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Everything posted by nige1968

  1. Is it time for an ‘ageing bass players in gig bags’ thread?
  2. Could someone explain to the ignorant dunderheads out here what this actually is in simple terms? Multi FX? Plugin-type-thing? Preamp?
  3. I’d be all over that if it was a five-string
  4. All multiverses are pretty much the same, too.
  5. Question is, what do ears sound like? My money's on crunchy
  6. Help me out people -- do all picks sound the same, would you say?
  7. Thought this would have been snapped up by now! Or at least sawn up.
  8. http://www.warwickbass.com/en/Framus---Support--Serial-Number.html#current_site_id
  9. Alas, drivel appears not to count towards my post count. Unless it's drivel about bass guitars, at any rate. I'm told it's 500 posts by someone who sounded confident, so I think this one's case closed.
  10. Sorry, I used a link instead of reposting the pic, but the loooooooooong and short of it is: I haven't got one of those. Just a birthday and a status toggle.
  11. Helloes. How does one go about earning a 'Member Title' as per the below?
  12. Kthxbai

    1. Teebs
    2. Rich


      U ok hun x?

    3. TheGreek


      I'm too old for all this text speak....

  13. Do you mean second-hand or new? Second-hand, you pay more (£1,000+) for early models, custom shop and anything neck-through. Early- to mid-noughties models with chunky necks tend to be less sought-after. They still aren't trendy items second-hand, partly I guess because right now passive Fenders are what 'the kids' are into and partly because the oil finishes can look icky if not properly cared for. Some models are probably more popular than others but it's in the eye of the beholder, really. Chinese and Korean instruments can be found for not much moolah. New, you pay sky-high dollars for Custom Shop basses, £1,500 upwards for 'German Pro Series' (parts sourced from various luthiers and assembled on the German production line) and anything up to £1,000 for Chinese Rockbasses. Hope it's helpful and reasonably accurate.
  14. https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B-f0qFeIpPEnY01jWkw3enNaMzQ/view
  15. Love it! Just needs a whammy bar or two
  16. https://rover.ebay.com/rover/0/0/0?mpre=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.ebay.co.uk%2Fulk%2Fitm%2F202814579937 A 17-string broadneck. Love it!
  17. Decorative? Nah, you could take out a mammoth with one well-placed swing of that.
  18. My 9-year-old listens to Parry Gripp. That is all. (But he’s still into Cardiacs, bless him)
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