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Everything posted by steve-bbb

  1. [quote name='Dave Vader' timestamp='1330690185' post='1561604'] Sounds like a sound plan.... hang on.... [/quote] ah go on go on go on go on i got nothing against pink guitars honest! i used to play one of these little badboys
  2. [quote name='spinynorman' timestamp='1330685359' post='1561451'] Guitar shops frighten me to death. I'm sure if I go in some hotshot salesman will rush out and bully me into buying something I don't want. This is irrational, as whenever I have ventured into a guitar shop, I've found it hard to get anyone to sell me something I do want, or take any notice of me at all. [/quote] that because all the hotsh1t salesmen are only interested in telling you about their own gear (yes its in their bedroom and the shop showroom but its not for sale!!?? WTF) and showing off their own chops a decent salesman will guage what is suitable and offer you sensible suggestions
  3. [quote name='Dave Vader' timestamp='1330686001' post='1561478'] Pink basses look weird, i would totally refin that [/quote] just give it to me i can do you a straight swap swap for a blue/white J
  4. [quote name='charic' timestamp='1330685766' post='1561465'] Genius!! Although drunkenly bringing a bird home could be interesting, oi! Get your foot off of my computer! [/quote] just make sure you keep the headless status in its gig bag - wouldnt want any unfortunate 'accident's (did i just say that out loud?)
  5. bunk beds and turn the lower one into a desk?
  6. hello there - 36 years here and still totally crap gig at the JC ! sounds awesome! good luck
  7. [quote name='Big_Stu' timestamp='1330679118' post='1561306'] Are you mad?? This forum is leagues ahead of TB. Unless of course you're trying for #1 of the [i]"What colour scratchplate should I put on my mega-rare possibly factory refinned bass that some numbnuts hate me for legitimately owning"[/i] club??? [/quote] indeed i still think the auction option would be great just imagine... half of talkbass will slash their wrists that they cant afford it while the other half will sell their granny to raise the dough to try and secure it for their bedroom collection
  8. [quote name='silddx' timestamp='1330676484' post='1561251'] I think it was because your quote was not in quotes. Took me a few seconds to realise too. There are some idiots around, quite sickening isn't it. Congratulations on your find! It is quite amazing! This could have ended up as a cheap present for someone who doesn't appreciate it or know what they have. It's a beautiful looking Jazz and whatever you do, sell it and get what you really want, or keep it and cherish it, feel good about it [/quote] this thread is getting me confused but then again i am old and easily confusible i never bothered looking at the factory youtube clip before - some of the skill on there is just amazing im stripping the lacquer from my blue squier ready to spray it baby pink - thank goodness i already have the antique white scatch plate
  9. [media]http://youtu.be/OI9ZGTO9eVc[/media]
  10. here's my advice FWIW auction it all proceeds to charity karma sorted
  11. [quote name='1SHOT1HIT' timestamp='1330651336' post='1561144'] That guy (The OP) is a real, Piece of work. He stole it from that poor guy and there's just nothing else to it. I sit around every night hoping that he crashes his car into a telephone pole because he has it and I hope it really happens. He needs to do the right thing and dig that guy up and give it back to him. Along with a letter of apology, some candy in a heart shaped box, a dozen roses, and an apology card hand written. I can't believe we still have such horrible people running around the world today. what a waste of space. I heard he bought it from a maintenance man after the original owner moved out and left it behind,,,,,,That is sooooooo illegal it's not funny. They should burn hi at the steak then take his remains and string him up for all the towns people to pee and spit on him. Karma is gonna have her way with this guy and I know the lady she is a real B!+CH!!!!! I am personally gonna make it my mission in life to find out who this guy is and steal that bass back and give it back to the rightful owners, and if not them than I will find a brother of the bass (Tongue in cheek) to give it to. And if that doesn't work I think it is right that I keep it seeing as how I have done all the proper steps of morally obtaining ownership of something that isn't mine. I'm embarrassed to even live in the same time as this P.O.S. [/quote] you are being [i][b]IRONIC[/b][/i] ... yes?
  12. getting slow in my old age - only just spotted this one on soundcloud - maybe it was the words 'justin bieber' that were subconciously forcing me to instantly click awayfrom the page [url="http://soundcloud.com/dirtyloopsofficial/baby-justin-bieber-cover"]http://soundcloud.com/dirtyloopsofficial/baby-justin-bieber-cover[/url]
  13. [quote name='KingPrawn' timestamp='1330673101' post='1561208'] Guitarist 1: " i was watching one of our clips the other day and i thought your bass looked in a bit of a high position" Me " Oh ok" Guitarist 2 " Yeah it just did'nt look right" Guitarist 1 " Me and guitarist 2 have been talking about it, and think you need to lower your strap" Me: " right. This would be the same strap i have used for the last three years in the same position" Guitarist 1 & 2 " Oh" " Me " Thanks for that European Guitarist directive. However i don't wish to develop curvature of the spine" " Maybe You two should raise your guitars so it looks ok on the clips " Me " Know fu** off and turn all those knobs on your amps and pedals your convinced make such a diffrence" Classic example of Bell End band mates [/quote] you freely give your time and energy to people like this?
