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Everything posted by Chrismanbass

  1. [url="http://www.independentrecording.net/irn/resources/freqchart/main_display.htm"]http://www.independentrecording.net/irn/resources/freqchart/main_display.htm[/url] great chart to help learn your frequencies explains what effect cutting or boosting each frequency will have as well
  2. played the underbelly a few times in recent months not a bad venue (trace combo is the house amp if i recall correctly) i think the clientele depends on the night you play. had a bad experience with a crappy sound engineer there mentioned something to the promoter about it n she said the regular who we've used before and is good was ill n this guy was a cover engineer.
  3. i have it on pretty good authority that he's not a nice person to work with or be around spent his first set complaining that he didn't have a stage fan was found a fan during the break and then proceeded to complain that the fan was too loud asking the audience after every song if they could hear it and pointing his talkback mic at it saying "clearly the engineer can't" but agreed incredible player all round shame really
  4. Hi guys heres a live recording from a streamed gig i did for a dance producer tonight let me know what you think [url="https://soundcloud.com/kanobiknights/morning-star-ft-the-thirst#play"]https://soundcloud.com/kanobiknights/morning-star-ft-the-thirst#play[/url]
  5. here a link to a live track from the stream tonight [url="https://soundcloud.com/kanobiknights/morning-star-ft-the-thirst#play"]https://soundcloud.com/kanobiknights/morning-star-ft-the-thirst#play[/url]
  6. sorry geoff there was a technical issue with the stream we're releasing a song from the stream tonight to download and the video will follow shortly
  7. Hi folks a bit late in the day but i'm doing a live stream on the interweb for some dance producers called insomniac shack tonight at 6.30 from Brentside studios in north london if anyone fancies checking it out you can find it on [url="http://www.ustream.tv/channel/insomniac-shack-presents"]http://www.ustream.tv/channel/insomniac-shack-presents[/url] cheers chris
  8. my suggestion for your mixer issue would be to go digital and run your in ears straight from the aux's i know theres been a little bit of talk about it earlier on in the thread but realistically if your eventually going to want to run individual mixes then digital is best something like a yamaha 01v96 can be picked up for less than a grand these days (i know its very easy to spend other peoples money). With all the onboard facilities (comps,eq,fx) you can really craft your sound. also with this you are able to save your in ear mixes so once you have found a mix your happy with you can recall it and it will be the same at any gig. the same applies for your foh mixes as well if you have regular venues you visit which saves on set up time. something like this would be ideal imo [url="http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Yamaha-01V96-Mixing-Console-/300908296809?pt=UK_Mixers&hash=item460f883a69"]http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Yamaha-01V96-Mixing-Console-/300908296809?pt=UK_Mixers&hash=item460f883a69[/url]
  9. pm'd
  10. hi henry first off let me say that i'm not a double bass player however i am a sound engineer who deals with double basses nightly ime the dpa is great for picking up string noise however not great at giving a lot of bottom end to the bass i've found that i've had the best results from the dpa when used in conjunction with a pickup as well that way your able to blend between the two to create the right tone for you for example i run the dpa about 5 db louder than the pickup that way i get a nice even double bass tone this is obviously dependant on the room and the system but thats what i've found to give the best results for me to be honest i'm not sure exactly what the pick up on the house bass is but i can find out for you if you'd like if i can be of any help just give me a pm chris
  11. shure earphones are great i have a pair of 215's as backup to my moulds never had a problem and yeh its like night and day moving from wedges to in ears
  12. haha thanks guys some good advice and some stuff thats cheered me up as it happens the singer has sent a message around and apologised for being unprofessional so we'll see how things progress
  13. hi guys kinda using you as a sounding board but heres the story so far auditioning for graduation at my uni which means if we get it then we get to play at shepherds bush empire, however more than that we get to do anything we like which means we can work out a really cool arrangement of the song we're doing. the band is a regular function band of mine where the drummer and the lead singer are an item. anyway moving forward to today and the audition at 10am this morning and we start the song all is going well however before the first chorus there is a one bar stop and the drummer forgets and plays straight through it not a major emergency however its a little messy then going into the chorus. Anyway skip to the end of the audition and outside the singer is visibly annoyed but doesn't say anything and then just leaves leaving the drummer to walk home on his own. so now i'm left wondering whats going on. i'm worried now cause the band is awesome i really enjoy playing with them and also its a pretty good earner too, however i'm just glad i'm not in his shoes at the minute any thoughts?
