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The Burpster

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Everything posted by The Burpster

  1. Gareth..... I'll honour your first dibs but if you dont have it I will, and I'll get my Nephew to pick it up for me.... Bob.
  2. Damn you ! I just paid £59 for a 200w version last week....... Why didnt I search here first..... I'm such a twat! I might just have it off you anyway..... £30 shipped and PP OK with you...? Bob.
  3. Oh dear what a bag of poo. A de-fretted 5 string Cort thats been used as a Tali-ban barricade for £300....... Oh I think not!
  4. I thought there was onlt 2 kinds of music...... Country and western....... (circa Blues Brothers!)
  5. Whats the big deal with the finish..... Its a thin nitro cellulose finish that is supposed to be thin and also wear quickly to give it the " on the road " look (road =highway in the US) Its a US bass with US parts pretty much the same as the US std but with the thinner nitro finish. They are a very good P bass providing you like the used look. It is not an inferior or cheap finish it was designed that way.
  6. Bloody hell I've just messed my pants...... I WANT ONE...!
  7. Rich I genuinely dont like the look of that...... If it looks too good to be true, believe there is a good reason for that... That is a cheap price so I feel there is a 50/50 chance of it being real, if they are odds you like and you can afford to lose £250, have a punt, but dont be surprised if you get burnt..... I recently turned away from a chinese seller who was (allegedly) punting 4 PRS EB IVs. The pics looked very convincing but I am now in excess of 90% sure it was a scam. But then this is you and your money..........
  8. My advice FWIW is keep your money in your pocket and wait for one ALOT closer to the UK - these come up frequently on gleebay in the US and the Ovation fan club, and I much prefer my chances of not getting off ripped closer to home!
  9. Sadly like a few above I have 2 absolute doosies right now! I will (when I retire in 46 months) be ordering one of these..... [url="http://www.prsguitars.com/grainger/index.html"]http://www.prsguitars.com/grainger/index.html[/url] But it wont be disgusting puke purple and it will be a Maple Maple neck. Apart from a NS CR4M There isnt any others I want. I guess I'm very lucky.
  10. Cant remember who above said it all makes a difference but I agree. Wood, hardware and signal chain all make a difference. You can get a very good idea how an instrument will sound by playing it unplugged but you can also massively effect its tone with strings and the signal chain. If you get all these right first time you are either i) Paul Reed Smith.....Joking of course, lots of top luthiers have the skill to select bits to work together to get close to what you want. Or ii) Exceedingly lucky. You can guess at a rough mental image of what a piece of wood will sound like but you will only KNOW when it is finished into the instrument. 2 bits of wood from the same tree are capable of sounding different so think of the number of vairibles. You can of course engineer out some inconsistancies with using very good hardware and electronics, but to say that the signal chain doesn't make as much difference as the wood or vice versa, is I'm afraid frought with self conflict. The only bass that I would be completely happy that I could spec and order one to replicate one that I already had, would be a one peice Carbon or Aluminium neck thru design (as you could gaurantee the density and diemensions of the finished article). Other than that, as soon as wood is involved, you pays your money and takes your choice.
  11. Hmmmn would look good de-fretted and blk hardware........
  12. It is kinda cool..... But its not for me...... (In a kinda Bjork is cool but I wouldnt want her hanging off my arm way!)
  13. Very very tempting........ [url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/1989-PRS-PAUL-REED-SMITH-CURLY-IV-BASS-WHALE-BLUE-BRZ_W0QQitemZ190362608994QQcmdZViewItemQQptZGuitar?hash=item2c527ee562"]http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/1989-PRS-PAUL-REED-S...=item2c527ee562[/url]
  14. Sadly the early PRS basses were a bit flat tonally, and whilst they made good funk and reggae basses they didnt 'hit it' well in all the other genres. Mr Smith was a bit miffed with that, and they didnt sell very well. When he designed the EB IV (the ones that I have) he set about a fair chunk of the design himself and recruited LR Baggs to help design the electrics so that the new ones was more tonally versatile, whilst it worked to a degree the pre amp is still a wee bit limited and I have found slapping a Bartolini pre amp in there (and if I had more bottle a set of Bart pups) opens up the spectrum. The set neck Electric Bass 4 that Robbie is playing in that clip is a wonderful design and they feel great, some of them are works of art. Sadly they are sought after more because they are collectors pieces now than 'kick ass' basses which I find a shame. Also a shame that Robbie was never an official endorsee of PRS. Gary Grainger kinda makes up for that though having his own 5 string priavte stock design. Oh and BTW someone started a thread exactly the same as yours with another youube clip about a year ago....!
