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Everything posted by funkypenguin

  1. [quote name='rk7' timestamp='1377183070' post='2184472'] Will try to attend, with both Overwaters and a TC rig. thank you please RK [/quote] Do you know if you're going to be there RK?? If you are would mind letting me have a noodle on that lovely overwater thru neck?
  2. [quote name='CamdenRob' timestamp='1377714875' post='2190807'] edit *oops wrong bash... ah well never mind the point still stands* Just met bluejay for a trade who has got me interested in coming along to this... Wonderful lady, if half of those attending are as passionate about bass as she is it'll be a wonderful day.... Not sure I can really bring anything along to compete with the spoils currently on offer though... Maybe I'll bring a looper for a demo. Rob [/quote] Are you coming all the way up North for this then Bluejay??
  3. Mother of god that's gorgeous...Sorry to hear about the hand issues, good luck with the sale!!
  4. I've added ramps to a few of my basses and haven't looked back, but the best mod was having an East U-Retro fitted to my warwick streamer which completely transformed the sound of the bass, such a difference compared to the MEC 2 band that was in before
  5. Ahh you got a ramp in the end! how are you finding it??
  6. [quote name='Fionn' timestamp='1376842913' post='2179816'] Sexual! [/quote] Its a gorgeous bass it has to be said. The pic i have of both this and my 97 LX6 together is a serious piece of bass porn but it wont let me upload it...
  7. Got my hands on my second Warwick recently, 2008 Streamer Jazzman custom shop in French Violet with matching headstock and planet inlays. Sounds and feels great, so different to my Streamer 6, not least in it has the much thicker Ovankol neck profile. Enjoy [attachment=141768:IMAG0490.jpg]
  8. Assuming you haven't sold your streamer (ran into this thread on the off chance), fit a John East U-Retro preamp. Had one fitted to my streamer and it sounds awesome in active or passive modes
  9. I absolutely love this recording of Blow Your Mind....the rest is great too, Zender's groove is so so good
  10. [quote name='EBS_freak' timestamp='1376664023' post='2177651'] I couldn't pick out Eude's Finn. I can't think what Kiwi's Shuker looks like but I just recall a Kiwi inlay. Shep's Roscoe... if I was in a room full or Roscoes, I would have to get a measuring tape out to find the one which was 32" scale! (PS not saying, they aren't iconic basses, just that I as an individual find them hard to picture right now!) [/quote] Those were just mine, mainly because i followed the build diaries fairly closely
  11. Eude's 6 string finn, The Doodle, Kiwi's Shuker MIDI 6 and Sheps Roscoe LG
  12. Can't wait to see the finished bass!! When i eventually get around to ordering something special, it will be very similar to the 5 string on Johns Uberhorn page
  13. How close is it to completion now Shizznit?
  14. Went down to see John with my bass today, got a brew, he fixed my warwick for no charge and we had a great chat about all things bass. One of the nicest guys i've ever met and some of the very best customer care i've ever received. Thanks John!!
  15. I listen to bass players (and other musicians) that inspire me, and every time i realise i still have an awful lot to learn...
  16. Assuming i'm not gigging i'll try and drive up for this, its been ages since ive been to a Bash!! I'll be bringing my Streamer LX6, Streamer Jazzman, Fender P, Trace/Vanderkley rig and my pedalboard
  17. [quote name='molan' timestamp='1376352489' post='2172809'] I've owned both Foderas and Alleva Copollos - both are right up there at the peak of bass building as far as I'm concerned. Very, very different design and build ethics but neither can really do what the other can. On a purely monetary front an MG is a good 50% more expensive than an AC (actually an MG Standard is 50% more, a fully fledged custom is more like 100% more). I can see where the money is though, the MG's are stunning instruments, I've been playing a new MGS recently and it's just a fabulous thing [/quote] You do seem to have pretty spectacular taste in basses Molan, your sig is usually a who's-who of bass makes i would love to own Jimmy Coppolo has taken some (perhaps) unnecessary flak and flaming on TB, but if I sold 2 basses to buy a bass described as "showing some play wear", parted with $5000 and then received the instrument with the damage pictured, i wouldn't be very happy with the builder, especially if he then implied i had edited or doctored the photos. Fair play to him for giving the OP the full refund though.
  18. I've played a couple of his basses, and personally the Fodera MG i played blew them away but thats just me If there is something going on, and he does have a reasonable explanation, you would think he would say something given that his reputation for build quality and customer care seems to be taking something of a hammering thanks to this....
  19. Off days?? The idea of a top end builder knowingly shipping a bass in that condition after charging $5000 is absolutely crass
  20. Thanks guys, i've dropped him an email, fingers crossed something will be sorted out. I really dont want to have to pay for a whole new circuit if it can in any way be avoided :S
  21. Hey guys, Hopefully someone can shed some light. Part of the main circuit board on the U-retro preamp i use has come away, looks like the solder has failed. Ive taped it back in place for the moment, so i can still use my bass till i get back to the UK this weekend but obviously it needs fixing properly. Does anyone know if east offer any kind of warranty (the circuit was installed 13 months ago) or will i have to pay for a whole new circuit? Cheers Ben
  22. Good gawd Eude, thats one helluva collection you've now got!! Have to say that 6er of yours is my personal favourite but this one is an absolute beauty! Can you post some soundclips of them all soon??
  23. I'm between cruise contracts at the moment, and while there isnt a no drinking policy with the company i work for, there are strict limits on how much you can drink. Certainly this is so you can play to the required standard, but as a member of the ships company, if there is any form of emergency on board, at any time of night or day, you have to be able to respond and help the guests, which you can't do if you're passed out from drink in your cabin.
  24. Heard anything from Jon, is the bass done yet??
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