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Posts posted by funkypenguin

  1. [quote name='rmcki' timestamp='1348503212' post='1814442']
    I've been thinking about it for some time in the short list is.[list=1]
    [*]Dingwall ABZ 5
    [*]Warwick Thumb 5
    [*]Overwater Inspiration 5
    [*]Fender Marcus Miller 5
    I was thinking maybe the Thumb but i do have two other warwicks so maybe something different.
    I was hoping to get so ideas from the forum.

    Of those, if not a warwick i would go for overwater. You can get a top end build for that kind of money (might be worth looking at the Scott Devine Perception :) )

  2. Since you seem to like your Warwicks, keep an eye on the for sale section on here and get yourself one of the older warwick 5ers that come up from time to time, 80s or 90s streamer/thumb with a solid wenge neck

    If that doesnt float your boat, what ball park are you interested in? Super Jazz? Custom build?

  3. Cheers!! As it happens this bass will be going around the world with me, since im working on cruise ships in the carribean as of the 15th of November! :)

    You're spot on, the neck is the old slim profile, its really nice to play. Its one of the more comfortable 6er necks i've had the pleasure to play. The east preamp is one of the best bits of kit ive bought since i started playing bass. For the sound i generally go for (deep and warm with sweet top end) its brilliant, i get this sound with EQ set flat and panned to the neck pickup slightly. The only preamp ive liked as much is the pope preamp that Fodera use

  4. [quote name='Doddy' timestamp='1348418324' post='1813392']
    For playing bass,Powerballs,Gripmasters and the like are not going to help. You don't need strong hands
    or wrists to play bass. For every minute you spend playing with one of them is a minute that would be
    better spent playing your instrument,which would be more beneficial to your playing.


  5. Great article Alan, thanks for posting this. My regard for Shuker, Fodera, your good self and all the other custom luthiers out there just went up several notches

  6. I had the same issue with my Warwick, not having a midrange control was driving me up the wall. Loved everything else about the bass so i had an East U-retro put in. Problem solved and she sounds amazing now. Same warwick growl but more (and sweeter) midrange

  7. [quote name='Ashwood1985' timestamp='1347587385' post='1802857']
    I fully agree my man and it's great to see you're using the instrument(s) that're best for you.

    Although the main aim of that question was to ask opinions on the pressure that many players may feel about what basses and how many strings they should be playin. Whether from a snooty jazz player or old rocker they look up to, the latest teen 'bands' who are all seen with Vintage Fender Jazzes or a popular player who is always seen slappin the life out of an active 6'r... whatever... - how much do we make our instrument decisions based on what is good in our hands and our ears and how much because we've been told its fantastic? :huh:

    Ahhh ok i see what you mean. I think there is alot of pressure for bands that are beginning to make a name for themselves, have management etc. to play instruments that are 'hip' and uncontroversial. For me its about playability, feel and sound, so for me its my warwick that wins out over my fender 95 times out of 100. How it looks and what people think of my instrument choice doesnt interest me in the slightest.

  8. [quote name='Ashwood1985' timestamp='1347356104' post='1799633'] I course with 5s and 6s being the new kids on the block, Theres a vibe that 'proper' bass players play a 4 on stage. How much do you guys think this influences our decisions? [/quote]

    I'm not bothered what people think of the 6er when im on stage, Only what they think is good/bad about my playing and whether or not they enjoyed the show, which at the end of the day is what matters :) proper bass players? Anthony Jackson and John Patitucci are about as proper as bass players get. End of

  9. Agh, eh well! It was a good gig thanks, could only hear the bass, the kit and a bit of guitar so im not sure how it sounded out front :P (we were playing in an outdoor tent of sorts) but it was good fun all the same! :) plenty of people hung around to listen which is always nice!

  10. [quote name='Rick's Fine '52' timestamp='1347197946' post='1797901']
    Sorry, thought it was obvious, it was actually you're quote. I meant, thankfully you don't have a tadeo precision that's having its finish faded and cracked due to being exposed to light every day, and the bakelite guard cracked to swithereens by palm sweat. If it was played regularly, as you say it should be, it wouldn't last long in nice condition. Rare, significant and important artefacts, whether modern or ancient, including basses should be preserved, its obvious, we're not splitting atoms here, you don't agree, which is fine, I'm just glad you don't own one, it's an opinion, which I'm entitled to, as are you.

