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Everything posted by steve-bbb

  1. [quote name='Happy Jack' post='1369873' date='Sep 11 2011, 09:00 PM']+1 to this. If you can't sit down then do NOT stand still! Also, be careful of wearing back supports (the athletic types, usually made of neoprene) or even wide leather belts ... they feel like they're helping to "support" you when you first put them on - which seems logical - but in practice they extend the problem IME.[/quote] i disagree - some of the neoprene ones are soft enough that they dont give any significant amount of support (at least not to a seventeen stone lump like me) but more importantly i find they keep your back nice and warm which helps mobility and circulation - on occasions where it has really locked up ive used a heavy weight training belt for very short term support whilst waiting for the diazepam and voltarol to kick in still aching form saturday night gig lugging a 1x15 and 4x10 in and out the pub - i like the sound from my hartke rig but its a bugger with a bad back and im very envious of my mates markbass 500w rig that is in comparison two little boxes about the size of fag packets - we did put them side by side to compare - the volume is there but you just dont seem to get the same degree of air movement from two 1x12s - so i will probably only resort to a micro rig if the back pain becomes too much to haul the bigger stuff around
  2. this is rather nice too with manu katche
  3. if its only two bands playing (presumably yours and the other band) then you should be able to get some idea of the other bassists playing etc to be able to make a reasonable decision if you were wanting to err on the side of being charitable if i knew the other bassists and/or had reliable info about his playing style/experience etc then i would prob be generous and say yes but if it was a big multi-band affair id be buggered if id risk letting some little unheard of barely post-teenage screamo thrash the nuts out of my rig i wish i could do these sort of agony aunt answers in the style of Holly from The Daily Mash
  4. if you havent already stumbled across it allmusic.com is a good resource [url="http://allmusic.com/album/preachers-wife-1997-r244035/credits"]http://allmusic.com/album/preachers-wife-1...r244035/credits[/url] haha ignore my senior moment i cant for the life of me see the muso credits now on that particular one now - useful site anyways tho!
  5. simple tunes ... musically 'straightforward' but blindingly good fun to play live
  6. cheers for the suggestions - had another search on youtube - there are a couple of demos where they get a reasonable tracking going on but reading on basstalk there is suggestion that the only way to get the filters top track reasonably accurately is to compress the bejeesus out of it first to get a steady constant input - maybe the youtube reviewers are being a bit economical with the facts?
  7. i have fiddled and fiddled but alas and a quick scan through the forums here and elsewhere i concur rubbish sound and aweful tracking bet the wee lassie who sold it to me from evil bay was chuckling all the way .... oh well - any other brands come recommended to get just a few decent fat chunky bass synth tones? ta muchly
  8. [quote name='paul_5' post='1363758' date='Sep 6 2011, 08:42 AM']Ass tight jeans? I think he forgot that you need an ass to put in them first.[/quote] and once the ass transplant is successfull it may develop its own personality and take over the rest of the body i predict the ass will demand a chin transplant too is it just me or does anybody else here think he could have put the mic through an octave pedal to beef up that whiney twang a smidgeon??
  9. had an early status matrix - they are definitely not tinny there is bags of response right across the spectrum but maybe they give the perception of being tinny because there is so much presence at the top end which doesnt seem to be absorbed the same way a wooden neck does pros - you can hit an open string put the bass down go make a nice cuppa and come back and its still ringing cons - even with the top end of the eq rolled right back they are extremley unforgiving of sloppy technique!
  10. [quote name='Ou7shined' post='1360133' date='Sep 2 2011, 05:09 PM']Sounds just like a 'ray in places to me. I downloaded it (by alternative means ) today and managed to get over half way through before wandering off and listening to some City of Ships elsewhere instead.[/quote] didnt even get that far ... managed to get through about half of the previews on the itunes thingy before getting distracted by something shiny
  11. [quote name='Faithless' post='1358934' date='Sep 1 2011, 04:12 PM']Oh my.. It's just not funny. The thing is - you don't become better at something by [b]not [/b]doing it. If you needed a break, and now feel fresh coming back, then that's fine, but stating that you got better is just wrong. Not wrong for you, Sildx, but wrong for those upcoming players who read this and catch on this. I probably wouldnt be arsed to go into this, but stuff like this reminds me of hundreds of young players catching Jaco's quote on "Being able to do it without practising" the wrong way. If there are any upcoming players, who need info on practising and getting better [u]through [/u]working, then there is some material for you to check out: [url="http://www.joehubbardbass.com/332/bass-guitar-practice-principles-part-1/"]http://www.joehubbardbass.com/332/bass-gui...nciples-part-1/[/url] All questions are welcome via PM. Easy Laimis[/quote] I think the whole improving without practising thing should come with a caveat about AGE/EXPERIENCE clearly as a newbie player to stop practising will simply lead to little or no development whatsoever but for experienced players (in my case old and cynical) then stopping the practising i believe does help because it does give your brain chance to forget dirty habits that youve fallen into over the years i personally stopped playing for 15-16 years and just resumed six months ago - whilst my technique and finger strength have not returned to their youthful prime ( ) i have definitely noticed a few general things about my playing and mainly that i ma a lot cleaner and more precise (and slower!) through not playing - its as if i picked my bass up six months ago and my brain kinows how i 'should' be playing and has gone straight into that groove (rather than 'how i used to play' with all the dirty sloppy lazy technique that just creeps up on you unless you beat it back with the chair and whip) hope that makes sense
  12. mike pope solo frank gambale solo
  13. nice crunchy status
  14. [quote name='Johnston' post='1357391' date='Aug 31 2011, 12:18 PM']Just make sure the singer doesn't start to do the Waynes world ears at a girl he wants to pull. You will feel like killing him then and there. It's kinda hard to do the "I'm not with him" routine when on stage with someone. [/quote] ... if he does you could always deflate him with some carefully placed and skillfully executed "walking octave disco giant steps"
  15. stopped playing back in about 95 when i sold all my stuff and didnt play at all until i bought my stone-clad trb 6 months ago - has taken about 6 months to get my fingers functioning in sync with my ear but the rest of it is like its never gone away
  16. just to be contorversial i have this idea that if nile rodgers was to put down that tiny 6 string thing and pick up a bass he'd probably out-funk victor wooton
  17. oh dear [url="http://www.telegraph.co.uk/culture/music/worldfolkandjazz/8402191/Who-is-Esperanza-Spalding.html"]...President Obama and Prince among her biggest fans[/url] - i do hope BO doesnt start scmoozing her the same way that Tony Bliar did with the Brit Pop crowd she seems a very modest young lady too ... her comment about stevie wonder's treatment of her song and now she cant do it herself because he made such a good job of it!
  18. she vgood and this playing/singing at same time malarkey ... im involuntarily stopping breathing just watching her do it
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