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The Burpster

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Everything posted by The Burpster

  1. Mesa valves are Russian sourced and some are selected. [url="http://mesa.stores.yahoo.net/spax7.html"]http://mesa.stores.yahoo.net/spax7.html[/url] These are genuinely worth the extra. But you are indeed correct that Mesa tubes have the brand name printed on them. The ENGL tubes you have in that pic are not Mesa ones and I would complain to the supplier if I were you. I have used std Mesa 12ax7s EH and the selected SPAX7 that is the above listing and these provide by far the nicest tone of those I've used. I only get mine from reputable dealers in case I have issues as you have. PYMTYC.
  2. Instead of flat shiny magnet tops they have screw heads like this..... [url="http://bass-pickups.com/hp135071/Bass-Humbucker.htm?ITServ=CY3fb0fa84X12975f44133XY672f"]http://bass-pickups.com/hp135071/Bass-Humb...975f44133XY672f[/url]
  3. More important is the strings relationship to the neck and frets. If the string is not perfectly in the middle of the exposed magnet poles it won't make a huge difference unless they are adjustable.
  4. [quote name='beardybass' post='877912' date='Jun 26 2010, 04:52 AM']This. Just because you specialise in one, doesn't mean the other one will disappear from your life, I went to college and Uni with lots of people who played more than one instrument, the emphasis in any course should be on being a MUSICIAN not a bass or guitar holder. I think you're getting yourself wound up over nowt to be honest with you. Pick the one you think you'll do best at.[/quote] That is really good advice.
  5. [quote name='Musicman20' post='877813' date='Jun 25 2010, 10:00 PM']Thanks for the input. Anyway, for me, it would have to stay simple...as originally designed. No extras, no fancy wood, (other than a lovely birdseye neck with rosewood board maybe) just a really well made Precision with the best pickup known to man. Im probably much better off sticking with what Ive got, as the next step is a LOT more money and might not offer that much more. Custom Shop Fender would be my next stop I think, (I havent heard one non-Fender that sound EXACTLY how I like a Precision to sound....yet.....and the Fender 'feel' is right for me).[/quote] From my experience you have hit the nail on the head. You could get a CS fender but the reality is that it could be no better than your current 2. The Std P (if you get a good one) is a very good instrument and really only minor details can be improved, so whilst a Sadowsky or lakland or NASH may have more knobs and whsitles (if you know what I mean) a P will still be a P. It is a fact that the P is respected, and universally loved for. My preferance is to slap a Bartolini pup in there, and at very least a HM bridge or BA (the BBOT bridge whilst functional is not nice) but other than that it is a cracking design.
  6. [quote name='bubinga5' post='876732' date='Jun 24 2010, 07:02 PM']IMO it doesnt matter how much you wash your hands, your hands will sweat[/quote] Agreed however sweat on clean fingers and a shiny neck is like a natural lube. On unclean hands and a neck that hasnt been polished for a while, the sweat seems to make like a grinding paste and fingers just seems to stick. Although its not an exact science.
  7. [quote name='OutToPlayJazz' post='876584' date='Jun 24 2010, 04:49 PM']Always wash your hands thoroughly before you play. There's actually nothing wrong with the neck, just your sweaty hands [/quote] Agreed 100% I really love a highly polished neck. If my hand starts to stick, I give the neck another polish, and makes sure my hands are dry before I play = problem solved.
  8. Yep, Sold paid for and up picked. The fatman has a Fatman..... Lee = proper gentleman. Pleasure to do business with, and a very useful perosn to know!
  9. Well having just got a DHA VT-1, I might suggest that you check out Daves wares. I'm pretty impressed thus far. You can talk to the chap and he's always local (in the UK at least) if it doesnt work as itshould. I'm happy to recommend his kit!
  10. [quote name='Musicman20' post='870180' date='Jun 17 2010, 08:13 PM']The best overall value lightweight amp, for me, is the Markbass LM2/3. £560 ish new, prices vary secondhand Clear, warm and articulate is how I would describe MB. Great kit.[/quote] I'd agree wit that. I wanted a LM for my little practice box. As it truned out these fetch silly money 2nd hand and therefore I went for a PJB D-200. I'm impressed with that and its smaller than the LM but way down on power (in forness I was only after the LM250). Markbass kit is very good quality, clear hi-fi solid state tone.
  11. Hey Marc, got the pimping bug eh? Wonder where you got that from...... Is it std string spaciing (nut and bridge)? I'll do some research on the Fender site.
  12. [quote name='janmaat' post='869643' date='Jun 17 2010, 08:12 AM']How about the nut? I don't like the nut on mine (I believe it is not original neither).[/quote] You will find its a std width and a Graph-tech is easy enough to source to replace it. [quote name='Rayman' post='870080' date='Jun 17 2010, 06:13 PM']I reckon if you slapped a couple of Wizard pickups into it, you'd have a superb instrument.[/quote] Any 'named' aftermarket pups are a hike to its performance. Certainly the SD 1/4lb ers made it into a monster. The stock ones are OK but if you are after a particular tone then the basdic instrument will carry it off with the pups in that aim to achieve that tone.
