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Everything posted by steve-bbb

  1. [quote name='neepheid' post='1305698' date='Jul 16 2011, 12:49 PM']Tell your missus. Plan it out together.[/quote] does she play bass too?
  2. find a shop that will do a 'wife receipt' there used to be a hi-fi shop in chatham that would do you a genuine receipt at the retail price and also a 'wife receipt' at a fraction of the retail price the latter for you to show 'she who must be obeyed' and trot out the predictable line of ..... but darling it only cost £xxx.00 look ive got the receipt here
  3. [quote name='BottomEndian' post='1304624' date='Jul 15 2011, 12:14 PM']Vader favours headless: [/quote] looks more like KISS without the make up
  4. [quote name='pickle' post='1304347' date='Jul 15 2011, 08:45 AM']I found this very funny: Anyone want one.[/quote] yes please sign me up ... but wait ... does it come in fretted version? (wouldnt want to end up sounding like Jaco now would we) oh and could i have it headless please actually come to think of it looks more like something bootsy would be sporting and im just not funky enough pull off that stage gear convincingly so guess i'll donate my fretted headless star wars space bass to jeff berlin im sure he'll enjoy it
  5. [quote name='Bilbo' post='1303257' date='Jul 14 2011, 10:00 AM']For the record, JB has done some stunning stuff in the past. His LPs 'Champions' and 'Pump It' were great records and his stuff with Bruford was pretty cool. I also loved the LP he did with Allan Holdsworth (Road Games). He started losing me when he started self-producing. It was at that point that he started to 'feature' the bass in ways that were, IMO, unmusical. Bottom line is that, for me, JB is a great sideman but, without a strong producer, he is overly self indulgent and lacks any critcal sense in terms of what works and what doesn't. His bass used to sound great when he has that old Fender hybrid but his Peavey and Dean basses both sounded thin as a rake and lacking in ovetones. His chordal playing is, as has been said here, just poor guitar playing and 'clever' rather than 'musical'. He had some critical acclaim for his version of Dixie (which was very good) and he has been chasing the same rainbow ever since but to no avail. I think the guy should take some lessons in arranging AWAY FROM THE BASS and try writing for an ensemble in which he doesn't play i.e. take his bass playing (and his 'lead bass' player's perspective) OUT of the music and concentrate on the notes.[/quote] here here - jaco was an all round player and musician - jb's musical brain seems to my ears to be predominantly and overhelmingly focussed on his right hand technique - when his left hand gets as good as his right we should be in for some musical treats - one of the most unfortunate things for jb imho is that frank zappa never recruited him into his band to broaden his playing and his musicality jaco was naturally much more musical than JB - listen to joni mitchells dry cleaner from des moines and try and ignore the bass line (if at all possible) and concentrate on the horns. then go listen to some of jacos solo stuff with big band horn arrangements. then check out the credits and see who arranged those horns!
  6. [quote name='paul_5' post='1300285' date='Jul 11 2011, 08:46 PM']He's got one - works it with his feet. [/quote] pity his feet and ears are so far apart poor chap it seems to be affecting his timing
  7. never mind all the boring comments abbout who should be where etc etc WTF are they doing posting a link to a karaoke version of TOM SAWYER i hope that is not the bass line from the master tape or i'll be round and give him a few lessons in how to use a metronome!
  8. Example for fast playing but awefull sound [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u0CeJppd_20"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u0CeJppd_20[/url] i been up beavering away since 5am and was having a really good day so far now im speechless and almost catatonic - but its like you just have to look that bit further to make sure [url="http://www.youtube.com/user/bionicbassplaying#p/a/u/2/2oo6zpYfGuY"]bionic bass playing[/url] BUT ... who am i to criticise, my bass is sat in its case in the corner of my workshop where its been since last sunday where it will stay till next sunday (no it doesnt go out to church) , at least hes OUT THERE and DOING IT (whatever 'it' is) 10/10 for DAVE SLAVE for speed and enthusiasm!
