscle memory ........ This is using the limbs in the discipline they are used for which develops joint ligamnets and muscle in a different way to the straight forward compression excersize that the Gripmaster would give........ If there are any sport scientists or Physios on here I'm sure they will back me up here....... Put simply if just anaerobic excersize alone produced the agilty that you need for everything, why arent ballet dancers built like doormen.. Dancers and gymnasts are pound for pound much stronger than a doorman, but lifting or pushing heavy wieghts would be much easier for teh doorman/body builder However would the body builder be able to do push ups in the handstand position? I think not..... Now does that make sense? If you want stronger fingers by all means use one. Using one on its own will not make you a better bass player.... If you used one for say 90secs of exercise before you started to pratice then 90 seconds after you practice followed by some stretches that would be highly likley to improve your digital dexterity.......
  3. YOu didnt have long blonde permed hair did you...... we are partial to our sheep you know! Bet you were playing songs from "Deliverence" too
  4. No probs bud.... My 40th is a NOS from the US I picked up a few months ago (if you ask me very nice I might give you the name of the shop as they seem to have a few old oddities they put up mostly Fenders so I know you'd love it!!!!) ..... its mint and No. 62 of 400 (62 being the year I was born so I luuuuurve it!) Wish I could stop it hummiong tho' Being good and popular (read- lots of sales) unfortunately do not go hand in hand, and what grips my **it, is that a magazine reviewer says someting is great and everyone goes goo goo... they say they dont like and everyone immmediatley thinks its poo....... and if we ever get to lie each side of SW we best let her decide..... (unless she fancies a 3 some......)
  5. Just for your info folks I'm going to try to add this therad to the P bass one of Parkers as they relate to teh same shop and basses.....
  6. [quote name='elom' post='21650' date='Jun 21 2007, 11:19 PM'][i]"Congratulations You committed to buy the following item: Fender Performer Bass, 1985 RARE Sale price: US $560.00"[/i] Woo hoo!!! Finally bagged one. It's battered and beat up but the seller claims it plays fine. I had lots of email conversations with the seller and he sent loads of photos of the damage so I took a chance on him being the honest guy he seemed. At least this way I wont worry about breathing on it too hard! Very happy with the price too. When it arrives I'll stick some photos up in Bass Porn.[/quote] Yes please.... we'd like a look at that sir!
  7. [quote name='Beedster' post='21716' date='Jun 22 2007, 08:23 AM']I once owned a Fender 40th Anniversary Precision which was a great bass but which also suffered from a similar image problem - I certainly could never have turned up to an audition with it! Chris[/quote] Chris...... OMG does that mean My 40th Anni P has a poo image? Its beautiful...... I Certainly wouldnt turn up at an audition with it as I wouldnt want to damge it....... Oh and to be pedantic..... I didnt once mention that the Elite II isnt any good, it WAS unpopular hence it didnt sell in large numbers........ Sigourney Weaver is not a popular actress at the moment (but I wouldnt crawl over her to get to you! ) b ut that does not mean shes no good.... I was hoping that some of the above would read your thread and get better educated about the P bass history....
  8. I knew I'd read some other stuff about this see below thread put on by Beedster P bass 2 P pups... Its like a precision Elite II made between 83 +85..... about as popular as a KKK grand master in a Black Panther meeting.......
  9. Thnks Sibob I stand corrected 2 'buckers......
  10. Certainly LOOKS an oddball, but hard to tell without serial no.s etc..... it Could be a custom shop model.... then again could be a heap of junk.... Unless it has an evidensable history I bleiev he will have it a looooooooong time for that asking price!
  11. Tim, wont dem nice folks at Fender tell you what year it is from the serial number? Somewhere there must be a Dbase of production... If you got to fender.com and then onto support and then product dating you should be able to enter your jazz detaisl and form there work it out? Is that any help or have you tried that already?
  12. [quote name='NickSpector' post='21547' date='Jun 21 2007, 07:36 PM']Ok, here's my choice. I can keep my jazz, which I actually quite like now after figuring out the EQ fully. But, the Bass Cellar have offered me an exchange, and the bass they've offered is a Warwick Streamer $$. I've never heard a Streamer $$. I want 3 band EQ and versatility in tone. Which bass is best?[/quote] Nick the $$ are 2 bucks signs so twobucks or one humbucker..... Thats what the comics say....... You may have guessed that the only objective advice any one should give you is "go and try one".... dont commit until you are sure.... Will it do more or less of what you want/need it to? Both the Jazz and Warwick are excellent guitars but not neccasarily similar, so you need to work out if what the W does is more in keeping with your (and your bands) sound......
  13. Chris I'm not sure on the 2 P pup issue ........... but that neck looks geeeoergeoous........ In fact I think I'm going to print off a copy and slowly meander into my darkened room! :wub:
  14. Welcome Rhino.... Youre no stranger to GAS then? We all have it here from mild 1st stage infliction to full blown (need a truck to haul my practice rig) addicts.... I believe you'll fit in sir!
  15. At a push you could just get a Mesa Walkabout scout (2nd hand) ..... I cannot recomend mine enough....... it will do what you want and then some!
  16. [quote name='dazco' post='21019' date='Jun 20 2007, 08:48 PM']Is this easy to do? I have a pal in Preston who makes guitars for a living, would it be a 2 minute job for him?[/quote] Daz, A simple re-wire would not pose a prob for your bud .... decide what you want the other pot to do and then he shuld be able to get a wiring dia if he doesnt know how to do it anyway..... Looks a doosey for £250 :wub: ---- keep it play it and if you decide to upgrade to active it sounds like a real and viable option
  17. Welcome my freind to the show that never ends......... eerrrrrmmmmm hasnt that been done before? Enjoy the new site and its still evolving........
  18. My guess is at was an active that someone has done a (not very tidy) job of converting it to a passive..... You do have sevaral options now...... however 1stly you have to answer this question Were you happy with what you payed for it?
  19. daz you could put the pics in Photobucket or similar and provide a link form here...... There is alos a thread somewhere about adding pics to posts....... I'll have a look for it. hang on.... In "general bass disscusion" forum under stickies......
  20. If I could have just one Fender......? I have....... What would it be? One that doesnt hummmmmmmmmmmm.........
  21. Well then, as I'm an import... (living here 7 yrs working here 3 years) I guess you are probably more versed in 'yellowbelly' ways than I am... Maybe you should be 'Grand Master' at the naked virgin thingy!..... :ph34r:
  22. Mup. We'll have to have a meeting 'round a fire at midnight on a full mooon, running around naked, chant a few olde cantations, slay a few virgins and then debate wether or not you're worthy of Lincolnshire status..... We'll let you know....... Ps if you know any ACTUAL virgins then you'd better send them along as it may take some time to get the meeting of the ground!
  23. Oh and in a bizzare "out the box thinking kinda way...." WD40 would be ace on this!!!!!
  24. [quote name='Happy Jack' post='19741' date='Jun 18 2007, 05:19 PM']Genetic engineering has allowed them to insert the DNA from a Harley Davidson V-Rod into a donor egg taken from a Yamaha J-bass, producing this mutant zombie-axe. Normally, the aluminium sub-frame is concealed beneath a layer of synth-skin, allowing this monster to avoid detection ... until it's too late.[/quote] And watch out for the Enimeticpolyalloy or T-1000 version sent back form the year 2050 to kill it...... [i][b]"I'll be back!" [/b][/i][size="4"][/size]
  25. Snap, do you need some help spending your money? I'm very good at that!
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