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The Burpster

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Everything posted by The Burpster

  1. [quote name='Tinman' post='16719' date='Jun 13 2007, 10:24 AM']Mate, I wouldn't trust those idiots to take themselves to the toilet [/quote] Your not the 1st to say that !!!!! Now I'm worried. Nrthumblnd eh? well ok we dont have stuff to compete with that...... Although we dont have Makems either!
  2. Acid, I like you mostly practice thru earphones and, my kit has developed to..... 1. Boss Micro br (all round top bit of kit but can loop /slow/ play MP3s /Ooooh and has effects built in ......etc) 2. The Box MA205 2x5 active monitor (which also doubles as the drum machine speaker when jamming plugged in) 3. Bose Tri port in-ear fones when HWMBO is at home! All very versatlie and expandable/ multi use kit that is much more 'uausble' than the Roland Cube 30 its replaced !
  3. Mrs T, as nice as Devon is...... us mere mortals would never (actually even if we WON teh lottery) be able to afford to live there....... Its becoming the mainland Jersey! Another beautiful place to visit !
  4. Guitar and BASS..... Mainly guitar but has some good bass stuff in it!
  5. Tele...... Swinderby is only just in Lincs and has more in common with Newark than Lincoln..... And you know of course what Newark is an anagram of.......? Oh and who want blue sea when you can have brown!!!!!!
  6. Mr T, get one of your 'fly boys' to take you North 10 miles to the wolds...... rolling hills and beautiful scenery..... and Louth.... wonderful little town! :wub:
  7. Beautiful plumage, but how did you manage to stick your fingers to your chin with super-glue? Welcome!
  8. Aus, The PRS runs on two PP3s at 18v....... So there are a few that run above 9v....... I'm fairly sure there are some others too.
  9. [quote name='Telebass' post='15472' date='Jun 11 2007, 10:43 AM']Well...I'm an Essex boy (boy! Ha!), but my parents, for some unexplained reason, currently live in Lincoln...[/quote] UNEXPLAINED ? [size=4]UNEXPLAINED ?[/size] [size=6]UNEXPLAINED ?[/size] Lincolnshire is a wonderful place to live...... I admire your parents for having the sense to make the choice !!!!!! I love travelling, and have been to a lot of places in this old world of ours but NOWHERE feels like home in Lincs!!!!
  10. Ollie, I like you use 'phones most of time for practise ( I wont bore with the why) and I spose it comes down to svearal questions that you ahve to ask yourself about what you want.. 1. How much are you willing to spend? 2. what type do you prefer? Over ear/ on ear / or in ear? 3. how long are you going to be wearing them? Once you set out your criteria you can look for suitable sets...... I have a set of Bose Tri port in ears which were £65 ish and are superb....... They would be my recommendation! PS happy birthday!
  11. My guess is its not top notch production------- as I saw the Retroglide tour at Nottm Royal Concert hall and it had a wonderful tone...... Although it did fall out of tune twice.....
  12. Oooooooooo me thinks he's a bit touchy about miss representing it dont you???????
  13. Ok it works like this........ bass goes on sale for 99p with £800 reserve..... biders 1,2+3 put small bids on say around £250 Bidder 4 actually loves it and on day 2 bids his max (as it says you SHOULD do) that he wants to pay which £810 eBay automaticaly takes his bid to the reserve @ £800 and NOT the next bid say £260 as its called validated bid (or something like that). Thats how it ends up where it is now! PS seems like a lot to me but I now squat about Warwick values!
  14. Tut tut...... both imports!!! at least I was only just born outside Lincs in sunny Norfolkshire..... So it appears, with 7 years here I'm the stalwart at the mo..... I know theres another chap at Grantham and bizzarley enough he owns a PRS too! See, we maybe branded as backword country folk but we have good taste on Bass guitars and kings !!!! Oh and we actaully have THE magna carta in Lincoln at the moment........ naaaaaah!
  15. Another Yellowbelly.... Ey up mi duck!
  16. Or "Wrongo" is it not all a matter of taste ? Personally I dont think that 1st one is that ugly! I'd rather have that around my neck that a new ESP 'dark lord'....... But then I'm not a screaming banshee from Satans own bowels, riding the road to self mutilation....... Just as well I guess....!
  17. BF, Thanks for that..... My quandry was why does the Fender do it when both PRSs dont? (they both are single coil pups) However I now believe that Paul Reed Smith, is not a luthier, he is in a fact GOD....... and every guitar that comes out of the American shop is touched by him before it leaves...... Much the same with Randall Smith at Mesa..... Fenders, (in my experience) conversly are unfortunatley wonderful instruments put together by primates in a factory, and require stripping and putting together properly before you play them..... and then require a great deal of head scratching and tweaking to get them "just so!" It appears I spoilt myself by buying PRSs so early in my paying career, I now expect everything else to live up to them!
  18. Blue book states that production was limited to '86+7 and for 70% example its worth about $400----- So a bit optimistic me thinks! Also its not to everyones tastes is it? Ceartainly not mine.... but then life would be a bit boring of we all liked the same things eh? that being said 'tis only worth what someone is willing to pay..... e.g. there has been a GREEN PRS IV for sale on ebay for 4 months. No-one wants to pay what they are asking for it, I wont buy it as I know how much they paid for it as I watched it sell on the 'bay in US 3 weeks before it turned up in London for sale as NOS..... Pah!..... dealers!
  19. This one has already been spotted and is another thread--- There is more likelyhood of me being ***gged sensless in a 3 girl fantasy involving Kylie, Gwen Stefani and Chrissie Aguilera orbiting the earth in my own space station with Monkies piloting it remotely from Madagasgar as that being made iin '66.........
  20. [quote name='paul, the' post='13783' date='Jun 7 2007, 07:59 PM']Message to seller: 'If that's a '66 P, you can tickle me nuts and call me Susan.'[/quote] +1 ----- "If thats a '66 you'd all better start kneeling before me as I am.........Pope Bob I " As for :- [i]"What's it all about P Bass?"[/i] I have a love/hate relationship with mine, (for you skinny neck types, I actually PREFER wider necks and wont have a J because of that! and yes I can crush Walnuts in my hands !) that being said even my PRSs on a good day cant make that 'real blues sound' quite the same as that frustrating P with flatwounds on...... (and I'll be jiggered if I can work out why!) You ask about P basses /bassists at their very best? check out Pino Paladino with John Mayer or any of his latest projects....! He da man!
  21. My Pa reckons that whilst Mullard where in production they were the best available...... (he did order 500 000 of them for the USAF, in preferance to US made ones) so hang on to 'em as long as you can as they are absolute dooosies!
  22. +1 for D'addario Chromes BEAUTIFUL, lush, warm tone..... IMO ideal for Jazz and Blues..... PS-- if you want to hear Roto's in their element listen to anything by Herbie Flowers thats all he uses!
  23. Thanks Bod. Good luck with exams and the bass Ali !
  24. Bod, I'm off out for the evening, can you sort this one? I can do it in the am if you cant tonite.... Bob.
  25. I wish I'd listened to my music teacher and singing coach, rather than the "cool" kids, jocks and sports teachers...... Now washed up "been there done it (average at all sports) sportsman" and beginner (again) in music which I couldve made a career!!!!! Twot a wat!!!!!
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