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Everything posted by wriggers

  1. Hi Bob and welcome Come in, the water's lovely. This is a great community with very helpful members and very few grumpy ones.
  2. wriggers

    Pint in Leeds

    Pudsey town hall I think Mr f. I will prob be there in morning.
  3. wriggers

    Pint in Leeds

    I can't do 8th but can do twentytwooth.
  4. wriggers

    Pint in Leeds

    [color=#898F9C]God was bored and went missing for six days. The Archangel Gabriel found him resting on the seventh day.[/color] [color=#898F9C]"What have You been up to?" he said.[/color] [color=#898F9C]"I've created the planet Earth and it will be a place of great balance."[/color] [color=#898F9C]"Balance?" said Gabriel.[/color] [color=#898F9C]God explained.[/color] [color=#898F9C]North America would be wealthy and South America would be poor. "Over there I've placed a continent of white people, and over there a continent o[/color][color=#898F9C]f black people." God talked of different countries. "That one will be hot and that one will be covered with ice." Gabriel was impressed and pointed to an area in England and said: "What's that?" "Ah," said God. "That is Yorkshire, the most glorious place on Earth. There will be beautiful lakes, streams, rivers and hills, great music, architecture, and sporting giants. The people from Yorkshire will be modest, intelligent and witty. They will be sociable, hard working and high achievers. They will be known throughout the world as diplomats and peace-makers." Gabriel gasped in admiration, thought for a moment, and said: "But what about balance, God? You said there will be balance." "Ah," said God, nodding sagely, "let me tell you about Lancashire..."[/color]
  5. will you take 94p please?
  6. wriggers

    Pint in Leeds

    most of time free Mr fumps. Not Monday eves or Sat afternoons.
  7. It was a woman, Bluejay. So yes, maybe they're all like that. Anyway, got in and had fab time.
  8. Oh, one other thing. I had to fly the day before due to flight times. I stayed at hotel that Bass camp recommended that night. it was about 80 bucks +tax for 1 night. The shuttle will pick you up the following day. Don't worry if the shuttle is late like I did. It arrived about 80 mins late due to other pick ups. Oh, and yet another thing. I stayed on in Nashville after the camp, it's worth doing. Lots of music and bars, almost always in the same place as each other, how good is that? My favourite was Robert's Western World. I stayed here http://www.scarrittbennett.org it cost 50 bucks/night +tax. It's lovely and quiet but they don't allow alcohol on the premises, but you'll get more than enough downtown. It's a good 20 mins walk to Broadway or a short cab ride. Decent places to eat close by. Essay over and out Paul
  9. wriggers

    Pint in Leeds

    I would prob get train so central Leeds for me if there's a choice. CRISPS, I dream about CRISPS!
  10. Hi Sibob Didn't book flight until the dates were announced and I had confirmation from camp that I had a place. No problems. Wooten admin are not very quick to respond, they needed a gentle nudge from me. They are brilliant people though, Holly Wooten or Tone Wellington will respond to you. In addition to my previous post, you will be charged millions of squids if you fly the bass in the hold if the case dimensions are exceeded (check US Airways website for actual sizes), take it as hand luggage. Also, expect a bit of a grilling at US customs when you tell them you are going on a music course. They thought that I would be teaching on the course and by default earning money. Because of my advancing years they didn't think I was a student. It would have been a good idea in retrospect to ask Wooten admin for a letter or email with their address on explaining student status. Having said all that it was only a bit of a grilling from probably an over zealous customs official. Go, you will have a brill time. Paul
  11. wriggers

    Pint in Leeds

    BEER! Yes please.
  12. First gig on Saturday with new band. Warts and all [url="http://youtu.be/PyxZ0IgZPMk"]http://youtu.be/PyxZ0IgZPMk[/url]
  13. Here is video of the first song in our set at our inaugural gig, 27th July 2013 Blind Deer - The Wayfaring Stranger (warts and all) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PyxZ0IgZPMk
  14. Just found this thread. I did the bass/nature camp this April. It was ( I hate this word) Awesome in so many ways. I'd love to do the music/nature, maybe next year. I flew with (I think) US Airways and they allow basses as hand luggage, see my post in " flying with instruments". My bass was in a semi-rigid tribal planet case which fitted in overhead lockers on both planes. I flew Manchester - Philadelphia, then Phili - Nashville
  15. wriggers

    Blind Deer

    Cheers TB
  16. wriggers

    Blind Deer

    [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]My new band, Blind Deer are playing Franfest on Sat teatime, 6pm, 27th July at this small friendly festival, Addingham Moorside, nr Ilkley,West Yorks. Very low key, first year. Suits us as it is our first gig. Feel free to wish us luck, say prayers, perform voodoo ceremonies.[/font][/color]
  17. Bugger, just read this. Next time!
  18. I know it's boring but my renault scenic carries my drummer's full kit + 2 basses, gk150s +extension cab. plus boring doesn't generally get tampered with, i.e nicked
  19. Toumani Diabete http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&v=dTNRHE1N2K4
  20. [quote name='icastle' timestamp='1371939204' post='2119970'] [/quote]got to be done
  21. Talking about arses... Get them up the motorway. Would love to see Zulu or TGU in sunny Bradford
  22. Being a long-time folky I have encountered several innovative bands and concepts. The Imagined Village are up there with the best. A few of the bands that I remember with fondness over the years include Fairport Convention, Alan Stivell Band, Steeleye Span, The Albion Band, Planxty and Afro Celt Sound System. Anyone care to add to the list?
  23. Kenny Dalgleish has knobs missing?
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