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Everything posted by steve-bbb

  1. [b][i]On a bass guitar, the frets tell you where the notes are.[/i] [/b] edit .... [i][b]...but the resultant noise can lead to irritation among otherwise mild-mannered music fans.[/b][/i] come on own up you lot - that journo is a BC member - whcih one of you is it?? editedit kudos that theyve bothered to insert an example soundclip for each item edit3 im liking some of the quotage too (28) [b][i](Nile) Rodgers developed his technique based upon the wise words of Miles Davis: "It's not the sh1t you play, it's the sh1t you don't play." "The funkier I play," says Rodgers in a tutorial video, "the less you're actually going to hear."[/i][/b]
  2. another +1 for pacifica
  3. [quote name='BigRedX' timestamp='1340913315' post='1711546'] In a sense both inspire me in the same way that I don't want to be like either of them. [/quote] this
  4. on a topical note that olympics/muse tosh springs to mind
  5. [quote name='KiOgon' timestamp='1340892982' post='1711151'] diving/swimming/fishing/messing about on boats every day [/quote] no travel bass??
  6. terry bozzio's hi-hat bill brufords snare not the biggest fan of slapping but marcus millers slap has a distinctive ring to it seems to be independent of technical skill too id say - david bowies sax tone is always instantly recognisable
  7. [quote name='Count Bassy' timestamp='1340885048' post='1710980'] That would be the photographer then! [/quote] no chance !! the air temp was about 60-ish but the wind is about 30 knots and the sea temperature is only a few degrees above freezing the beach itself is about 100+ yards wide of pure white quartz sand and is about 5 miles long in a big sweeping arc - i was the only person on the beach that afternoon [url="https://maps.google.com/maps?ll=-51.897469,-58.370275&spn=0.041418,0.077162&t=h&z=14&lci=com.panoramio.all,weather"]https://maps.google.com/maps?ll=-51.897469,-58.370275&spn=0.041418,0.077162&t=h&z=14&lci=com.panoramio.all,weather[/url]
  8. what on earth have commersons dolphins got to do with pino palladino?
  9. [quote name='KiOgon' timestamp='1340880296' post='1710860'] Dolphins? Killer whales more like [/quote] thats what i thought wehen i first saw them but they are dolphins - peale's i believe [url="http://www.flickr.com/photos/andypollard/5512090728/"]http://www.flickr.com/photos/andypollard/5512090728/[/url] - they do have killer whales out there but i guess the whales only come in that close if there is a tasty seal snack at the waters edge
  10. [quote name='charic' timestamp='1340878720' post='1710826'] So in summary it's a success? [/quote] well that depends on your viewpoint and your agenda edit - sorry forgot to add my worthless opinion ... overproduced tosh
  11. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1340876213' post='1710757'] Yeah! Go and have your stupid frigging bank argument in Off Topic. Thhhhpp!! [/quote] indeed thats exactly why i posted the other thread so we could all have a good old whinge and then come to this thread for calm reflection here's a nice picture of some dolphins which i took earlier. 22 years earlier to be more precise
  12. [quote name='EdwardHimself' timestamp='1340875777' post='1710742'] Well considering they were given £20 billion a couple of years ago... [/quote] excuse me this is the chill thread
  13. [quote name='silddx' timestamp='1340875643' post='1710736'] Is a fine of £290m a slap on the wrist for Barclays? [/quote] imo yes it is - they are prepared to pay this much out for their top bonuses so its hardly going to hurt them is it - please fell free to contribute to the barclays thread
  14. yes the solos can be quite challenging start off with an easy teenage new york version type solo or something a bit more musically accessible - 'watermelon in easter hay' perhaps then once you got the hang of what he is doing with his solos try perhaps the sheikh yerbouti version of 'yo mama' personally i like the written solo lines as much as franks improv - some of the lines he wrote for steve vai and mike keneally are just staggering and technically way surpassing anything that steve vai has subsequently written for himself imho his influence is profound especially with his ex band members - check out any of mike keneallys solo material and the 'less commercial' vai stuff - one particularly nice solo track is warren cuccurrullo's tribute 'thanks to frank' [url="http://youtu.be/Q5aOXKVD0nU"]http://youtu.be/Q5aOXKVD0nU[/url] unfortunately the solo at 2:02 has been edited and cut short but it gives you the idea that he is total master of the sublime guitar solo (this band line up is pretty amazing too) [url="http://youtu.be/usC2msFdX94"]http://youtu.be/usC2msFdX94[/url]
