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The Burpster

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Everything posted by The Burpster

  1. Make sure you get the correct model and the correct size post (3/8" and 1/2") otherwise you will be cussing when it comes.... All of my basses have one fiitted - if you play in drop D they are invaluable.
  2. So without going into the boring details I find myself living on my own again. The last few months haven't been fun, and the thing that's suffered most is playing..... So herein lies the funny thing - Part of my settling in my new digs, is liberating my CD collection from the ex's place and having them out to play - ALSO having set up a hi-fi again to play them through. ( ipods were about the limit of the ex's musical prowess!). I haven't gone overboard with the set up but optimised it - its a Fatman with a TEAC CD player but re-valved and QED connects and speaker cables. So what? you say.... Well.... I've started listening to music again, no - [u]really listening[/u] - and can after 10 yrs of sh!t compressed MP3 can finally hear it again..... WOW ! what have I been missing? some of the bass lines are way more simple than I've been trying to emulate, although some are considerably more complex... Listening to CDs how the artist (or mixer) wanted it to be heard is a revelation - I urge you all to get your CDs out and forget the convenience of MP3 ! !!! Oh and to reason for the post, my finger tips hurt again from trying to play new stuff - not felt that for about 6 years!
  3. [quote name='fatback' post='1111452' date='Feb 1 2011, 06:57 PM']An important point is that cheap basses can be very good to play but let down by their cheap electronics. If you don't have much cash, go passive. You can add a preamp, onboard or outboard, later. [/quote] I'm not dissing any other posts but for the OP (that's you shinkicker!) the above is the best answer so far - So Shinkicker, this always comes down to how much money you have to spend!. Sorry but that's the way it is. You're hooked so that's not a problem what to get next is - Work out how much you have to spend and then trawl through the basses for sale section on here. Most of the basses sold on here (apart from posters using BC as an alternative to ebay - Grrrrrrrr!) have usually been used by someone who's been playing a while and probably set it up fairly well...... If you have a shop nearby go and have a play if they'll let you, and see what floats your boat. The active passive thing really shouldn't be a sticking point for you (although its good you ask). Feel, style and cost should. Don't get too hung up on the old sour pusses above who advocate one type over the other, they have honed their preferences over a period of time and probably spent a great deal of dosh as well coming to the conclusions they have. I'm not even adding my opinion as its irrelevant.
  4. Unless it has issues - or is battered any Ibanez for less than £100 is a good buy.
  5. Stevie, Go on the Hippy website, find which one of their bass machines is the same as yours and the D tuner then has the same classification- The guys are correct with their assessment its the BT-2 you need.
  6. Please keep price discussions to PM and not on open forum oh and Sean good luck with this sale, if I hadnt just moved house I would have had this and I dont really like Rics that much..... It oooozes gorge does that!
  7. [quote name='Spike Vincent' post='1106673' date='Jan 28 2011, 08:18 PM']My understanding was that the Mexican Fenders were actually US parts shipped to Mexico for assembly,where the lower labour costs made the product cheaper?[/quote] US wood parts, that is correct but they are finished/ assembled there, but also have locally sourced components as well.
  8. Its not finished yet - it is to have a satin finish, and needs a couple of 'low spots' filling and recuring. Should be finished in around 2 weeks..... WOW..!
  9. Just got this pic from Harris.... OMG this is my neck.....
  10. [quote name='Killerfridge' post='1103024' date='Jan 26 2011, 12:16 AM']I still get a proper smile when I pick up either of my basses, because they sound beautiful![/quote] Irrespective of cost, make, or genre [u]that[/u] is the only thing that matters! [quote name='Davo-London' post='1104592' date='Jan 27 2011, 12:06 AM']I don't think i have ever seen so much ignorance and jealousy in a single thread. It's up to the owner whether they keep or sell their custom bass. It's no-one else's business.[/quote] Fundamentally I agree with the topic of your thread - But - ignorance and jealousy....? Sorry but I don't see that. The OP provoked speculation about why this should happen, that's all I see most posts in this thread being - speculation.
