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The Burpster

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Everything posted by The Burpster

  1. Very difficult to say without seeing it..... maybe a quick and easy solution is to ring JHS on 01132 865 381 (I've found them to be very helpful) who are the inporters of Vintage and see if they can email or fax you a circuit diagram..... hopefully you should be able to use your GCSE from there???? JHS webby is [url="http://www.jhs.co.uk/contact.htm"]http://www.jhs.co.uk/contact.htm[/url]
  2. +1--- A1 for Thomann from me, I've had no probs with them. They are polite, effiecient and do what they say they are going to! The fact that they are pretty cheap too is a bonus! I WILL USE THEM AGAIN. I'm not a fan of "The High Street" dealer as IME I have found them , condescending, dissmissive, and in one extreme bordering on bent (ie taking money for orders knowing that they would be in receivership a week later! --Thank you VISA for retrieving my dosh!) My dealings with them is now limited to; if they have something in that I want, I may get it if they can match on-line prices, if not I avoid them.
  3. Before I start, let me just say that I have very limited experince in the Amp GAS stakes, however....... I now have a Mesa Walkbout scout which is 12AX7s preamp, driving MOSFETs power amp stage..... Best of both worlds? I would say so.... Both my ***tarist and I have been blown away by the diversity of tone available, and the available volume is well ....... OVERWHELMINGLY LOUD for such a portable set up. I'm fortunate my dad (bless him in his late 70's), is a child of the valve age (USAF comms officer in the 50's) and has a secret stash of AX7s in his workshop..... Better still the knowledge of how they work/ best application/ how to test them...... A knowledge that is stil out there (OB you da man) but is fading away...... My @@*tarist swears by valve amps and his original Musicman is a beast to behold, and yes they are a bit "old hat" and maybe high maintainance, but then arent we all striving to find 30-40year old Fenders/Ricks beacuse they have that certain MOJO? Is any of this "new old" stuff better than the latest cutting edge stuff? ie is my Fender better than my PRS? my Roland amp better than my Mesa? The answer is of course NO, its just [u]different[/u] and in a world of art (albeit musical art) who is anyone to judge what is BETTER. Try it if you like it, stick with it if you don't, go back to solid state, I'm sure there will be someone who still wants a vavle amp ......
  4. They look great but £300+......?
  5. B, The bridge was one of the first things I did, as it was loose! It has a lovely big fat connection to earth....... I am more and more resigning myself to the fact that its a [u]"they all do that, sir"[/u] and that Fenders are just not in the same league as PRS...... In its defence it does sound wonderful in passive mode so it may just have to stay there......
  6. OB, Its not exactly hum free in passive, however I have found a setting that is..... Looks like I need to be way more specific----- In Passive mode if I have the volume on max and (then the 2 tone pots are passive linear pots) and the two tone pots at max it will have the same humm. It still does this without the battery installed ( I has one suggestion that it may be the internal resistance of the battery, which it isnt!). With the selector (4 position switch) in either of the active modes (1. straight active= 2 tones, are active ie cut and boost the signal---2. as setting one but with seperate tunable mid range boost) the hum is noticable but bearable, If the treble is at the central (0) setting or below. As soon as any treble is added the hum is proportionately louder ie more boost more hum to the point where at max it would make it unplayable in the live scenario. In either mode (pass or act.) if I back the vol pot off its max setting the hum is vastly reduced, however any more than 1/4 turn from max and the vol stops. Has this givne you any more evidence or just confused you more? Yep can get into the circuitry if neccasary but to check the circuit board wil require removal of the swirtchgear as it is soldered direct to the PCB which forms teh connections between them ..... do you want a pic?
  7. OK.... Great idea but it doesnt work.....switched off all (suspect) noisey appliances and set up so it was humming then put it down and walked away..... It still does it...... Lace sensors (still used and available for Strats) are a very acurate pup based on a humbucking design of single coil, with very special (Fender alledge secret) structure and material that should eliminate hum.... It doesn't on my set up....... That having been said, I have found a settting using the passive side of the amp and the bass switched to passive that has no hum and sounds lovely...... so maybe thats where it'll stay...... I think I'll email Fender and see what they can shed on it!