  15. ok so after everybody has read the news and wondered why numerous banking/trading staff are not being investigated by the serious fraud office (or are they?) and why the FSA have pussied out and given barclays a slap on the wrist that would barely amount to a days wages for the average person ... this should help bring your blood pressure back down to safe levels please feel free to add your own suggestions for calm inducing ideas - even whale songs- but not wales songs if they involve that screechy cerys woman and relax.... [media]http://youtu.be/T2kUySnZ-Jw[/media]
  16. [b] [size=4]"If you end up with a boring, miserable life because you listened to your mum, your dad, your teacher, your preacher, or some guy on the television telling you how to do your sh1t, then you fcking deserve it." - Frank Zappa[/size][/b]
  17. [quote name='pietruszka' timestamp='1340818653' post='1710114'] Yeah I had noticed the cost of the rereleases, unnecessarily expensive. Even if they charged the usual £9.99 a cd I can't see the Zappa family struggling. I'm a pretty big Zappa fan, but come on. Dan [/quote] ive used t[b][url="http://www.gandsmusic.com/"]hese[/url][/b] before
  18. [quote name='pietruszka' timestamp='1340818653' post='1710114'] Yeah I had noticed the cost of the rereleases, unnecessarily expensive. Even if they charged the usual £9.99 a cd I can't see the Zappa family struggling. I'm a pretty big Zappa fan, but come on. Dan [/quote] does Gail get any say at all in the pricing structure?
  19. [quote name='Dad3353' timestamp='1340798615' post='1709702'] [attachment=111570:Bass_Chat_Polo.jpg] Somewhat deprecative; not sure if it's the most pungent way to drum up support (...but what would I know, I'm a drummer...). Under-selling..? Does it work..? [/quote] ask Mr Ratner
  20. Hair Care Science anyone?
  21. as for the music imo the best pieces are the ones which are subtle and sublime with that underlying sense of pathos such as oh no i dont believe it (no tthe victor meldrew cover version) and son of orange county i just cant believe, you are such a fool
  22. [quote name='BottomE' timestamp='1335527324' post='1632620'] He was certainly pretty amazing live as were his band. [/quote] which one! its not just the individual band members in any given line up - he had a sense of synergy of knowing which musicians to pick who would work well together with the sum of the parts being massively greater than the individuals - if you just threw all his band members into a hat and picked out names at random to form a fresh band id wager that you might end up straying into that 'dull and uninteresting supergroup' territory he is often criticised for being a but of a control freak but he was a superb band leader and he had a clear vision of what he wanted to achieve and knew how to go about it - how many musicians could honestly say they would turn down the zappa gig if they were offered it? if you did then you would run the risk of being compared with the record company that turned down the beatles
  23. [quote name='BRANCINI' timestamp='1340750252' post='1709260'] There was a B'ham based function band on Partysounds about a year ago who were looking for a Bass Player that didnt smell of Werthers Originals. Probably an age thing. [/quote] went along for an audition a couple of months ago with a bunch of just turning pro mid 20s former music students - really sound bunch, very focussed, very proficient, without being over earnest and irritating - they said they didnt have a problem with age and did say that most of the bass players they had auditioned were 'about my age' currently playing with two set ups - a function band (all about my age ish) and an occasional band for a local singer/songwriter where i am the oldest band member by 200% can only assume that bands who insist on being ageist are purely interested in style/image over substance?
  24. [quote name='mushers' timestamp='1340733928' post='1708905'] has he called you yet to see if he got the spot ? [/quote] better still call him back and tell him he's got the gig
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