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The Burpster

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Everything posted by The Burpster

  1. Looks like it could be some sort of Fendery kinda thing (more than likely a MIM) and well worth £250, as for it being a 1974....... We can all agree that is unlikely.
  2. Not without seeeing it..... there could a gazillion reasons why a fuse would go.
  3. [quote name='silverfoxnik' post='736740' date='Feb 5 2010, 10:29 PM']Forget the bass and buy the 'Carry On Camping' VHS behind it!![/quote] You beat me to it Nik... I was going to sugest getting the Bridge compendium set as the OP would have more hours of fun, but you stole my thunder!
  4. PM'd with 1st dibs...
  5. I've just made what would be ideal ... Its a PJB D-200 in a heavily modified Roland basscube 30 cab with a Celestion Green Neo speaker..... It weighs next to nowt and sounds pretty damn good. It would just about keep up with your g'tards.... But I can defo recomend the amp and theres one for sale in the Amps FS section, and get yorself a nice 200w 1x10 or 1x12 cab with a Neo speaker and your smokin'......
  6. Getting more interested..... How deep is the neck..? (damn shame Sandberg dont put any of this info on their webby!) is it shallow like a late model Fender P or Warwick deep D shape...? I've always liked thier basses but not got around to trying one.
  7. Damn I thought you meant me for a minute...... Its an attractive black Fender...!
  8. String spacings at nut ( and nut width ) please.... Also string spacings at bridge....? Is there any wear on the fretboard...? Mildly interested, if its a widish neck.....
  9. Claude, Try contacting this chap, he's about 160km north of you in Holland but he is VERY good with basses...... I would trust his work and he is very easy to get on with! [url="http://www.elliomartina.com/"]http://www.elliomartina.com/[/url] Bob.
  10. Is there any exposed thread on either side of the saddle....? I did have an issue with a couple of the grubbies on a Schaller on one of my g'tarists bridges but its was a little bit of sloppy tapping in teh production line, after running a decent length of thread through whilst the asddle was off teh g'tar it was silky smoov again...
  11. If the geetars are anything to go by older Jap ones are something special..... newer Korean ones are very average.....
  12. [quote name='4 candles' post='631750' date='Oct 20 2009, 07:19 PM']Howdy, A hypathetical question. If your wife(a non musician) gave you an ultimatum. Stop doing your gigs or we will have to part company. what would your answer be? bear in mind you live a very comfortable life with a good lookin girl(who you love dearly) who is also very pleasant and who has enough of her own money as not to drain your resources. any (hypathetical) advice? Would love to hear it also bear in mind "you weren't a musician when I met you" was the conversation starter "but Ive just got better" was the reply[/quote] This would be a very simple choice for me.... Which one do I love the most...? and I mean by love I mean devoted too for the rest of my life.... Clearly I'm very lucky as my partner never says anything like that - (maybe because she knows what the answer would be.....)
  13. well you could but putting a pre amp in there wil affect what type of pups you want so best to have a good think 1st....!
  14. Tone is a very individual thing..... You might be best talking to the guys at Wizard and having them whip up somthing specifically for the bass if you dont have a tone in mind.... Although if its 'off the shelf' you require dont forget Seymour Duncan and Bartolini....
  15. Indeed welcome and as said above plenty of willing mendists on here who love a challenge....... 'fess up..... where are you? For softer strings you might want to try a set of Roto sound tru bass 88s these are nylon wound and sound really 'plunky but that may not be your sound. depends what you want to play really..... Painting is a bit tricky and specialist if you want to get a 'proper' spangly finish.... Although plenty on here have had a go with some prtty good results. On your page of jack sockets its the top one you need.
  16. .....initiate roll sequence in 5.....4.....3.....
  17. SS73 and robocorpse..... I refer you to this thread [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=71363&st=0&p=691868&#entry691868"]http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=...mp;#entry691868[/url] Please take note of whats been put at point #5 as per Peds post..... Failure to comply will result in assimilation and all your technology being sent to the central hive...... (sorry been watching Star Trek) Seriously guys, lay off the insults please or you'll find your warning level going up......
  18. Whilst GAS is indeed an incuarble disease of which most of us are guilty..... The Yams that I have been around have benefitted from proper hardware (and being well set up) and upgraded electrics. This is a much cheaper avenue than selling your Yam at a loss and then shelling out loads more for a new machine.
  19. Very good article in this months Guitar and Bass magazine..... Also some other good bits too! B.
  20. Rob, sorry mate its worth about £50 and can I have 1st dibs please....?
  21. Would seem the bag has gone... Oh well... G, the PRS is an absolute doosey. Its an utter tone monster, that requires taming rather than geeing up. I have had to put a Bassmute on it to tame the sustain down a bit. The 1st set of Chromes are now well worn in and sound just lush through the Mesa. My geetarist who always prefered the roundwound zing gas become a complete bass convert after hearing this one, and has even bought my Ovation from me....... Considering its the one that has cost me the least, it is the one at the front of my list to pick up...... I dont believe RE ever got the best out of this bass and if he did and sold it on he must be tone deaf or nuts!!!!! I am very grateful you liberated it and it came to me. I must make itn to a B Bash down your way so you can have a noodle with it now......
  22. Someone is very lucky....! And I am envious!
  23. I have suitably ammended the title to stop anyone giving themselves a Hernia trying to get on.
  24. [quote name='Prosebass' post='717646' date='Jan 19 2010, 11:34 AM']true, but in the early 17th century he was the pupil of Nicolo Amati of Cremona Italy noted as one of the greatest double bass makers ever to live. Watch this space for an MDF bodied plywood necked Picobass I am putting together as time permits. Fitted with a top pickup and top electronics courtesy of Silent Fly [SFX] it will be interesting to see how it sounds and maybe put this arguement to rest with some solid (well MDF solid at least) evidence. [/quote] PB that could actually be a stroke of genius. An MDF body will be very dense and providing its strong enough ( dont see why not) would provide a reasonable tone. Added to that providing it was finished in a solid colour (its not very attractive) who would know...? A massive bonus would be that its tone would be easily replicated as one piece of MDF is the same as the next unlike regular sourced woods. Watching interestedly!
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