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The Burpster

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Everything posted by The Burpster

  1. Tino has first dibs. If you can meet me 1/2 way that would be great....?
  2. I'm not at home at the mo so cant put up pics - (will be able to at the weekend if any interest!) Basically change of circs is forcing me to re evaluate - I have a perfectly good practice set up so I dont have space for this as well. Its a mint 2006 WS as listed above finished in Emerald Bronco (dark green) and Tan leather - It also has a Tan Jute grill - It was a very expensive custom order - £750 cash - no offers or P/Xs please. Am prepared to meet 1/2 way reasonable distances from Lincoln. Or can post as I have the original box and wrapping but at your expense. If genuinely intersted please PM. Will run it on here for a week or two & if it doesnt go then I'll 'bay it.
  3. It might be be as good as a really good F jazz but it will most certainly be better than a crap one! Love the matching headstock even if red doesnt float my boat!
  4. If you want a gamble then Fender...... It could be superb or a pig. The sensible choice would be 'ray or Bongo but again it may depend a bit on who you play with (or intend to at a later stage) as they may look at you like you've just dropped out of the V mother ship if you turn up with anything other than a Fender. If it were my money knowing what I know now - then it would be the EBMM.
  5. Ahem the other 3 Threads - I've done that now. Marco to save having to re post just add another post with the word bump in it and post it then the post will re appear at the top of the page....... Bob.
  6. CDB, If I wasnt besotted by Smith products then German basses would be where its at for me. If anyone persuades me to gig regularly than it will be a big W called into action for that. They are easy to play, easy to set up sound great and are next to warzone proof...! All in all add up to a recipe for IMHO probably the best commercially available range of basses for the working bass player.
  7. The move from the UK to there should be managed carefully but once out there and its used to it, it wil be fine. It will require setting up but once its stabilised it will be as it is here. Remember its not green wood - it is well sorted and now fairly old. All its wild bowing days are well behind it! (unless you abuse it of course!)
  8. I do like the Stew Mac proper diamond jobbies tho' they make it so much more accurate.
  9. thx bud I didnt realise they were so cheap....... I may as well buy some suitable ones rather than tie up yours!
  10. Does anyone have a set that I can borrow to open up the slots on a new nut I have for my hack PRS please? I'llpay postage both ways if not local. Anyone? bob.
  11. You could do a PRS /Vigier swoopy cut away shape.
  12. if that had blk hardware and no scratchie I would have it - love these basses!
  13. Pair of passive single coil J working as a humbucker when both on. There is not much this combination cannot do.
  14. I believe the Orange little terror or one of their models will happily sit with both.......
  15. [quote name='warwickhunt' post='962485' date='Sep 20 2010, 06:01 PM']In summary; I'm likely going to replace the electronics in one of my basses in order to tweak a bit of tone from it, as the playability is superior to anything else that I own. [/quote] As thats being done by members on here everyday I'm surprised that wasnt your first thoughts on this quest for nirvana..... I've even been harbouring a plan to do that to a PRS (as you now know), so thats an area that is much easier to achieve. Do you know what the missing % of you tone is tho' ? or is it something that isnt quite right? The 'isnt quite right' option is a right bugger to find.
  16. [quote name='warwickhunt' post='961525' date='Sep 19 2010, 08:22 PM']Hmmm hence my dilemma. [/quote] There is no dilemma - you've been Smithed !!!!!
  17. Status necks......?
  18. I'm saying nowt - I'm just sat here smug in the knowledge that the PRS was getting so much attention!!!! :wub:
  19. [quote name='jimbaby' post='961009' date='Sep 19 2010, 10:58 AM']Hi I put a set of 45-100 chromes on my p-bass last week, terrific sound but the extra tension means I will have to get used to it or lower the action. Regards Jim[/quote] Lower the action Jim, really enjoy those puppies. (athough 105s are better IMHO).
  20. E to E is a pretty tall order on a really short scale (Baritone) I have got my PRS MM sig down to A to A without using a different or modifying the bridge. This using D'add 16 - 60 EXPs. It is a monster but I struggle with little fretboards. [url="http://www.prsguitars.com/mushok/index.php"]http://www.prsguitars.com/mushok/index.php[/url]
  21. BE, I'll take that on the chin if thats what they state, however do you use them...? I've lost count of the number of sets I've used and I'm yet to to open a pack that I would consider polished. They are wonderful, wonderful strings, but my idea of polished is clearly different to thiers. They are also covered in ucky packing oil that needs to be cleaned off and leaves a black residue on the cloth that you use. A small price to pay for the wonderful tone they produce, but I would challenge their claim when compared to other products. (GHS - DR - Optima) The GHS polished flats are however, brite and spangly when you open them - like they have been polished. They are smoother too.
  22. As an ardent D'add user a few points above worth clarifying - Chromes are a flatwound tape and not ground or polished. 1/2 rounds are roundwound ground to be flat. Chromes are quite bright when they are new but mellow out after use (yum!). 1/2 rounds give more of a roundwound sund but in my experience are very abrasive on your fingers and the fretboard. As they are even brighter than the Chromes they arent really my cup of tea. Another worth considering is GHS polished flats, I found these very nice to play but brighter in tone than the chromes could be just what your lokking for?
  23. I've not bought one but at one point was about to order one - They are VERY good German basses at least as good as Warwick. You will not be dissapointed if you get one, and on a finer point if you order it they can be pretty flexible about finishes/ hardware etc allowing to cutomise quite a lot from std.....
  24. For 'off the peg' pups I have to agree with Barts - I have installed them in a P. They are splendid, and I am now a big fan..... ( I have a Bart pre-amp in one of my PRSs ). However I reflect those comments above - if you are going to the trouble of having the bass custom made, then listen to the opinion of the chap doing it for you and seriously consider having the electrics [u]made[/u] to complement it.
  25. Crikey, its like a ukele bass - Sorry Larmer I have no experience of these, although I was wondering if you know any little peeps of the younger variety? Thoughts were for £100 you could try and if its not good enough to upgrade then you could pass it on as a present..... B.
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