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Marky L

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  1. Bright rounds. Sansamp. Pick. My (distinctly poor) technique.
  2. Yup, a standard steel string folk type.
  3. I guess I'm used to a brighter sound but I'm not opposed to a bit warmer. I'd not heard of flat acoustics and they actually sound like a joy to play.
  4. 11s to compensate for my hamfisted technique but yes, maybe I should drop to 10s to see.
  5. I occasionally pick up my old Yamaha acoustic 6 string and struggle to get on with it, much of this is due to the strings just being hard work (and I am in no way a natural player). I reckon a lower tension set of strings would make life so much easier. Any recommendations welcome, lower cost is ideal.
  6. Yeah. I've noticed 😔 Ain't that the way!
  7. I'm hankering after getting another Ashdown mini 4x8 (why did I ever sell the last one?!?!). Would be grateful if anyone can let me know if there are any available. Cheers M
  8. Thanks folks. Absolutely I will.
  9. I'm just looking for some recommendations to replace the now fuzzy sounding driver in an old mini 15" cab I have. I want to put a mini rig back together for tighter set up gigs and so would like to get this up and motoring again. My hearing is not good enough to hear subtle differences in cone tone but I do need a good 300W capability that deals with lower frequencies. So please any recommendations please (and at muso low costs too!). Also if anyone knows of a 4x8 mini Ashdown going, I could be interested. Ta!
  10. It was a 4001. IIRC it was yellow... or was it blue? 91% sure it was yellow. I love this album and how Paul just adds so much to it. I just wish the production had been a bit better. It always seems to lack something that I can't work out.
  11. I did too at first, but stick with it.. they usually change quite quickly.
  12. The occasional noise from other stuff going on in the background, fantastic.
  13. If you have 47:50 mins spare over lunchtime then this is a strangely relaxing video to watch - YouTube luthier Tanya Shpachuk goes through the process of replacing a truss rod and frets on a Tbird in close up detail. I found it equally fascinating and also somewhat twitchy, as someone who is an absolute klutz with tools would have had that thing reduced to firewood in 5 minutes. I really do admire people with skills to do this sort of thing and the patience required too. Getting that fretboard off... ooohh!!!!! (Ignore the odd bogey nail art.. it doesn't last long.)
  14. Really? I used to go there a lot, I think I'm going to have a quick peak 😃
  15. Musically? Yeah. Most of our audience could knock me into a cocked hat.. But my footwear collection, charming audience banter skills and of course my effervescent good natured bonhomie are untouchable. 😁
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