  8. Urrrm, Brilliant I think....! I can hum a perfect 50hz...... now if I can just realate that to my tuner........! I have learnt a valuable lesson, thank you both I had no idea (although having thought about it, it makes perfect sense) that we can and do act as aerials..... I will try that out to see if it indeed its I, that can rent myself out to Orange or Vodaphone...... Heerrrrrm earthing strap? I dont think so...... although......... By the way fellas, the Fender is fitted "Fender Lace Sensors" are they a rare breed of "hot" pup? I cant seem to find a lot out about them???? B.
  9. I have a chrome bridge and complete set of chrme tuners (2 aside) for my original RBX 170.... They are in the way, and if someone would care to reimburse me the postage you may have them------ or absolutely free if you pick 'em up! Bob. Gone to Prosebass, thanks bud and good luck with the project!
  10. Well folks a new one to ponder over---- I have already tried this out on POD who as is as bemused as I am---- I have been through the above check list (in stickies) and its none of those. Its [b][u]not[/u][/b] an internal earth issue before you come back to me the obvious replies....... so here's the original note I sent to BOD...... to see if anyone out there has a remedy before I contact Mesa....... ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ I have just got myself a new amp. Mesa Walkabout scout combo (awesome)...! When I play either of my PRS IVs though it, its incredible....... However when I use my Fender ('91 Custom shop 40th ann. Active/passive P+J P bass) I have a quiet but noticeable 50hz hum. This stops whenever I touch any metallic part of the bass. I have checked all the wiring, its AOK. Its already sheilded inside (by Fender) and is nicely wired with no dry joints...... Now the interesting bit..... While I had the back off the bass, I tried experimenting by earthing (by touch) various components whilst pluged in...... I discovered that if I touched ANY part the hum stopped including the metalised paint..... Oh I thought! so I tried the earth on the jack socket ,that stopped it.... Aaaah I tought LEADS---- so I tried all 3 leads that have and it still did it. So I left one of the Neutrik (metal cased plugs) lead in and the humming also stopped if I touch the metal casing of the plug at the bass..... It also stops if I touch the plug at the amp end...... Now heres the weird bit to me, if I touch the metal case face of the amp the hum stops again..... Its got me perplexed...... I have no hum at all with the PRSs which are both also active/passive..... Plug them in, back to back on the same lead and amp settings Fender = hum / PRS= silence.... Checked for noisey appliances and nothing. Any ideas? Bob. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________
  11. Sleepy, Try [url="http://www.ultimateear.com/products_music.html"]http://www.ultimateear.com/products_music.html[/url] A pair of anatomical blockers will do your wallet £55 will last years and stop pretty much all ambient ---- I have a set of blockers that I use for several applictaions, but also have others now for shooting etc.... Top product, top service, one of the cheapest too..... (they are based in Sidcup but you can get the impressions taken locally to you!) :wub:
  12. [i]"I feel i am digging myself into a hole here, no pun intended on insertion whatsoever ... I am not doubting your insertion skills but i was infact ... pointing out my own. I wasn't advising you directly but making a general statement to noobs like myself "[/i] No Offence taken..... [i]"Have you tried Sennheiser CX300s?" [/i] Not yet but I'm hoping I have found my Nirvana with the Bose.... sooner or later the GAS has to stop!
  13. "I was merely pointing out that i made the mistake of incorrectly inserting them for a while" Having had lots of various itmes inserted into my body over the years for many reasons, including medical science.... Believe when I say I know how to insert earphones! I have (for example) 3 different types for shooting; 2 different types for my bike; 2 types for radios at work, and now 2 more for music. I find on ear and over ear very uncomfortable and hence I use these. I didnt deliberately buy the cheapest I could get because experience has taught me you get what you pay for. I hoped the Shures would be better than they are, I wanted the Bose to worse than they are HOWEVER life doesnt work like that----- I was just hoping to pass on my findings to others that may be in the " your not plugging in to practice, while I'm at home " environ that I find myself in..... One major tip for all in-ear users .... dont touch the bit that goes in your ear with your fingers, and clean it frequently! Ear infections are not amusing!
