Inkscape or affinity designer . BUT if you have no experience of either (or similar eg illustrator) then you will most likely end up getting extremely frustrated trying to faithfully reproduce what you have in the images
i would go further to add that something like the tragic one act opera is imho begging to be rendered manually as an artistic calligraphy piece in preference to digital artwork
bit late to the party here - i just stumbled across the ally pally live gig on youtube - insane!
at least i know whats going to be on the usb stick in the car this month
I had a word of advice with a foh sound guy working the stage we were playing at a local town festival a few years back…
its very full on sub and top end and no mids definitely needs some mids….. says i
oh i quite like it like that ….replies sound guy who hadnt even walked out front and was still working at the desk at the side of the stage 😬
Recently updated a new audiotechnica cartridge and a cambridge phono preamp and was pleasantly surprised at the improvement in clarity and definition for a modest sub 500 outlay
Also, sorry to be pedantic, how deep is the hole on the neck Please? Am guessing this looks like is on the underside around 15th ish fret and probably be remedied with some skilful epoxy repair - thanks