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The Burpster

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Everything posted by The Burpster

  1. Other--- PRS IV active x2 a) Swamp Ash body Maple/Mpale neck Alder/Maple body w. Maple/Rosewood neck. VERY VERY fine instruments....!
  2. [font="Arial Black"]""We just from time to time need some help with little changes, this is a non profit site and its best we keep it that way.""[/font] Reading you loud and clear on that one, but it doesnt have to run at a profit- besides if we all have a share in our community, we won't end up that uncomfortable "lets have a slagging match about one or two persons" that happened abotu a week ago on BT.....! It works excellently on www.ukgser.co.uk (althogh I realise that we are all old lardy BMW bikers, with way too much money!) Just a tought!
  3. Or better still, switch the I/O to O on your amp..... works for me..... No nasty guitar noises at all!
  4. Just an idea folks, but rather than have to rely on dontaions to get us up and running why not have a "pay membership" ? A couple of other "clubs" that run forum sites, offer differing level of subscription, so that members that pay a (small) fee become FULL members and have full acces to all forum threads (a notable one is that unless you are paid up, you can't buy or sell---- cuts out a lot of crap!). I would have no objection to a small subs. fee to ensure longevity of a stable and friendly community that I can rely on being there (if I chosse not to log on for a week) Please dont beat me up, its only an idea that I know works elsewhere!
  5. Thanks folks..... Have big smiley face now.....
  6. I'm here now, 3 sites in 3 months.......! Hopefully we'll all setlle down here and be all warm and cosy! No political battles, no finite shelf life...... Just lie back and think of......... Hang on a minute this is a webby not a marraige!
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