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The Burpster

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Everything posted by The Burpster

  1. Killer tone - Awesome looks. Another keeper......
  2. [quote name='wateroftyne' post='1150113' date='Mar 4 2011, 11:19 PM']It's actually a factory fretless - one of the first, in fact. It's a beautiful neck, with a warm glowing headstock, and beautiful rosewood grain. Basically, the neck really needs to be desssed, but the rosewood cap is getting a bit thin. I thought that getting it Thor'd - in satin - would be the sensible thing to do to keep the neck alive, and visually keep it pretty faithful. Instead, it's stored in the cupboard and I have a (very nice) replacement neck on there. Had the neck gone off the get epoxied, I wouldn't have regretted it.[/quote] In those circs then mate, I'd say its a no brainer - get it done. The fretboard needs renovating so even if its original, then its not like it will have mahoosive value because everyone wants mint unused not renovated stuff (FFS you know what I mean, you've seen it - getting hung up abut solder joints.... ) and as soon as the board has been replaced/renovated its no longer original. Send it off, release its tone and play it! Do you want to borrow my purpose made shipping tube...? Go on you know you are thinking about it...!
  3. Someone please buy this fricking thing so I can finally close this thread..... WoT, can you ebay it please if it doeskin go by say the 12th of never...?
  4. Is it fair to say that sir likes his metal heavy.......and his basses reflect his tastes...?
  5. [quote name='wateroftyne' post='1149348' date='Mar 4 2011, 11:45 AM']That's good news. As mine was a '71 neck, you understand why I couldn't take the risk...[/quote] To some degree I do. It would have only been a de-fretted '71 fender. ....but then, what a '71 de-fretted fender it would have been....
  6. [quote name='henry norton' post='1150019' date='Mar 4 2011, 10:10 PM']Fair enough. Hyperbole asides, what do you actually think of the finish now you have the neck in your hands, close up? Looking at the pictures it looks like you went for a satin finish. From the publicity shots his boards look like glass, clear and flawless. Are they as good in the flesh (or the wood & epoxy???)[/quote] I did go for satin and it is remarkably good ! I have straight edged it - it is flawless. Was it worth the expense, wait and and trouble ? yes, even being a 'dyed in the wool' utterly senseless PRS fan, I doubt very much that Paul could get a result like this.... Harris thoroughly deserves his rep as best on the planet......
  7. I did start by stating that I agree with some of the sentiments - I dont think I would send a 1960 fender neck to be epoxied but then I wouldnt have bought a 1960 Fender in the first place...... If removing it would de value the instrument because it holds that value becasue it is old, then it would be a silly thing to do if the expcected loss of value is an issue. The PRS that I bought was worth £1k I'm pretty sure this will make it more not less valuable. My post was in response to those suggesting it was a bad idea taking a neck off and having this done. Having a neck de-fretted and epoxied by the guy that did Jaco's later J necks a bad thing....? I think not. Pics of completed bass on over the weekend, it may even qualify for the blackest of black basses too......
  8. [quote name='warwickhunt' post='1147642' date='Mar 2 2011, 08:27 PM']Now that's bought and paid for Bob you can save your pennies up and buy my PRS with maple neck... Ooooh maple fretless with the Thor'd treatment! [/quote] Frick me 6 PRSs - that's a bit excessive..... Judging by today's news Mrs May is flat out intent on slashing my wages, so whilst I'd love to say yeah, at the moment I've got to maintain a sensible head.
  9. To some degree I agree with the above sentiments, if you buy your basses and label them with a value. I don't, never once have I thought "ooooh that bass is a £1k note" like a lot of folks would/might/actually do. Besides while your arguments hold some water, please tell me where on gods earth I will find the odd spare PRS EBIV neck floating around for sale....? Sorry they don't exist, plus Stevensville won't make a one off I asked that. Before you shout at the monitor but you could put an 'X' brand neck on, WTF would I do that? I want a PRS fretless not a mongrel. Yes it was fairly rare PRS bass. Is it worth less now its been Thor'd and Bob'd..? I very much doubt it, before it was rare, now its UNIQUE. (even the PR dept at Stevensville want pics!) Aaaah also a definitive update for the " oooooo it'll cost you when it comes back in" observers - Sent FedEX - ZERO import duty and tax. Harris has dealt with the UK before and puts a wonderful diatribe on the export form that makes it perfectly clear this is was a repair. Up to date - delivered today pics. Complete pics in a few days time when its been set up and had time to settle....
  10. You may want to look at Warwick basses as well then if the euro isnt doing that well. they are excellent.
  11. [quote name='Bassassin' post='1142542' date='Feb 26 2011, 05:15 PM']That's fair enough but doesn't that make a lot of recording equipment per se a potentially grey area? For example, a couple of weeks ago I was seriously considering a mixer/interface which was for sale here, & like a lot of such kit, it came bundled with multitrack software. Is this sort of thing still OK? Jon.[/quote] Jon, I'm not going to be anal retentive about it. If its a driver for an external mixer or interface and its legit than that's way different than selling bootlegged Pro logic...? As I alluded to its a difficult area and I intentionally built in a short review so that if there are mahoosive conflicts between the current set up and what BCers would like then I can and will facilitate negotiations to try and achieve a concensus. At this time its about setting boundries that give the users an idea what the playing field looks like - It may over time need a bit of levelling but then no set of rules is perfect first time out..... Far be it from me to suggest a degree of economy about whats listed but I'm sure correctly worded adverts would be more than acceptable! Bob.
