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The Burpster

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Everything posted by The Burpster

  1. Mike PM'd.......
  2. Marc I'll have that please..... PM'd.
  3. [quote name='iconic' post='751554' date='Feb 20 2010, 06:28 AM']Getting away from Fender and Squier's.... By build quality as in 'build'quality' as I know it as an engineer, meaning quality of construction//finish/stability/consistancy I really don't think that you can get much better than Yamaha's.[/quote] I absolutely agree with this. Yamaha and Ibanez have a complete domintaion in QC and quality in sub £300 basses. Now I know some of you will argue that Squires are better but Squire is part of the Fender Emporium and therefore is/will/has been subject of shonky QC. I would really like to like Fenders as I would Gibson but charging us mortals top dollar for a product they cant be ar5ed to check out before it leaves the factory goes against the grain with me. These 2 giants rely on the brand loyalty that comes from having teh history they do, and not on supplying market leading goods. I very much doubt I will ever buy from either of them again. As to the OPs original thread opener, IF you have bought a budget bass and found deficiencies that otherwise spoil the bass or its playabilty then pimp it. Deliberately buying a cheap bass to pimp doesnt really make sense unless it is creating a complete one off. Starting with a GOOD quality bass and adding a few cheaper bits to iron out its rough spots does make sense. i.e. A Fender Highway with a D-tuner and upgraded electrics..... Chucking £600 at a £250 bass is not at all sensible, especiallyin in this climate when you could buy a SUPERB bass 2ndhand for the £850 outlay....
  4. [quote name='bass445' post='751307' date='Feb 19 2010, 07:48 PM']hey thanks alot guys i have found alot of good information and good bass sales on this forum. And yepp im wiggy's son. oh and mgibson i play mostly rock and punk i play alot of green day, NOFX, and other bands of that genre. OutToPlayJazz to be honest i'm not that great on guitar yet, but when i improve and learn more skills, then i'll try keep contact again thanks guys for the welcomings [/quote] From what I hear you and your bro can pretty much nail ought you try..... Sounds like your Unc is a pretty cool contact as well. looking forward to meeting you, next time I'm 'round blagging a lift off your pa I'll drop in and say hi I'm normally struggling to walk [u]after[/u] he's been training me..... :blush:
  5. Status Streamline.......
  6. [quote name='Mzungu71' post='750600' date='Feb 19 2010, 10:16 AM']Hello Charlie and welcome form another Lincolner (I just made that up good eh?)[/quote] Errrrr is that not Yellowbelly.....?
  7. Hi Charlie, I have a suspicious feeling that I may already know a bit about you........? Does your dad play table tennis by any chance...? I maybe wrong, but welcome aboard anyway and dont be shy about asking questions!
  8. [quote name='lanark' post='749879' date='Feb 18 2010, 03:45 PM']+1 for chromes. I changed to flats within three weeks of taking up bass and have always hated playing rounds everytime I've played someone else's guitar. Anyone have thoughts on the Rotosound black taped flats? I've almost bought a set a few times now, but always backed out.[/quote] I only use Chromes now. Tried GHS, La Bella, Fender, Roto and TI's I love (and so does my G'tard) how Chromes sound when they have been on a few weeks. They are way to brite when new. The others were OK (except La Bella which I personally did not like at all!) but just didnt move me. You need to try some and see what you think. Roto Nylons are OK but very soft and way large gauge, sound very thuddy. GHS nylons are way better in tone and feel,. IMHO of course.
  9. [quote name='Beedster' post='747968' date='Feb 17 2010, 06:44 AM']+1, great sound[/quote] + another 1 Dont give up on 'ray, just 'mellow him out' a bit!
  10. Thats by far the nicest Gibson bass I've ever seen...... Nut width and string spacing at both ends please, also any clues as to depth of neck (ie profile) as Gibbos tend to vary a lot between models I'm lead to believe......
  11. [quote name='Killstarz' post='741809' date='Feb 11 2010, 10:48 AM']Sorry, yeah i should have mentioned. Gonna be running a smallish board with: Bass Big Muff MXR bass octave deluxe (or EBS Octabass) A yet undecided Envelope Filter Boss pedal tuner (Tu-2 i think it is) maybe 1 more eventually.[/quote] Maybe one of these...? [url="http://www.hotroxuk.com/gigrig-daisy-chain-power-supply-7070-0.html"]http://www.hotroxuk.com/gigrig-daisy-chain...ply-7070-0.html[/url]
  12. Badass, Gotoh, Schaller or Hipshot. All excellent choices. SD or Bartolini pickups again great US gear, but also consider a Wizard as about the same money but custom made..... Buy decent pots and wire from a repuatble bits seller as there is little between the makes. Make sure wood work is sound, frets are level and nut is spot on, also consider upgrading tuners too, but otherwise you are barking up the right tree...... See if theres owt on here that'll help ya..... [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=18771&hl=highway"]http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=...&hl=highway[/url]
  13. [quote name='AttitudeCastle' post='746354' date='Feb 15 2010, 07:32 PM']and +1 To those who donated straight away![/quote] I couldnt agree more. It always amazes me the sense of community on here, I know sometimes crossed words are exchanged but I guess a lot of the time its because the written language can be on the whole expressionless, even with emoticons. In person pretty much everyone on here would get on! In my day to day experiences what has happened here isnt that big a deal and due to the vigilance of a couple of my mod colleagues was addressed quickly and effeciently. It does sadden me tho' that there are still individuals that would take advantage of others good will, and prey upon others emotions. Oh well, at least that one less parasite that we have to entertain....!