  11. [quote name='Doddy' post='1104131' date='Jan 26 2011, 06:22 PM']Or.....People really like Fenders (strange I know). I know that even with all my fancy instruments,my 'go-to' basses are Fenders.[/quote] I personally think its to do with image. Only bass sists or anal-retentive g'tards would appreciate or notice if you were playing anything but P or J on stage. Play one of those (or a very close copy) and folks say... 'so your the bass player then..!' Fact of life - but TBF the P or J do fit into most music genres without looking massively out of place. Try saying that about a Warwick Vampyre NT ......
  12. That's the sad reality, whilst there are oooodles of basses out there better made, better QC'd, cleverer and more tonally proficient, if you're playing live, folks understand if you play a Fender.... ....whatever.....
  13. Seeing as that post was 18months ago I'd be gobsmacked if they are still around.....!
  14. I'm not aware of any frets that are that soft that they'd wear out in 12 months, even playing 8hrs a day every day.... I'd say that was a load of old tosh. Squires are usually bomb proof!
  15. That's no good thats balm for putting on your boo boo, we cant be fooled by this blatant scamming attempt..... All good boo boo makers produce peripheral goods for the brand loyal, we want proof yours is the ORIGINAL boo boo.....
  16. Come on Linus you know the rules nothing for sale without pics..... No Pics = No sale The rest of you should boycott this thread until we see this the ORIGINAL boo boo! So to prove its authenticity can you take the head off and show us the date, and does it still have the original shroud on the head as we dont want any or these new fangled synthetic ones, oh no we dont..... Also do the ribs have excessive wear from over use...?
  17. [quote name='stingrayPete1977' post='1099867' date='Jan 23 2011, 05:43 PM']I have to disagree, All Rics felt the same to me! I can't bring myself to finish the joke but you know where I was going [/quote] SRP, thats very naughty but funny!
  18. There you go guys...... sorted that for you, now go fill ya boots and get this gear on a roll. I'll have a troll thought as much as I can and move bits but if you know you have a sale therad then whack her in the new bit please.... Use it or loose it.!
  19. [quote name='urb' post='1096805' date='Jan 20 2011, 08:57 PM'].... your earlier comment re cost and guilt is a biggie though and for all happiness my gear brings me if I really had to part with it, like HAD to, then I would sell - but I'm hoping that my various skills to pay them never ending bills will be enough to keep the wolf from the door - so far so good![/quote] You and me both my friend - you and me both!
  20. [quote name='urb' post='1096741' date='Jan 20 2011, 08:21 PM']Sorry but some of us [i]have[/i] reached the point where we know what we want from an instrument and it's a nice place to be - I'm not saying there aren't thousands of other wonderful instruments (in fact there are too many wonderful instruments) out there or judging anyone else's tatstes, I just don't have the time, energy or money to keep changing my mind - I'm very happy with my basses and so I can just concentrate on making music and being the best 'me' that I can be on MY bass. If you're still not sure what you want from a bass, or know how much you will use it, then it's probably not the time in your life to go spending 3K++ on an instrument - at some point you might be - until then patience is a virtue Mike[/quote] Mike, I didn't say that no-one had that knowledge, but I would suggest that you are in a minority. It makes me pleased to know that there are some that have ordered high spec and cost basses and are utterly besotted with them. I'm like that with my PRSs - not everyone's cup of tea but to me they are wonderful, and I feel very lucky to be allowed to play and own them.
  21. Some good responses above and I firmly believe the answer lies within a combination of all of those responses. Ordering and buying a custom bass is not like pimping an existing one. You have to spec everything to the luthier, and that is an awful lot of tech knowledge to possess and pass on. How many can actually state exactly what it is they want out of a bass, from woods to cuts of wood to finishes to hardware and then electrics. That is an awful lot if info to posses and to pass on, creating what is effectively a shopping list to someone who can create exactly what is asked of them. My guess is that folks ask for what they 'think' will be their Nirvana, but actually ends up being 'just another bass' allbeit a very expensive one that triggers a massive slab of guilt that gnaws away at them for the expense! Then their brain kicks in and tells them its not Nirvana and it was very expnsive, and hence they can recoup some of that by selling it.
  22. [quote name='gjones' post='1090977' date='Jan 15 2011, 11:31 PM']WARNING!!!! That girl is not....I repeat NOT!!! A girl. It's big hairy arsed guy.[/quote] Definitely mans hands, although hairy arsed? Its a shaved legged tranny, that's what it is!
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