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The Burpster

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Everything posted by The Burpster

  1. [quote name='matski' post='670149' date='Nov 30 2009, 04:47 PM']Oh no, this is really bad news. My MM Cutlass I had a brass nut fitted when I bought it back in the late 80s - therefore it is not 100% original. I guess that means it's worthless now... [/quote] Absolutely, it means its worth exactly £7.59p. I'd like 1st dibs please!
  2. Contact the man behind them see what he says..... These were designed by Rolf Spuler for Ibanez.. I'm sure he'll be able to answer your questions...... [url="http://www.rolfspuler.com/gb/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=26&Itemid=129"]http://www.rolfspuler.com/gb/index.php?opt...&Itemid=129[/url]
  3. Just a thought, Anyone tried a back to back compariosn between an XL-2 and teh new Synapse.....? Curious... Oh and sifi how much is yor Synapse up for...? Bob.
  4. [quote name='LukeFRC' post='668518' date='Nov 28 2009, 05:39 PM']hum is either from bass, lead or head. touch a string. If the buzz goes it's the earthing. turn down the volume on the bass. If it goes, its the bass or pups. use another new lead. If it goes its the lead. other wise its the amp, or the way you are using it. try more gain and less volume on it. (or less gain more volume, but i guess it would be the other)[/quote] What he said.......
  5. Cant wait to see my geetarists face when I turn up with this..........
  6. Yes please. a couple of pics of teh back would be good..... You can PM them to me if you wish or I'll PM you my email addy...
  7. Can find info on the new one but, this doesn't even show up on the discontinued page.... Truss rod adjuster in the nut end..? And I guess its neck thru and not a bolt on neck like the new one...?
  8. What is teh string spacing at the zero fret please (or is it a nut I cant quite make it out) ....?
  9. US ones are a 4-40 thread IIRC..... An MIJ may be metric tho' I had a Jap fender some time ago but I cant recall now.......
  10. Well I guess I should add my chit to the DT-10 camp. Thats whats on my pedal board. I do use a Peterson VSAM for set ups tho'..... Near enough, is not good enough for me.
  11. I cant find a link off either the Status page or the Stratii page!
  12. [quote name='TRadford' post='663176' date='Nov 23 2009, 09:14 PM']I've got some money from Ebay and a small inheritance and I want a new bass (again) but Im now torn between 3. 1) Warwick Corvette standard ash 2) G&L L-2000 3) Musicman Stingray I love the looks and tone of the Warwick, I love the range of tones from the G&L and I love the look and heritage of the Stingray. The Stingray will need more money saving up, the G&L I can just about manage now, the Warwick Im not sure on the pricing yet. Now, I like slimmer jazz necks, but I realize all of the above are bigger than that. They all should be manageable though. From all the videos I have seen, the Warwick makes the nicest sound, but the sheer range the G&L produces could also be very interesting. It would be like having a new bass every time you fiddled with the knobs. The stingray is just one of those must have basses, but Im not sure I want it just yet in case I get bored with it and sell it on. Any pros and cons to help me decide would be very much obliged. I hate all this decision making stuff.[/quote] Seriously......?, you need to find a shop that has all 3 in stock and will let you sit down and noodle with them for a few mins each...... That will sort the issue for you because all 3 of these will feel a wee bit different but they are all VERY capable basses. Which one is teh right one for you....? There is only one person who knows that, and you are reading this post!
  13. KR, with my time pishing around with them, the most noticable differences were produced by changing pups. I wouldnt have bothered with a Bart in the Bobanez, and the Schaller was just right for it. A Bart in a US P however is something very special if you like that deep solid thump that a P produces. Where I not a 'dyed in the wool' completely blinded PRS person then, thats what I'd have - 1 fretted and 1 fretless US P bass both with Bart 8S pickups. Bet you're regretting letting the Bobanez go now arent you!
  14. PM sent....
  15. I'll forward it to my guitarist.... Godins are lovely guitars and that sounds like a bargain to me..... he is shedding at the mo rather than buying, but I'll ask anyway!
  16. hasnt Walbassist just parted company with one of these (A Villette IIRC) that is now residing in the galllery looking for a new home......?
  17. There seems to be 2 schools of thought here, one for low action and one for setting it higher. Is it dependant on the bass/string set up? or is this a generic stance?
  18. Err folks..... I have a confession. I have been completely overcome by MK fever...! I cannot get Lessons in Love out of my head and am now desperately practicing it. Now being an out and out fingerstlye blues and rock player, this has pushed me a bit left of field.... So those of you that slap a lot is there a 'Proper" set up for slap.... Lets put it this way, having a really low ction and flats is not exactly working sound wise. Clearly roundwounds wil make a lot of difference, but is there any tips action wise? I'm currently having to slap over the 20th fret to get anything like a 1/2 decent sound...... Bit of help for a sad old git please....?
  19. Fender Highway One..... Sell the bits you dont use and end up with a peach.
  20. IS this WAV still for sale....? I cant work it out from this thread...? If so I have PM'd the OP if anyone knows them to give 'em a nudge!
  21. Last bump for a BC'er to have a punt at a rare and superb toy before I withdraw it and let my guitarist buy it from me!
  22. I was hoping you meant a Heckler & Koch........ Oh well, no I haven't tried one of those basses but the pics look ok if they are to be believed!
  23. Fleeting glimpse of interest faded away..... Still for sale!
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