  9. could list ad infintum bootsy , stanley clarke, george duke, george clinton all day but here are a few to get you shaking your booty around the office/factory/place of work [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uiy09DIsZFU"]Steely Dan - Babylon Sister[/url] [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bsREVD09UMQ"]Little Feat - Red Streamliner[/url] [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z6ykQAHbmw8"]No Doubt - Hella Good[/url] sort it out Gwen! [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b55K0ODrDcs"]Freedom for King Kong - March ou Reve[/url] [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h4eqC3DX_oE"]Infectious Grooves - Therapy[/url] you gotta <3 the backing vocals! and for sheer visual entertainment despite lack of a 'conventional bassline' the rhythm and meter do give it a definite groove of its own (plus its just about one of the funniest tongue in cheek videos out there! ive lost count how many times ive watched this one over the years and it still has me chuckling every time) [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=znUS2KqPYCw"]Bubba Sparxx - Miss New Booty[/url] enjoy
  10. anything played by victor wootten - he might as well be playing a kay p copy when he starts going ito that self indulgent high speed slapping mode i would never normally endorse spiking of drinks but i think it would be ok for his gtr tech to slip a couple of valium in his coffee tsk
  11. very nice clean playing wish i could slap that well - sorry if harsh but the music makes the rippingtons sound exotic and interesting
  12. fear not - if you wish to console yourself with a real guitarist who can actually play ratherwell combined with a massive number of youtube hits, then just search on youtube for Andy McKee
  13. [quote name='blackmn90' post='1287027' date='Jun 29 2011, 10:02 PM']Just watched Cee Lo Green at Glasto on Iplayer and his band have the most boring faces i have ever seen!! They all lacked facial expression, stood in the same place and the guitarist looked at his fretboard so much i dont think he had ever played a guitar so much. Your playing Glastonbury, and getting paid too! I put on more of an effort than that playing in the pubs. Disgraceful. Anybody else see bands like this during glastonbury? Got to say though Janelle Monae's band were incredible.[/quote] i disagree - the drummer had a very strange pained expression on his face with that sort of critical look on his face that drummers sometimes have when other tardy band members just arent quite listening and keeping with him!! tsk
  14. [quote name='zero9' post='1286396' date='Jun 29 2011, 01:43 PM']Do you have a woodburner?[/quote] i actually just [b]LOL'd[/b]
  15. .... and this time with some upright bass interest for all you jazz afficionados [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e1H3wIqpYGU"]George Duke & Chaka Khan - North Sea Jazz Festival - Take the A Train[/url]
  16. my fave female singer - if anybody out there [b]still[/b] needs convincing then just watch this - and for all you horn enthusiasts there is a killer alto solo from the late great michael brecker - and for all you fashionistas, ms chaka is sporting killer heels too! [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ni8FQ_9uOtU"]Chaka Khan - Night in Tunisia[/url] (not great sound quality but ...!)
  17. only just bought my first fretless a couple of months ago and reasonably pleased - only went for something low end first to make sure i was happy with my playing style etc so i picked up a nice little vintage fretless from 'the bay' for a small bargain as didnt want to lash out a grand or more on something lush and then decide fretless wasnt for me - saying that tho whilst the vintage is not a bad instrument per se i think it is very good value for the money i doubt very much ill be using it as a giggin bass simply because i dont find the body that comfortable to hold and will probs go for a fretless precision eventually - after ive tracked down my old status and negotiated its return
  18. [quote name='wez' post='1286206' date='Jun 29 2011, 11:03 AM']So are we saying that for most of us its a difference in timing that creates the issues, given that you can sing in the first place and have practiced that part as well as the bass. Or is there more to it?[/quote] some really interesting answers coming out here and judging by all the comments resonating with everyone for me persoanlly its not just the difference in timing its also the rhythms and the structure and counterpoint - its as if the whole essence of bass lines is completely at odds with the melody/vocals and it is just too different for my tiny barin cells to coordinate and multi-task - i get peoples comments about geddy lee and stuff, maybe chris squire style bass lines are easier to sing against than say robert trujillos infectious grooves basslines or paul mccartneys but then that is down to everybodys individual cognitive process working in different ways i guess i note other posters have mentioned about practice making perfect - not wishing to sound defeatist i honestly dont think its something i could get my head round, at least not without a decade or two to spare - ive been playing string driven things since i was 14 - ie 35 years ago - so the playing is very much automatic now yet still i turn catatonic if i even so much as think about the first syllable of a vocal line!
  19. [quote name='neepheid' post='1286132' date='Jun 29 2011, 10:02 AM']The neck is the one thing I look to be correct on a bass, I doubt a twisted neck is going to be worth much. If the twist isn't too bad then someone might want to have a go at repairing it, but I doubt they'll pay much for the privilege. Sell the tuners separately [/quote] you can send it to me if you want i have a jazz body im currenlty building and ill see if i can get it repaired - will happily arrange cost of courier collection
  20. [quote name='thisnameistaken' post='1285595' date='Jun 28 2011, 07:40 PM']I've always done it. My music-reading is rubbish, however. Could've included something about the subject of your thread in the title or subtitle field by the way. </pedant mode>[/quote] i know but it wouldnt have had the same level of intrigue would it - annoys hell out of me when im looking for a specific item in the for sale bits
  21. play and sing at the same time? i can sight read a bit, i have pretty good perfect pitch and a tape recorder memory for music but i'll be b**ggered if i can play and sing at the same time without stopping breathing!
  22. [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9opqLZL70kA&"]Johnny Guitar Watson - A Real Mother For Ya [/url]
  23. [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=84vuPYkukqc&"]Robin Trower - I cant wait much longer[/url]
  24. [quote name='merello' post='1284627' date='Jun 27 2011, 09:13 PM']Not very secret - was it? [/quote] ive told you im not going to argue unless youve paid....
  25. [quote name='merello' post='1284630' date='Jun 27 2011, 09:14 PM']Me too! Great sound from it - that's progress![/quote] [url="http://www.shergold.co.uk/gallery.html?item_id=34"]http://www.shergold.co.uk/gallery.html?item_id=34 hayman 4040://http://www.shergold.co.uk/gallery.h...4 hayman 4040[/url]
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