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The Burpster

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Everything posted by The Burpster

  1. [quote name='Ghost_Bass' post='1141537' date='Feb 25 2011, 06:04 PM']If you look closely to the bridge you can see a dark stain coming from beneath it in direction to the pickup. This sugests that that isn't the original bridge! Don't know JS's work personaly (i'm a bit far for that) but everybody has his faults and that pickup position could be the result of a distraction![/quote] It could also mean my theory is spot on. If the saddles are not exactly parallel with the 24th fret it could set up an optical illusion (that is exaggerated by the photo) that the pups are not spot on. (waddya reckon Letts? sound theory?) the few JS basses I have played with (and I have owned one briefly) have all been spot on geometry wise, I would be gobsmacked if he was happy letting one out of his workshop wonky......
  2. Does say it was made in '95 - altho' I have a better theory..... Jon built it as a Warwick rep for a customer and as I doubt Warwick hardware was commercially available back then it was assembled by Jon with other hardware, and someone other than Jon has fitted the Warwick bridge since which would explain the alignment issues of all components..... Jeez I should be a detective.......
  3. Latest update - Its finished and will be traveling back to chez Bobster very very soon...... Harris sent me this pic to me, probably to give me a semi - it worked.... Wow just Wow.....
  4. [quote name='Bass_Guardian' post='1137491' date='Feb 22 2011, 07:08 PM']I was hoping for something a bit...cheaper $84???? A bit much for a bit of foam however adjustable[/quote] You started this thread with what the BEST foam mutes. I've identified them. You've managed to catagorise yourself withuot even trying!
  5. [quote name='ikay' post='1137148' date='Feb 22 2011, 02:44 PM']Burpster, I've often wondered about these. Do have any soundclips showing the two mute settings? Can you fine tune them for each string and did you drill holes to mount? I'm thinking of adding mutes to my fretless to dial in a thumpier tone when needed.[/quote] Sorry I have no sound clips of mine as you'd need a direct comparison. As for set up, you manually set these up once on the bass and yes you can tune the amount that each mute, mutes each string. In fact they take a little time setting up well as clearly fat strings take a wee bit more damping to get a uniform effect accross teh strings - but when you have it set up it is fabulous! You can drill them ( I have mine ) but they come supplied with a very good and thin double sided tape that allows you to mount without gluing.
  6. [quote name='farmer61' post='1136865' date='Feb 22 2011, 11:09 AM']Has he advertised it on here before, if not I wonder why?[/quote] He more than likely isn't keen on being slagged off for asking what he wants for it, seems to be a current UNWELCOME trend in 'forsale'...
  7. [quote name='Bass_Guardian' post='1136365' date='Feb 21 2011, 09:55 PM']As title says. Whats best Foam or felt mutes? And where can i get said things? Thanks in advance Alex [/quote] Alex, the BEST foam mutes are these. [url="http://www.bassmute.com/bassmute/bm_mainframe.html"]http://www.bassmute.com/bassmute/bm_mainframe.html[/url] But this being the land of thrift and whingers, I'm sure there will be plenty along in a bit to rubbish this bit of kit because to some its expensive. I have bassmutes on my PRSs and they are superb. you have 2 completely adjustable amounts of mute on each string at the flick of a switch - when you are not using them they sit quietly out of the way whilst dissengaged. If I'm using mute I want to know how much I'm using and not have to scratch around looking for bits of foam - but then apparently I have more money than sense according to some......
  8. The Takamine is a pretty good bass, but have a look at these before you pull the trigger - [url="http://www.thomann.de/gb/ovation_b778tx5_elite_tx_bass.htm"]http://www.thomann.de/gb/ovation_b778tx5_elite_tx_bass.htm[/url] Ovation are really good and this model especially. (although Thomann list this as the B778TX-5 its actually a B778TX-4 shown) Bugger them bugger them bugger them...! I thought I had cured my Ovation gas but this just looks sick.....!
  9. Very pleasent gent and trustworthy. no hesitation buying from you again!
  10. [quote name='Muzz' post='1132308' date='Feb 18 2011, 03:02 PM']I'm the same. Except for the 'warwick thumb' bit... [/quote] I was too, but I have mine now....
  11. Linus, why the pathological hatred of flats....? They produce what you are after and they are easy to play..... I have the inverse argument with my geetard who loves rounds but then loves the tone of my basses.... WTF..?
  12. Kinsman is looking fave at the mo.
  13. As above 2 tiny dots of superglue as most other glues will add a thickness when set - Cyano will only raise teh nut a minimal amount.
  14. Now before any of you medically savvy buffoons start dropping out poo jokes.... What I'm after, is what do you guys sit on for practice when you're not stood up doing the JJ Burnel thing....? Drum stool? Any old thing? side of the bed? Speaker cab? Having moved I dont have the same space I did and playing sat on my bed is uncomfortable so I need something specific. Come on 'fess up what do you use....?
  15. First Bass Owned: Yamaha RBX 170 'Go To' Bass: PRS EBIV with Bart Pre-amp, D-tuner, Bassmute and 105 Chromes. 'Your' Bass: ------------------------As above------------------------
  16. [quote name='MB1' post='1127119' date='Feb 14 2011, 02:46 PM']MB1. Great for sheeting foam wings?... no,im not going to ask [/quote] Its actually for coating wings for model aircraft - (another geeky hobby of mine!) Its actually really good stuff.... Suitable for doing fretless fingerboards tho....? Not sure.
  17. Sweeney, what is the string spacing at the nut and the total nut width pls.
  18. fg, You say for the year... how old is it do you know..? Very very intersted, so 1st dibs pls, and dont put it on the bay yet. Bob.
  19. Why oh why did you have it done RED - Blurrrgggh! If you'd have had it re-done in natural I'd have seriously considered this even tho I'm not a fan of J width necks it WAS woonderful.
  20. The someone was me. Duly moderated for you Mark. Hope this sells it is really nice.
  21. [quote name='MatthewKeys' post='1124444' date='Feb 11 2011, 10:14 PM']I'm pretty sure it's a crack in the wood, unfortunately? I have two options: 1. Send the bass back and get full 260 pound refund. 2. Accept around 70 pounds compensation for the crack, which I could use to buy a new neck. Maybe I could trade this neck and my £70 for a maple neck, is that realistic?[/quote] Matt, Pretty sure wouldnt be good enough for me. I would want to know for sure - then you can act accordingly. My opinion FWIW is get a full refund and send it back. If you are not 100% happy with it now you never will be.
  22. The few minor knocks - Any chance of pics or more accurate description pls? Interested.
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