  13. Indeed, I do like your hills and lakes very much...... It was dead easy to re-wire. I bought the 2 SD quarterpounders, and just used their wiring diagram from the SD resource page..... [url="http://www.seymourduncan.com/support/wiring-diagrams/schematics.php?schematic=std_p_j_bass"]http://www.seymourduncan.com/support/wirin...ic=std_p_j_bass[/url] It doesn't get any easier than that! I'm pretty sure I used CTS pots from either Allparts or Axes r us, and wire from the same supplier. 2x 250k linear for Vol 1x 250k audio for Tone. Switchcraft jack socket, and Bob's your proverbial mums brother!
  14. Dave, I was guessing a more senior model to mine would have the facility to mix in the MP3. It was more of a wish list, than a must have. It does exactly what I wanted it for so I'm a happy bunny. My guitarist loves the whacky colour scheme too so a real bonus.
  15. ead, Been there and done it. It was my first venture into pimping. (I have moved on quite a bit since then!) I replaced everything except the knobs ( I'm not sure why!) the body neck and neckplate. Everything else was ditched. Mine was Wilkinson bridge and tuners, which were not expensive (and IIRC I got them off gleebay) but a huge improvement on the nasty pressed tin OEM ones. A complete rewire V/V/T (although you could get away with a small Bart pre amp if you really needed to - without re routing) and doesnt need a harness it is very easy to do, if you have any skill with wire cutters and a soldering iron. And then SD pups and left passive. It turned it into a monster, and was well worth the effort.... ! Below are some pics (prior to the SD's going into it) just before its final incarnation. Its a shame you are a fair way away, if you got the bits you wanted to do it with I could put it together for you in an afternoon.
  16. [quote name='Mr. Foxen' post='866366' date='Jun 13 2010, 08:20 PM']If you want people to think you suck when you screw up play guitar. If you want people to think your whole band sucks when you screw up, play bass.........[/quote] ......... or drums! Actually very point, a band with a shonky g'tard or singer would attract a comment like 'Oh dear that ....... is pretty lame!" A band with a shonky rythm section better have protective eyewear and helmets to avoid the flying bottles !
  17. I like this discussion and I find it intriguing. Let me share my experience. I started playing about 5 yrs ago. My best mate who has been playing (6 string) for about 30 yrs was really excited, and has been/was really supportive (maybe in that one I am lucky!) To start with he was giving me tips and helping me find my way 'round the fretboard etc. I have always been dumbstruck by his playing he can play some really impressive stuff. Recently he has bought one of my basses from me as he fell for it as soon as I acquired it. Interestingly now when we jam, he will ask, "jeez how do you stretch to those notes? I've tried that and I cant do it without making my hands hurt!" Also try as he will he can't play finger style like we do, the other major point that he really apprecites is that he states in his own words...... "most guitarists can't keep time for toffee, and I kinda rely on your sense of rythym. Not many guitarists would admit that!" The tables have turned to mutual respect. That is a really nice feeling.
  18. Thanks guys...... I love the idea of recycling or renovating/upgrading...... This area is a darn sight easier to make a huge difference than basses. There must be loads of blown heads/ combos out there, and really this was quite easy to do. Granted it took quite a bit of thought and planning but execution? Not that much.
  19. Finally took pics and put a thread together. [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=91496&st=0#entry865897"]http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=...t=0#entry865897[/url]
  20. My first attempt at building or pimping an amp. Those that have been around a while will know I have no problem with ripping instruments to bits and putting them back together after adding my particular flavour to them, but I had had no reason to be so brutal to an amp after finding the Mesa (walkabout scout 1x12) as it's pretty close to perfect. That being said it is a big old heavy lump, as am I, and those 2 dont add up to moving around with grace. I therefore thought it was time I had a light little combo to scoot over to my mates with when we want a light hearted noodle. My first combo was a Roland cube so I knew these were very versatile and light but they are a bit Asthmatic and sound very hi-fi, also 30w just wont compete with N’s 50w valve amp so I needed a bit more oomph. A kind BCer let me have a knacked Cube 30 (amp blown) which was to become the donor for the new combo. Initially I wanted a MarkBass LM250 but settled on the smaller PJB D-200. I also knew which 10” speaker I wanted, a Celestion Green Neo 200w jobbie. So now all I had to do was make it all fit together. I stripped the Roland covering off the cube and took all the giblets out. The box is only held together with heat glue so a hotair gun softens it and the baffle and other bits that don’t work can be removed. A new baffle was fitted as far back as poss, and then the supports to hold the amp and new back were made out of 15mm MDF. I apologise for the plagerism of Mesa’s cab design here but in fairness it does work so what the hell..... I made a leap of faith and bought some Tolex and spray glue and after spraying the back parts matt black applied the Tolex the outside. (my first effort is OK but the next will be better. I fitted the new Celestion after soldering a heavy gauge speaker wire to the tabs and a Neutrik to the other end. The rest just falls into place. In use it is still a bit hi-fi as a pure digi amp is going to be, but running a DHA VT-1 Bass Eq through the effects loop brings back the valvey loviness that I now take for granted. It also makes this little combo very loud....... Weight wise it comes in at exactly 10kg, which is bliss after the Mesa.