    At which point you have it stripped, re finished, a new scratchplate fitted, drop some new strings on, and continue gigging it hard for the next 50 years :P

  11. [quote name='Rick's Fine '52' timestamp='1347145650' post='1797492']

    Yes, in the case of a £20k Fodera, I'd agree, because thats been recently made, and bought, to be played. In the case of a £20k 50's Fender, its different, it was made to be played in 1952, not 60 years later, it has now become a highly regarded, and collectible vintage piece of history, and should be treated as such, and respected as such.
    I've said it before, similarly, cars are meant to be driven, but you wouldnt drive your super rare £2m '65 Daytona Spyder to Tesco, and leave it in the car park next to the trolley bay would you? Unless you're a total knob of course...same applies to anything else like this, including instruments.

    Tell that to string players that use Stradivarius violins worth millions day in day out including flying all over the world. I buy an instrument to play it, irrespective of age (not that i have 20k to spend on a fodera, to my regret)

  12. [quote name='Rick's Fine '52' timestamp='1347143369' post='1797466']
    People can do what they want with their stuff, I'm sure they have others they play. If, by keeping them, it means others can play these vintage gems in another 20 years time, then its fine with me. If someone had a rare, historical instrument, worth £15k, and played it at the dog and duck on jam night,that could get irreversibly damaged at any moment, then that would be a bigger crime to me.

    People can do whatever they want with their stuff, im not disputing that. Instruments (IMHO) are meant to be played thats all, whether a £200 squier or a £20000 Fodera, Its all the same

  13. Short notice plug but if anyone is around Wigan tomorrow and fancies listening to some live soul tomorrow im playing as part of a friends band in Wigan Mesnes Park at 3:30pm :)



  14. IMO you buy a bass because you want to play it, not as an investment. Everyone i know who has bought a bass as an investment has ended up selling it within a couple of months for more or less the price they bought it for. Bass guitars are meant to be played, not to sit in their cases while their owners wait for them to go up in value. If you want to make an investment, buy a painting, not a bass

  15. As far as getting gigs is concerned, look up everywhere that puts originals bands on and get on it and get your details and recordings to them. Be persistent! Most pubs want you to chuck covers in as well as originals. Get posters up in the venue, around the venue and on social network sites (FB etc.). Payment very much depends on where you are getting gigs, most pubs pay between £180-£300. Most clubs where ive played in originals bands havnt been paid gigs (though we usually get a drink or two) so unless you can do 2 sets and pull in alot of people dont expect to be paid on those types of gigs.

    Recording wise....depends what you want. If you're looking for a cheap and cheerful EP, it will sound cheap and cheerful. If you want quality recordings done in a quality studio with great gear and with a good engineer, be prepared to pay good money for it. Golden Rule - You get what you pay for. This goes double for production and mastering

    If you're hell bent on only doing originals, be prepared to do ALOT of leg work to keep the band going

  16. Right, another plug for a gig im playing!! An evening with some of Manchesters finest progressive rock bands at Night and Day cafe on wednesday the 19th of September commencing around 730pm.

    Ive made another thread in the gig section here [url="http://basschat.co.uk/topic/186064-manchester-progressive-rock-evening-presentscloser-to-the-edge/page__pid__1794592#entry1794592"]http://basschat.co.u...92#entry1794592[/url]

    If anyone is free that evening in Manchester and fancies coming to watch some great live music then please come down and check my band Helian Skies and the others out. we would really appreciate it! (P.S if you do come down please do come say hello! :) )

  17. A plug for a gig im playing on in 2 weeks time, featuring some of Manchesters finest progressive/alternative rock bands, Spires, Helian Skies, Malcolm T-Rex and Ubastute.. Its been organised by a my friend and bandmate from Helian Skies and should be a really great evening of music!! If you're in manchester and like Rush, Yes, Marillion, Karnivool, Nevermore et. al. then come down and check out the bands, we would really appreciate a good crowd

    Here is my band Helian Skies in action. Sound isnt the best but it gives an idea. Hope to see some of you at the gig!


    [attachment=117618:Rock Night A3.jpg]

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