  14. "I find the shure's BR really good if you have them inserted very tightly in your ear" Yes they do work well, thats not my point! They do not have the same range or definition as the Bose. "The triports are twice the price of the Shure's as well. It would be interesting to find out how the E3c or E4c compares." The 3c's do not have the extra port, (that the Bose does) but is comparible in price. The 4c is TWICE as much as the Bose, so using your argument they are a different product....... You obviously dont have both sets, so its bit like me slagging off a review of a Warwick which I dont own....... Not tremendously helpful or informative eh?
  15. +1 for the SD's. I bought a Hohner B2b just to put my two 1/4lbers in. It rocks! (even though it has a tiddly neck!)
  16. From an aesthetic point of view thats difficult to say without seeing the neck! From a technical point of view even harder!
  17. I'm fairly sure Allparts have nuts in that size, and various others..... Oh the smut potential with that comment is huge n'est pas?
  18. Well I now have 1x Ultimate anatomical inear monitors (main use bike but can also be used for prcatice) 1x Shure E2c 1x Bose Tri port IE. Ultimates I've had for 2 1/2 years - very very good. Total ambient block and good sound defintion but a bit 'top endy'. Which is kind of irrelevant under a crash helmet on the bike. ((expensive but cant find a viable option) Shures, most ambient blocked and good range response but weak bass. Wanted these to be good on the ipod but are only a bit better (sonically) than the std Aple pods. Unfortunately sound cack on the BR. Bose, I wanted to hate these so that I could send them back under the Bose 30 day trail scheme. Unfortunatley they are superb. Used for ipod or (my applcation) practice through my Boss Micro br, the bass response is excellent and crisp. The Tri port doesn't block ambient sound so I can still hear the fone ring or HWMBO and another thing I hadnt thought of before, as there is an open port through to your inner ear they dont make your ear sweat and hence uncomfrtable. You can wear them for ages and forget they are on. They are expensive (unless you get them off fleebay) but I'm afraid IMO the are worth every penny.
  19. kiwi, Before you rush off and use letraset, another option I use on model aircraft (that would be ace for what youre doing) is :- Get yourself a sheet of waterslide transfer paper (available from specialists but also on ebay....) You can then draw, letraset or better still use your computer printer to produce the words- cut out the transfer and put it on your amp- just like you used to do with Airfix kits...... Looks well trick!
  20. Or the Boss micro br (with a mike for the vocalist) VERY accomplished bit of kit I love mine!
  21. Hummn you are in a dilemmea arent you? Basically Roundwounds give you a bright crisp twangy sound (Mark King) Sound brighter the newer they are. Flatwounds sound warmer (some say dull) but IMO more applicable for blues & r'n'b (Herbie Flowers) which is what I play. Flatties buzz less and are easier on the fingers IMHO- But I re itterate may sound too dull for for your choice. Gauges- Basically (and VERY simply) smaller the gauge the more tension they need to make the note but can be eaiser on your fingers. 45 -105 is std I use 40-100 (light guage)as do a lot of folks but, opinion is heavily divided and its a lot down to choice. Bear in mind when you cahnge your srtings you will need to check your set up and maybe re set the intonation (you may have to make other minor changes too if you cahnge guage.) Any more advice PM me and I'll try to help.
  22. G, Youre welcome, and I understand about volume..... Now hopefully I'll get chance to try these back to back with my Bose IEs to see if they are as good as every one reckons!
  23. Ordered a pr of headphones from this chap and they turned up today(originaly advertised on BT). Nice person, (if a little scatty with his emails ) and great service!
  24. Hummmn its an MIM and its a bit "rock" but the Frank Bello sigt. model (current) is P/J with an SD split front + P neck.... and sounds pretty damn good! Has lots of variation too for what you would think would be a "blow the back windows out" only bass. Or a Hot rodded P bass (was one recently on the 'bay for about what you want to spend) which is essentially a P with a J pup as well and a fader between. I am not a fender expert (by any stretch of the imagination) but I did a bit of research before I bought mine. Which I love and you would have to pry out of my cold dead hands!
  25. G, Theres not a lot of wiring in a passive so it sounds from your description like an earth prob. Make sure the bridge earth is ACTUALLY making a connection and the rest should be pretty easy with the back off.... If not come back and 'gis a pic of whats going on!
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