  21. [quote name='eude' post='863897' date='Jun 11 2010, 12:20 AM']Would love one those, but they ain't too light and they're certainly well out of my price range...[/quote] .......and thats why I built my practice amp combo. I didnt want to keep lugging my Walkabout scout about and dinking it and wrenching my shoulder! I WILL get you some pics ofmine done today....!
  22. [quote name='Al Heeley' post='864859' date='Jun 12 2010, 12:58 AM']they never really established a good name for themselves on basses. I have 2 PRS lead guitars that get gigged regularly, they are great instruments that for me far outstrip a les paul or a strat in terms of build quality, sound quality, playability and versatility, but I hate to see all this expensive fancy stuff destined for a collectors wallhanging, they should be things made to be played.[/quote] Al you have a valid point and actually one that isn't lost on Paul, where you aware fore example that the first 4 instruments that he made to sell were in fact basses? It is my opinion that Paul thought that if he put the same amount of care and attention into a bass that he did for his top end guitars that they would attract as much attention and that us the bass playing punters would want them in the same numbers as the geetards did his 6 strings...... Clearly he miss-aligned his thoughts and miss read the 'thrifty' market that is bass players....... I am UTTERLY convinced that had more people seen passed the price tag and picked one up they would have been hooked instantly. I know I was and I actually owned a couple of nice basses when I did 1st get my hands one. They just didnt compare. And I'll tell you why, not in my words but those of my best mate and geetarist..... 'each one feels like it was lovingly made just for you.....' I cannot sum it up better than that. As soon as I'd had one, played it, and it got undr my skin every other bass has had to live up to that as a benchmark. The only others that have come anywhere near (to me), are Clover, and Vigier. Although I'm sure if I spent enough money with Mr Shuker or Mr Green I could get an instrument made for me that would be close to emulating that feeling. I'll give a thought about your 'fancy wallhanger' comment tho', I have already discussed with Stevensville if the combination of woods and hardware would be achievable for the GG5 that I will be commisioning, (which thankfully it is!) and even tho' the price I was hinted at was expensive, it was nowehere near the price that Thomann are wanting for that GG5........ Me thinks they are on a fishing trip because of the rarity factor (I would suggest that that one is the only one in Europe, or if it isnt it will be less that a handfull).
  23. [quote name='waynepunkdude' post='864736' date='Jun 11 2010, 09:51 PM']And then you did it twice I agree, I tried to make the same point but with less articulation.[/quote] Sorry Wayne I have no idea how I did that but I did rectify it pretty quick! As to the reply, well it would have to well measured wouldnt it...? as would a reply from Beedster to a thread slagging of Fenders or Warwickhunt to a thread slagging off Warwicks, Outtoplayjazz to a thread slagging off Statii...... You get the idea....
  24. Sorry but just way too much bling for me. Looks like the Mr.T of the bass world.
  25. It wasnt going to be long before I had to post was it. I do honestly truly understand the 'but I can make the same sound for £500' argument. I can also understand the 'I wouldnt use that in a pub 4 nights a week argument' (I wouldnt use mine for pub gigs, I'd probably use an Ibanez). However I have to say a few comments on this thread have somwhat vexed me Why is it a waste of money? Someone could afford to buy it and probably will. If you use that argument Ferrari, Maybach, Rolls-Royce and Bentley would never sell any cars. If you want the very best of everything it costs money. Because almost everyone cannot afford £7k on an instrument doesnt make it wrong, itjust makes it very very expensive. A PRS EB IV when on sale in the UK was £2.4k. I would most certainly have not been ableto buy all the lovelies I have if I'd had to pay that amount, but some were sold for that price in the UK. I'm afraid most of you are missing the point. You have to order PRS Private Stock instruments. They are hand made for you in the custom shop at Stevensville. The customer specifies all aspects of the order. PRS has obtained some of the most exotic woods and finishes available to make Private Stock instruments from, and some of those have been stored and conditioned for years to produce massively stable structures. The GG 5 string for sale at Thomanns will have been orderd by someone maybe even Thomann to sell. They are not mass produced machine made 'fighting guitars'. Thomanns can reflect that price in what they are asking for it. I also resent the midlife crisis bass label that some of you have added to it - would you say the same of a Shuker, a Custom shop (POS IMHO) Fender or a custom shop Warwick......? There is less than 5 GG basses made a year, that makes it a very exclusive club. A club I will be joining in a couple of years time, not because I want ANY OLD 5 STRING bass, I want a handmade PRS and I am prepared to pay for it. I will be flying over to pick it up too. It will never get played in a pub but will be played and cherished as my others are. Someone will buy that one and you know what.... You will never see it for sale on here because whoever does buy it will want to keep it.
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