  14. [quote name='tombboy' post='746317' date='Feb 15 2010, 07:14 PM']You've done it now, haven't you? They'll all be wearing their undercrackers over their jeans now!!!! [/quote] I already do - My partner says I look a twat, but then I used to enjoy tucking my jumper into my jeans......
  15. Bugger - beat me to it again!
  16. Post on its way as we speak........ No more speculation necassary!
  17. [quote name='Pete Academy' post='745540' date='Feb 15 2010, 09:07 AM']I have heard an A/B test with a cheap lead and a very high quality one and there is a definite improvement in clarity. However, your ears soon become accustomed to it. I think a Whirlwind is probably as good as you need. Reliability is the key factor.[/quote] I agree that cheap leads from cheap components are not good..... However I dont buy into Whirlwinds hype either. My G'tarist used to use Whirlwind and swore buy them. Until he used one of mine made up from the same components as OBBM uses...... ( I believe you will find that these are also 'industry' standard in the TV & radio business) Guess what he uses now at a 1/3rd the price of Whirlwind. He also now is convinced his signal is stronger and clearer using Klotz and Neutrik with a bit of 'Bobster mojo' .........
  18. [quote name='obbm' post='704308' date='Jan 7 2010, 03:30 PM']There is no noise/whistle from my PJB D200, well perhaps a bit of noise with all controls fully up, but that is to be expected.[/quote] D, mine run through my 1x10" combo produces a little noise with gain and vol turned right up but noting I'm concerned about. [quote name='Longmayyourun' post='728092' date='Jan 28 2010, 08:46 PM']Hmmm... Does this mean I should reconsider my plan to buy a D 200 amp Sorry that's a rhetorical question really, just thinking aloud - but I have been left feeling uncomfortable about PJB.[/quote] My suggestion would be dont let Chris's experience put you off the D-200....! I am very pleased with mine as is OBBM from what I gather. Its not going to damage any church halls but then you shouldnt really be expecting it to. FYI as an experiment I run my D-200 though my Mesa Walkbout Scout 4 ohm 1x12 cab and it was pretty bloody astounding...! I may have to try a valve pre-amp pedal for the D-200 and I have a suspicion it may be a great (liteweight) practice solution.
  19. My reply was aimed at, and meant for Shep.
  20. I'm pleased you sold this, I had a play with an MXR micro amp last nite (very similar to the RD) and it didnt have enough oomph for the application I need one for so I would have been putting it back up for sale tonite.... Decided I need a EH cal 22 preamp. Thanks for being patient with me Shep.
  21. On the whole Ibby necks are too narrow and slender for my big dopey hands. That being said otherwise they are cracking basses. They are well put together have excellent QC and are very easily set up ad generally hold that set up very well. They respond very well to the subtle nuances of change of tone by differing string types and gauges. If I was offered a top end Ibby against a Fender I'd take the Ibby.
  22. For me its a 'son of Dave' thing but without the talent!
  23. Hi and thanks for your thoughts. This was the root I was thinking of going down but dont really have an idea what product(s) to try out and dont really want to start buying pedals to try out and then find out they aren't suitable. As for signal I think that the Utube vid is cack - its nowt like that in real life. The sound is instant so I guess its a Piezo but I may just have to whip the end off to find out now.....
  24. Ok folks I've just got one of these....... [url="http://www.log-jam.co.uk"]http://www.log-jam.co.uk[/url] I was blown away by the write up in G&B mag, and as I tap my left foot when I'm playing and its pretty much in time I thought (as my contribution not to wasting global energy ) I'd harness this power and produce something useful from it... So it turned up, its well made, and it does produce a variety of 'tappy sounds' as it claims. But now is where my quandry starts and I throw myself open to ideas. The output is passive and quite low, and I'm uncertain of the way forward to get the best out of it sonically. I've tried it in the passive input on both combos whilst the PRSs are in the Active (Mesa and PJB D200) and it kind works but the gain has to be so high to get anyting useful out the Log that its ruining the PRS tone. So the way I see it I have 2 options..... 1. I can get some sort of pre-ampy booster kinda pedal to sass up the signal and put it through my 100w active monitor [url="http://www.thomann.de/gb/the_box_ma205_aktivmonitor.htm?sid=9bd81d8e2126e8ee9db6ebd2a1a22e3b"]http://www.thomann.de/gb/the_box_ma205_akt...db6ebd2a1a22e3b[/url] Which would be my prefered method as thats how we currently use the Zoom drum machine...... or 2. I can use some sort of pre-amp thingy to split the input signal going into the amp, and then I can boost the log's input signal but leave the basses signal clean..... although I feel that will be a very expensive option and one I dont realy want do as the PRS tone is spot-on perfect how I want it in the Mesa.... So guys and gals, "sensible" ideas and thoughts please. B
  25. As it 'appens Pete I know where there is one of those exact models for sale.......! (dont worry its not mine - I havent renounced PRS, or become a closet Fender collector ) It may also require a little effort for you to obtain it..... but PM me if you're interested!
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