  14. [quote name='wombatboter' timestamp='1330381779' post='1556694'] Just bought myself a Victor Bailey Fender Jazz this weekend and I've been busy playing it at home with drumloops to give me some rhytm..Bit of noodling around on a reggae-feel while trying to keep the timing as tight as possible... [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=urXChi_seWE[/media] [/quote] nice and that bass is sooooooo shiny i think i need to go lay down in a darkened room before i have a gas attack
  15. [quote name='charic' timestamp='1330597333' post='1559880'] My lots insured (other instruments too, around the £8k mark) for IIRC just over £100 a year [/quote] thast soundquite good - but the only proof of any insurance company is how well they deal with a claim i once requested a quote from a photography insurance secialist company for a similar amount of cover - they wanted more than my car insurance!
  16. [quote name='fumps' timestamp='1330523081' post='1558783'] So is this thread about Mani joining now ? or a thread about not being about people being on this forum, which were not allowed to notice or comment on? Or is this thread about people who play bass being on here, of whom we are aware of but not allowed to acknowledge because were all cool musicians ? Or is this a thread about where did Bilbo's carrots go ? At the end of the day we all play Bass & were here to trade info, Buy/sell Basses, Say Nee Noor, chat & have a giggle. i personally don't care who people are, as long at they are nice & bring something good to the community they are welcome in my little world. [/quote] personally i cant wait to see a youtube clip of wayne 'sausage fingers' rooney showing off his chops with his tony levin funky fingers
  17. all insurance is a legalised scam i had kitty insurance - it was costing me 25 per month - thats £300 per year - you either cant claim for small things or its not worth the hassle if you can - my avergae annual vets bills for kitty were about 200 ish - is better off using the 300 you would have sepnt on insurance to give kitty a healthy diet which leads to less trips to the vet and save a wee bit for any vet emergencies to translate into musical terms - if you did decide to go down the insurance route - just work out how many monthly installments it would take before you could have bought a complete new rig! and then have a gas attack
  18. [quote name='fretmeister' timestamp='1330520148' post='1558705'] Tescos will shut him down when they notice. They do not have a sense of humour. I am aware that they once tried to locate a melon stall on the Island of Anguila that had a hand written 'Tesco' sign on it. They wanted to shut that down too. Nob heads. [/quote] well with all the money they save with their aggressive tax avoidances schemes they can afford good solicitors to chase down these copyright infringers
  19. [quote name='mep' timestamp='1330380671' post='1556666'] Most tabs are rubbish, and I have looked at quite a few. Some suprise me though, but they are rare. I generally have a quick look for a tab when our band is going to do a new song to get the gist, but end up making my own notes or editing the copy I paste into word so I don't forget the notes at first. YouTube can be quite useful if no decent tab is out there and you can find someone playing a decent version. I must admit a cheap download of proper 100% accurate notation would be intersting. I have a load of song notations from various guitar and bass magazines that are worth buying the magazine for. [/quote] +1 for this - id even go as far as saying that some tabs are actually worse than useless and while we on the subject a wee youtube bump for marloweDK ! way better than any tabs
  20. [quote name='casapete' timestamp='1330427025' post='1557136'] I thought same regarding Rotosound, then I tried their 'Rotos' - cheaper and better! (Also identical to Legacy nickels at £7.95 a set.) Give them a try, you may be pleasantly surprised. [/quote] +1 i put a set of rotos on my squier J thinking they would go dull in a couple of weeks and give me a bit more mellow tone - they seem to have more bright life time than the swing bass 66 - well at least with my hands anyway and play both basses about equal amount of time
  21. Rotosound swingbass but thats cos the two decent shops round here dont have a particularly wide selection of bass strings although my next set will mostlikely be interweb mailorder and go for D'addario XLs - nevertried a bass set but the feedback on here looks like its definitely recommending them plus used play nothing but daddarios on my g***ars before coming over from the dark side
  22. [quote name='Cosmo Valdemar' timestamp='1330300941' post='1555538'] This thread appears to be turning into a Jon Camp-fest. And why not. [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zw7vGkxOzDs[/media] [/quote] that looks like the bbc2/radio1 sight&sound in concert gig ?
  23. [quote name='Cosmo Valdemar' timestamp='1330296514' post='1555473'] Certainly sounds like one! Bonkers version of the song - who is it by? [/quote] Esperanto is the band - italian i believe - 70s prog
  24. [quote name='WalMan' timestamp='1330283464' post='1555180'] White Punks @ The Fountain last night Not a well known song to many (unless they know The Tubes or have seen us in recent years) Didn't notice that I had set the video so that it missed me - though probably just as well. Funniest, and best part for so many reasons was that the bloke who had been dancing to a set of mixed fairly well known stuff interspersed with less known covers had said to the vocalist just before we got to this one "Can you play something we [i](for which of course read I)[/i] know". Steve introduced it with something like "Sorry but this isn't really going to help as you're a bit young" and then the crowd really went for it shouting out "White Punks" and going ape at the end.....which was particularly pleasing in the circs [/quote] nice cover!
  25. i think ilike the idea of the cheap and cheerful zigzag foam
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