  12. Flats for me.... Roundworms what are they......?
  13. Always learning........ Always learning........
  14. Yep looks pretty good to me.
  15. .... too many glue and lacquer fumes....
  16. Serious stuff over...... [quote name='waynepunkdude' post='1141609' date='Feb 25 2011, 07:08 PM']I just called a W***er by a mod, I'm reporting you to my mummy [/quote] But Wayne your mummy already knows.... Ooooops she not told you about the time she caught you in your bedroom.....
  17. [quote name='pete.young' post='1141973' date='Feb 25 2011, 11:55 PM']I think the only contentious item on the list is computers, recording for the use of. This is such a fundamental part of modern music (and when I say modern, this goes back to about 1989 and the stuff that guys like Thomas Dolby were doing) that I can't really see how they can be categorised as non-musical items.[/quote] Pete, As the above post, to some degree I agree with you however, it has already been argued (by current BC members) that an iPhone was a music interface, a hard drive that had only had music saved on it, Countless notebooks are 'just used for music'. It is not an I/O question. You are correct that so much has become digitised that the lines are blurring. There are many issues around licences, Corrupted software, hardware integration issues, that it was the common concensus of most (not all) the mods but definately the site owners that the only sure way to protect the integrity of the site and its members was to not allow the sale of these on here and as above steer the potential vendor towards ebay. Bob
  18. Both valid points, and both deserve an explanation as best I'm able. [quote name='skankdelvar' post='1141983' date='Feb 26 2011, 12:08 AM']Message received and fair enough. That said - a general music CD is a 'non-musical item'? [/quote] This whole subject arose out of BCers creating self promoting CDs for sale. This was felt to be an innappropriate venue for that, then it raised the issue of general music CDs and their selling on here. At the time it was felt (and nothing has changed since) that if it was allowed the sale of CDs then it would allow the site to be potentially abused by some selling for profit, and also BC could be unwittingly party to selling of bootleg music. A situation the site owners (and to be fair the Mods) are dead set against. As a consequence it was felt that the only safe way to protect the site was to decline the sale of CDs and encourage those that want sell to use ebay. [quote name='deksawyer' post='1141984' date='Feb 26 2011, 12:12 AM']I completely agree. Music making software as well, as long as it's kosher and licensed. D.[/quote] Again this was about the protection of the site from being involved in brokering the sale of ripped software. The only way a customer can be sure they have a ligit copy of software is when they register it. By then they have parted with cash for it and the seller can deniy all knowledge. Again as CDs it was felt that the only way to protect the site and its members was to deny the sale of all software. To some extent in an ideal world this shouldn't be neccasary, sadly we dont live in an ideal world and therefore these have been put in place to ensure a level playing field. Bob.
  19. I guess you could just get away with that as an amp component....... we wouldnt want to think of you having an unnecessary surge when your disciplining your pet would we.....
  20. You be careful or Officer Dibble (how ironic - ) will be after you!
  21. [quote name='voxpop' post='1141614' date='Feb 25 2011, 07:11 PM']Hi Bob, I have fallen foul of these rules and withdrew my ad without any problems. Can you please clarify who the site owners are that you mention in the Pinned topic. Thanks. Marc[/quote] Marc I'll Pm you with them I'm not sure they would want everyone to know they are very modest folk..... Bob.
  22. [quote name='waynepunkdude' post='1141587' date='Feb 25 2011, 06:46 PM']I have a banjo playing monkey?[/quote] Wayne I think you've been spanking it too often.....
  23. Ladies and Gents, Please see new pinned topic at head of this forum before posting new items. Bob
  24. Ladies and Gents, Since having responsibility for this forum, I have had to juggle a balance of rules and wishes of the site owners. After some discussion it has been agreed by the owners and Moderation staff that more clarity is required as to what BC find acceptable and not in this forum. To this end the below list has been prepared. It is not definitive and I may have to modify some aspects. It will have a review date every 6 months and by no means is it meant to be judgmental. It does however conform to the wishes of the site owners. Bob (The Burpster) ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ Other Musically Related Items ---------------------------------------- PA Systems (Microphones, Speakers, Monitors, Mixing Desks) Other musical instruments (inc - Guitar Amps/Effects Pedals) Cables (Instrument or power) Bass/Guitar/Amp hardware (component parts, straps, stands and stools etc) Instructional DVDs and CDs Not deemed appropriate as , Other Musically Related Items ---------------------------------------- Non Bass performance DVD's (Bass Day 1998 is ok, Avatar is not). General music CDs MP3 Players & Hi Fi components Laptops/PC's (even if their current sole use is for recording music) Computer Software (e.g. Reason) irrelevant of license status. Other electronics (e.g. Camera's, games consoles, TV's) General Household goods and appliances Vehicles Buildings Clothes Anything else not listed as appropriate
  25. Ladies and gents, This is a fascinating thread and will tumble on with speculation I'm sure but as its an eBay link I'm moving it to that forum.... Enjoy...
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