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johnny dissident

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About johnny dissident

  • Birthday 18/07/1959

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Rookie (2/14)


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  1. And a big thankyou from me as well Daf. Without your help I wouldn't have found the strings I'm so happy playing, without a lot of expense and frustration.
  2. .......why didn't I think of that........
  3. Wow thanks for posting.
  4. I apologise for slowing the process, half a sleep I'm afraid. I've PM'd BassInMyFace. Cheers
  5. I've just brought a set of Honeys, lovely tone, although I don't slap. I suggest looking on the Innovation subforum, you can try out the Honeys from there, not sure if they have any Braids for testing though. Have a word with Daf, sure he can point you in the right direction. Good luck.
  6. The Ultra Blacks are on their way to Steve, both PURPOLARIS and Burg passed on them. I really enjoyed their depth of tone and the tension was easy to get used to, really nice to play pizzicato, I particularly liked the way they sounded above D on the G string, full and loads of mwah. I only have Helicore Hybrids and Honeys to use as a comparisson, so I can't give a very meaningful and in depth review, but there is something about the Honeys that I prefer so far in my search for the perfect string, it's probably because I found the Ultras a little skiddy with the bow (most likley my lack of technique). But since I've restrung the Hybrids, my arco technique seems to have improved ! The other strange thing I've noticed is how loud the Hybrids sound now, still don't like their tone though.Thanks again for giving us the oportunity to try different strings. All the best, Johnny D
  7. Have just read this thread, so sorry for the late post. Just want to add my weight to the positive comments. I've been using my Doubler through a M line wizzy12 cab since the summer. Very versatile, you can adjust the gain and eq with the trim pots to suit your needs, I haven't used the phase switch yet as I only use a KK bass max at the moment, but hope to experiment with mixing in a mic soon. As for gigging BG and DB, no problem with a foot switch, no more faffing. And, I love the sound of my old Stingray coming through this rig, both instruments sound like themselves and plenty loud. The only gripe would be the lack of XLR DI, but easily sorted. Highly recomended ***** the cab has a lot to do with it.
  8. In photo 1, it looks like your bridge has slipped back a tad, try centering it on the F hole notches.
  9. Just to let you know, the strings are on, will let you know how I get on soon as...........
  10. My acoustic guitar playing buddy has been useing Tonerite, and swears by it. Has anyone here actually tried one ? Could it possibly improve my Stentor 1950 ? I don't think that I could justify spending sooo much dosh, find the time to stick to the bow me thinks !
  11. Fantastic idea, count me in. 4 strings with frets get my vote, but I'd try anything. I would guess that most of us would live close enough to deliver in person.
  12. I've had mine for about six years, must admit it's the only DB I've ever owned, but I love it especially since I had it set up properly and a new adjustable bridge fitted. Still experimenting with strings, my fav's so far were Honey's. I use a bass max with it but would love to try out a mic but not sure which to try, expensive old game isn't it, even with a less expensive bass...........bloody good fun though
  13. Played my first gig for a while on DB last night, the last few months have been familiar songs on electric bass, I always feel fairly relaxed beforehand. But last night I don't mind admitting, I was bricking it. All the way through the first set of mostly unfamiliar songs I was all too aware of my bad intonation and lousy technique, nothing like when I practise, it felt like I was throwing fingers blindly at where the notes were. And of course the whole audience knew and were staring at me. I loosened up a bit for the second set after some kind words from some of the punters. All in all it was a great gig and I feel like I got over a bit of a bump and ended up really having a good time. And, I was asked for my number, for some possible recording. Never as bed as you imagine
  14. But then again , there won't be a rule to stop us looking at more than one section. Will there ?
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