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Marky L

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Everything posted by Marky L

  1. I've been kicking myself for years about not bidding more for it. I only bid a lowish bid and got way laid by a Fender Jazz in Ireland. Well, thanks for letting me know, in a weird way I feel a bit better about it having spoken with you now. Sort of makes the pain of missing it a bit better!!! My search will continue.... Cheers M.
  2. [quote name='Alemboid' post='81220' date='Oct 30 2007, 12:54 PM']I had one of these very basses a few years ago. Essentially they were just a limited run of a basic 4003, mine had the certificate proclaiming it to be one of only 199 made, or some such number. They made a white one too if I remember rightly. Apart from its undoubtedly considerable blackness and small dot markers, it was just another 4003. This was the only Rick I've had - after lusting after since I was very young, I discovered their complete unsuitability for my playing style Great with a pick though. Sold it in 2002 on ebay for eight hundred and something... Perhaps this was the one you remember? B [attachment=3154:rick_blackstar1.jpg] [attachment=3155:rick_blackstar2.jpg] [attachment=3156:rick_blackstar3.jpg][/quote] Oh bloody hell, that was it I'm sure!! Did it sell to some one in the Oxford area or were you from there? Yup, I fancied having a 4001 for a long time and when I discovered the Blackstar then it was THE obvious choice. I'm still pi**ed that I missed it. Thanks for posting the pics too M.
  3. Mmm.. makes me wonder about the one on ebay those years back.. it went for under a grand I'm sure. Oh well, I don't need one... just WANT!! [quote name='beerdragon' post='80953' date='Oct 29 2007, 07:23 PM']Don't know about the Rick markyL, But 10/10 for the scariest Avatar. [/quote] Ha! That's baby Chump Manbear!! I did almost succeed once in convincing someone that it was a pic of one of my kids
  4. Has anyone on here ever owned one of these fellas? I think I got the name right. Basically as I understand it was a limited ed Ricky 4001(?) finished all in black with tiny little micro dot markers and all the chrome bits were black or smoked? The whole deal was just very... black I remember missing one on ebay about 4 years back and bought a F Jazz which is decidedly dodgy (see seperate post when I can be bothered!). Anyway, I loved the look of it and wish I'd got my hands on it. Just wondering if anyone had personal experience of it. M
  5. Does anyone know of a 4x8 for sale for a good price? (Steve's is not available now unfortunately). I'd prefer UK made, but I'm open. Ta M PS Matty, could you let me have the email addy of the guy that makes those cabs pls. Could be an option.
  6. [quote name='dood' post='79820' date='Oct 26 2007, 04:11 PM']Sorry guys, I hadnt checked this thread for ages. The correct model number for this bass is:- PB70US TL BK - You'd have to contact Ishi' directly about it's availability. Mine was actually available from the catalogue when I asked. Looking back on it.. I suspect that Fender Japan may even have put a special order together for me, as those who have asked about them since are expecting that they may not be making them (for said catalogue). I won't dwell on it, but you are unlikely to get one through the UK importers, unless they cobble one together out of spare bits.. something offered to me by one outlet. lol..[/quote] Alas, they don't carry that model now. The email I got from them today linked meto this part of the site with the latest kit. [url="http://www.ishibashi.co.jp/webshop/guitar/fender-j/index.htm"]http://www.ishibashi.co.jp/webshop/guitar/fender-j/index.htm[/url] If any one can highlight what the differences are between the lower cost and the more expensive P basses listed on here I'd be obliged. I was won over by the pic's Dood posted and I want the same!! Black on black with a rosewood board.. mmmmmmmmmmmm (but want it .. er cheap of course!!) M.
  7. [quote name='wateroftyne' post='80158' date='Oct 27 2007, 04:21 PM']I ran two Mini 15's, then a Mini 15 and a Mini 48 for a couple of years. They're fine for the size. I did notice that the point where they ran out of steam a little, was noticeable lower than many cabs, but... that's to be expected because of their size. It didn't happen very often.[/quote] Yeah, the 8's and a 15 in combination makes sense in my head. I have tried lifting a 15 and it was fine. Also the size is good (might not be so imposing on stage though!) but I did wonder where the compromise would be, so it's the "running out of steam" worry, but it's for small pub/club/party stuff currently. I can always change later on. Thanks for the advice everyone. Oh, I'll be aiming for second hand made in UK ones. A local dealer noted that the build quality of the Chinese made cabs (amps too) is really not up to standard. M
  8. In the search for upgrading, yet making things drastically lighter (and also on a tight budget), I was thinking about getting a couple of the Ashdown mini cabs (second hand would be a teat). A 4x8 and a 1x15 was one idea but I was wondering if anyoe here has used them and what they think? The limited budget is a strangling my options a bit otherwise I'd aim for the neo cabs of some sorts, maybe I stll will later on, but for now these mini's look possible. Any views greatly appreciated. M (Problem is, I'm angling for a MIJ Precision too!!)
  9. [quote name='stingrayfan' post='78150' date='Oct 23 2007, 11:42 AM']If it's in a guitar shop, I normally can't remember a single one![/quote] +1 on that! I go utterly blank so I end up twiddling around and making an unholy racket! Also when getting back in to the car, flicking on the CD and hearing something obvious, my usual comment - "Oh FFS why didn't I do that!"
  10. Dood. Yeah, can you post maybe a direct link to the area on Ishibashi site where you found that Precision.. ohh damn but I love it!! I'm not finding it the most helpful site to navigate! Cheers M
  11. Thanks folks It's one of a long list of basses I must have!! I need a P-Bass too but that J Aerodyne looks like such good value. I need to have a try of one really. M
  12. Hi all. Jumping in on this thread... can anyone give me their feelings/experiences with the Aerodyne Jazz?? I have it on my list of things to get sometime (after amp upgrade.. or maybe some sorta fretless first) but I'd love to hear from real users. I must admit to being attratcted to the dark side and all that lovely shiny blackness and smoked chrome.. yum! Anyhoo, any advice is greatly appreciated. Marky
  13. To wear my roots on my sleeve I have to say - JJ Burnell - Stranglers (is he counted as underrated?) Paul Gray - Hot Rods, Damned, UFO et al Bruce Foxton - Jam William Mysterious - Rezillos Jah Wobble - PiL +1 on Gary Tibbs too Loads more really that my crappy old memory fails me on. The top four moulded my 'style' for sure Oh.. just broke my basschat virginity! yay!
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