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The Burpster

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Everything posted by The Burpster

  1. Hmmmmmm a clitch in the Matrix...... Agent Bob will merge these 2 topics......
  2. I do not have any experience of these but I cant help feeling that for £140 its going to be pretty shonky somewhere. Unless you are building LOADS and LOADS to keep teh cost down (like Ibanez and yamaha do) they are going to have to cut back on quality somewhere. Of your list that you mention above my order would be 1. Ibanez 2= Yamaha & Vintage. 3. SX if you can get a good one.
  3. Anyone seen a Cambs. based band Aftershock? I saw them last night at a ball, the bassist was the most talented amongst them (very solid, and played just the correct amount)..... IMO.... Just wondered if its 'one of us'......?
  4. Tart....... (athough I have to agree with where you're heading, they are nice...... You still haven't playe any of mine tho' )
  5. [quote name='Delberthot' post='489809' date='May 16 2009, 01:50 PM']I think you should hire me as an adviser. I could then fly to US at your expense and tell you if the Coppolo factory is in NY or California. Afterwards I could take the measurements of what you are looking for shape wise for a bass, number of strings and then go on a carribean cruise with the missus. When I return I will present you with your new bass which will be a no name jazz bass off ebay with a Fender logo applied crookedly for extra mojo By that time you'll have realised that the bass you desire so much, you already own - you're happy and I've got a tan. How does that sound?[/quote] You're not a member of Parliament are you, by any chance.....?
  6. I'd obviously say a private stock PRS EB Grainger V but sadly £4k isnt enough..... So how about an EUB....? An NS CR4M is next on my shopping list. one day
  7. Its a kncaked 6 string bigsby mackled onto a home made body with what looks like an Epiphone neck..... worth about...... 50p (except for sentimantal value for its maker!)
  8. [quote name='fingerz' post='486663' date='May 13 2009, 09:50 AM']Sound wise I really just want a warm, pure tone with jazz growl. They would be J/J config... Any light you could shed on the differences (if any) between these pups I would be really grateful. Thanks alot! JP[/quote] That sounds right in the zone of Bartolini pups. I put a set in a P and they were very warm and gave a great depth of tone. You might also consider getting Wizard pups to wind you custom set.
  9. <---------------------- Avatar says it all.... Although the commercially (used to be) available ones were made at Stevensville every one feels like it was made for you as a one off. VERY VERY VERY good build quality and QC. (Although I do have a very soft spot for Sadowskys and Clovers)
  10. [quote name='Kongo' post='483836' date='May 9 2009, 04:51 PM']Has anyone here made and fit a scratcplate to a bass that doesn't have one? I'm interested in doing this. I think Scratchplates add that bit of contrast to a bass.[/quote] No and I wouldnt dream of putting one on my PRSs...... BUT I do fancy the idea of a scratchplate in the shape of the state of Texas......
  11. I use D'addarios and Fast fret them afer every use. After about a week they are slick and gorgeous sounding.
  12. [b]Paul Reed Smith[/b] - Like the perfect woman, Very hard to find and well worth the wait!
  13. The Burpster


    [quote name='allighatt0r' post='482940' date='May 8 2009, 02:01 PM']I have been informed by a reliable source that the black nylon wound rotosounds emit the same sound as someone kicking a cardboard box [/quote] Quite a tuneful cardboard box...... Actually that reminds me - about a year ago in Jersey I saw a pair of street buskers, and one of them was playing essentially a broom handle on a wooden box with baling twine as a string. She pulled back on the broom handle top tighten or slacken the string to cahneg notes. It made a credible bass sound........ So maybe thats where the idea for the Rotos came from.....
  14. The Burpster


    These...... [url="http://www.rotosound.com/tru88.html"]http://www.rotosound.com/tru88.html[/url] Or I use these now as they feel slicker and are sensible guages...... [url="http://www.ghsstrings.com/products.php"]http://www.ghsstrings.com/products.php[/url]
  15. Are you having a parteeeh before you go...?
  16. There's no option for 'still dont'...... I would be in that, as its relative.
  17. Blatant dirty top shelf porn......
  18. [quote name='AM1' post='479367' date='May 4 2009, 08:45 PM']Furthermore, any moderator who gets involved in a thread debate, cannot and should not then, moderate in the same thread. It is simply not impartial use of moderation. A moderator who is not involved in the discussion, is the appropriate person to moderate and that rule should be applied across the board here because this theme of discussions descending into insulting chaos is all too common, to the detriment of this forum.[/quote] Errrm isnt that what I was doing?
  19. Mudslinging in theory and technique.......? Excellent..... I have just drudged though 16 pages to see what the fuss is about, in honesty I'm still not sure. Noone has any objection to passionate debate, I find it hard to understand why some of you get so hung up in your own beliefs that others who may choose to disagree set themselves up to be targets of petty bickering. Please keep it on track from now on or this topic will be closed, which would be a shame beacuse there is some excellent contributions thus far and very good arguments for and against. Me, I have no opinion as I struggle with it all equally, reading, playing by tab or ear. Then I'm not a professional musician, if I were I guess I'd take them all more seriously.
  20. [quote name='Beedster' post='478023' date='May 3 2009, 12:14 AM']Pots and kettles dude [/quote] la la la I'm not listening......
  21. [quote name='Beedster' post='477962' date='May 2 2009, 08:58 PM']I would Matty[/quote] Chris you're a bass tart..... When you gonna find something you like enough to keep? 'bout time you bought a PRS methinks......
  22. its fugly...... And I like Ibbies.
  23. [quote name='Bassassin' post='469411' date='Apr 22 2009, 11:09 AM']It needs a new nut & strings at least so that's a starting point for haggling.[/quote] "plastic string bridge, only 50p to replace when changing strings" aaaaaaaahhhhhhhwwwwww how sweet!
  24. [quote name='horribleman' post='469946' date='Apr 22 2009, 07:52 PM']Thanks for the advice!! I've been looking in the for sale section. I need to dig further![/quote] My advice FWIW is DONT RUSH! Unless you urgently need a bass for an upcoming gig then dont be rushed into the 'got to get one this weekend, money burning hole in pocket trip"..... You want to get one that you HAVE to pick up and noodle everytime you go near it rather than something that makes it feel like a chore. It sounds with your g'tar experience that you should have a fairly good sense of what you're after, so dont settle for 'its near enough' just because its in stock at your local shop. There is LOADS of really good 2ndhand stuff around at the min and thats all teh more reason for getting it right 1st time. From your quick bit in the OP, sounds to me that a Highway One would tick your boxes and they are very capable basses but it could be a Jazz or a P...... theres soooo much choice.... Welcome aboard.....
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