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About Bilbo

  • Birthday 01/01/1872

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  1. You are very welcome, all of you.
  2. Phil Jones BG75 Double Four. I prefer to hear moving than going through headphones. I play guitars through it too.
  3. The trouble with the nothing to hide nothing to fear argument is that, even if you have nothing to hide, you may have something to fear when the next enforcement regime comes along e.g. if you share information about your sexuality, religion, trade union membership etc. All innocent enough under one regime, catastrophic for individuals under another. Be careful what you wish for, you might just get it. Law making has got very slapdash during my lifetime and there are so many unforeseen pitfalls created as a result.
  4. Sold a bass to Dave. Easy to do business with! Good Comms. Quick payment.
  5. I am near there, my friend. Let me know if I can help.
  6. Sold pending the necessary. Watch this space.
  7. Yeah... Apparently it's a really light bass 😁 (having lugged a Wal around for 38 years, EVERYTHING feels like a light bass to me).
  8. Yeah. I have had about 5 or 6 basses with a low B (this Marleaux, two Status basses, a Harley Benton 7-string etc) and they just never sit right with me (and the music I play doesn't really require it, if I am honest).
  9. This bass has done the rounds and has been owned by at least three people on here that I know of. I have no problem with the bass fundamentally but am not getting on with the low B so want to get a 4-string to replace it. This is a video that fretmeister didn't do (he isn't who I thought he was) when he got the bass in the year of our Lord 1492. Nick Latham makes it sound better than I can. The 'kill switch' he is talking about appears, to me at least, to switch the bass between active and passive modes but I may be wrong. I have just put a new battery in it which will save you £3.49. I don't have any specs but suspect they are easy enough to find if you want the numbers. £1000 and it's yours
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