  14. i've found the same thing with mine coupled with a pair of bartolini j pups i always run cutting the bass a little bit as it helps me to get a more definite sound
  15. sight reading the musical cats last night for a friend was great fun the first act was a bit or a roast but after the interval settled into my groove properly and was even enjoying it by the end
  16. [quote name='BigRedX' timestamp='1366536831' post='2053565'] Last year the amount I spent on taxis to do this was still less than the running costs of having my own car (insurance, tax petrol etc.) and that's before I even take the actual cost of buying a car into account. I would consider owning an equal share of a band vehicle that was big enough to seat the whole band plus at least 2 others and fit all the gear, but owning a personal car? Forget it. [/quote] a very sensible and well considered approach unfortunately for me it's the complete opposite driving my car to gigs is the cheaper/easier option, especially if i give a band member a lift (we usually split the parking ect.) however it depends from gig to gig. If i know the house amp is decent (the underbelly in hoxton has a nice little trace combo) then i'll jump on the tube but generally if i'm taking my rig then i'll take my car means i don't have to deal with the fun of night buses on the way home
  17. use one to carry bass to uni and back every day and where other cases have lasted 6 months max (using a case every day wears them out quickly) this is still going strong and still as comfortable as the day i bought it looking at getting one of the dual cases
  18. its just the way hes got all the sounds down it cracks me up
  19. i remeber a fairly well known jazz act sending their rider to my engineer friend at ronnies which spec'd "a spotlight to highlight soloists" erm i could stand at the back with a torch if you ilke? any of you who've visited ronnie scotts will know what i mean
  20. just found this on youtube bill cosby talking about wanting to be a jazz drummer when he was younger [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1Zn-P0ZH3_M"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1Zn-P0ZH3_M[/url] enjoy
  21. [quote name='SpaceChick' timestamp='1365976826' post='2046929'] Yey, I can officially post to this thread (well technically I should wait until past midnight but I'm sure you'll forgive me in my excitement) So dear bass chatters, today, 10 and a half months after picking up a bass, I have performed infront of a real life audience!!! With our charity gigs looming, we decided to try out some of our set at a local jam night! We were told we would be able to do 2 or 3 numbers.... But when we were up there they asked us to do a fourth I was shaking like a leaf!! I can't believe how nervous I was. The first song started, and because they provide the back line I couldn't hear myself, so I had to step forward infront of the PA speaker to hear my bass!! We performed "Mercury Blues", "Badge", "Can't get enough of your love" and "Need your love so bad". Several people came on to me afterwards to compliment my bass playing!! I have recorded the tracks (thanks Discreet for the Zoom recorder recommendation) and so will listen to them tomorrow to analyse where I can improve on my playing. I probably sounded sh*t with shaking fingers!!! But right now I am on cloud nine!!! It was bloody fantastic to perform!!! Hee hee, I'm actually a proper real life bassist now!!!! I was wearing a t-shirt saying "Yes, I'm a girl... Yes, I play bass... Any more questions?" and a guy came up to me and said "I have a few questions, can I have your number and can I take you on a date?" I laughed, then he said "I'm being serious, you are beautiful and you are brilliant on the bass"!!! I politely declined saying how sweet it was of him, but I'm a very happily married woman.... But it's given me a real confidence boost!! I'm a happy bassist tonight!! [/quote] welcome to the life of a gigging bass player chick i'll warn you its addictive glad to hear all went well don't worry about the nerves they'll pass with more and more gigs maybe some of the basschat community in the audience sometime in the future?
  22. i imagine something like this would work [url="http://exploraudio.com/categories/bass-mount-standard-double-upright-bass/11/"]http://exploraudio.com/categories/bass-mount-standard-double-upright-bass/11/[/url]
  23. i think it was the average one twigman or at least thats how i've done mine
  24. not strictly on topic but since we can't share our mixes for the current song anyone fancy giving this a listen and giving me some opinions/feedback? bit of big band swing for your listening pleasure [url="https://soundcloud.com/chris-hallam-1/big-band"]https://soundcloud.com/chris-hallam-1/big-band[/url] ps. mines done just letting it sit for a couple of days n then go back n have another listen
  25. [quote name='jackers' timestamp='1365518975' post='2040610'] I may well attempt this this month. I know naff all about mixing though haha. [/quote] it helps with my playing as well i've found i have a better sense of the whole band now and not just playing bass
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