  15. Isnt the Orange Terror dual head usable for g'tar and bass.....? I seem to remembr reading that somewhere...
  16. [quote name='silddx' post='698830' date='Jan 2 2010, 04:50 PM']Thanks very much for the pinch on the Status fellas! Unfortunately, I am convinced it won't fit without major surgery. I leveled and dressed the frets and the action's down a little, I think I can live with it, possibly [/quote] Is it the whole action thats high or just one side....? Was wondering if a shim might help.....? B.
  17. [quote name='merello' post='697559' date='Dec 31 2009, 08:28 PM']Now, the force still pushes me towards Fender but I'm not that bothered about style and fashion and have started looking at:[/quote] Just remember what happened to Anakin Skywalker when he was seduced by the Force..... Fenders can just be too hit and miss for me. You could end up getting a Korean Squire that plays and sounds better than a MIA. That would be just too much of a gamble for me. German or Jap would be my guidance from your list, but as said above - I would advise you try as many as you can and try not to think of the price. Sooner or later one will decide on you rather than the other way round.....
  18. I've just had a thought..... If a slightly dodgy party gets in in the next election and we end up going to war, all of these will be confiscated by the government to make Spitfires......
  19. Oddly, this place keeps me motivated as I have to log on every day. There have been days this year when I really couldnt be arsed to think about basses. However coming into the new year I'm into a new pimping project, I'm desperatly hoping my time has come for one of my necks to go on holiday to the US and come back fretless and superb. I have made a pact with my geetarist to play more and maybe record some bits... (oo er missus!) I am going to start jamming with a couple of guys from work too and see where that goes...! All thanks to this place...... Being a mod can be a PITA at times but you know what..? Its impossible to be negative for long around a community such as this! So I absolutely empathise with you Rhys, and I genuinely share your optimism!
  20. Eeeeeeee lad, a Barnsley fightin' guitar......
  21. [quote name='silddx' post='695840' date='Dec 29 2009, 07:19 PM']Thanks for that, I hadn't thought Status might be able to do something of that order so the suggestion is gratefully received. I thought i might struggle with this one to be honest. The existing neck isn't too bad but it won't take a low action, got a bit of a snake relief going on so a serious fret level is the only other option.[/quote] Yeouch that sounds ugly....... Would a fret level sort it? sounds like if its warped that much then a stoning job wont help...... If carbon neck is a step too far, maybe just source a Warmoth neck thats straight....?
  22. [quote name='Buzz' post='695821' date='Dec 29 2009, 06:47 PM']I think it's just that time of the month for dear ol' Burpster.[/quote] OK I apologise..... I'll get meself down the chemist and get me some lilets........ As to the alteration of tone, the beauty of these is that the amount the rubbers damp the strings can be tuned. There is also 2 settings on the cam lever so you can increase it if its not enough at setting one. On mine with flats the 1st position just dulls down the sustain, the 2nd dulling it to an EUB like thud, which for 12bar blues is excellent. If I had more time at the mo I rceord a few bits and put them on as MP3s.
  23. Oh dear, have I been abrasive.... If I have appeared to be, its because too often folks diss a piece of kit purely because of its cost. They have more than likely never come into contact with the piece of kit in question but because it costs £XX they quote it as a waste of money. This piece of kit allows you to damp in the way I pointed out. Do I pick up that you are implying then, that because I state that a Bassmute would allow it to be used bewteen notes, that I have to be able to damp between notes to have a bassmute fitted? Will you also tell me I have to be able to slap 16ths to be credible..? I dont have sufficient skill to damp to similar amount repeatedly with my palm and I end up being hamfisted, hence the reason I bought and use a Bassmute. I dont have the luxury of being able to practice for hours on end, and playing is not my career so it is not essential for me to be able to palm mute with a high degree of skill. I use it to deliver a sound that I require. It is for complete tracks most of the time, but I can and do flick it to damp for parts of tracks if I need to. Why do folks find it neccassary to give a critique on their opinion of 'what something costs or is worth' when that was not the question I originally posed.....? I was genuinely interested to see if others had bought and use this piece of kit. I was not interested to see if anyone thought it 'value for money' or if they could 'justify buying one'.......
  24. Sorry - still forsale! I bought a PJB D200! Have a free bump on me, and accept my apols P if I got your hopes up there for a minute!
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