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About Bilbo

  • Birthday 01/01/1872

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  1. So, all the Jacob Collier videos, then.....
  2. I have done 90 transcriptions in 73 days. Bloody lunatic.
  3. Someone mentioned this somewhere here.... 'Sometime World' from the Wishbone Ash album 'Argus'. 1972 - before my time. https://bilbosbassbites.co.uk/sometime-world-wishbone-ash/
  4. More Jeff Berlin - this one is a complete transcription of his tune tune 'Everybody Knows You When You're Up And In' from the 2000 album, 'In Harmony's Way'. https://bilbosbassbites.co.uk/everybody-knows-you-when-youre-up-and-in-jeff-berlin/
  5. I am never going to catch up, am I, Chris? 😉
  6. Recent purchase renders this superfluous to requirements. Some minor/cosmetic nicks and knocks but nothing dramatic. The cabinet is in Felixstowe, Suffolk, so probably as far away from everywhere as you can get and still be in England. Phil Jones Bass 4B extension cabinet. Designed as an extension to the Suitcase, the addition of a 4B will make a super compact rig, able to do just about any task the working bassist. Loud enough to play with a powerful drummer and yet offer fidelity of bass that is unsurpassed. This diminutive duo will surprise anyone with disbelief that small cabinets can produce such levels of rich deep and powerful bass, right down to the open B string and below. It does it with authority and yet is transparent right up to the highest of frequencies. Dynamic range is beyond what you would expect; slapped bass will have snap that just can not come from horn tweeter bass cabs. The mid range is so pure that this cabinet will even produce the acoustic bass with stellar clarity. So much so that you will think you are playing an even more expensive instrument! Specifications: Frequency Response: 25Hz-15kHz Power Handling: 300 watts RMS Sensitivity: 95 dB/watt Impedance: 8 ohms Connectors: Neutrik Speakon Dimensions: 16.5h x 13.75w x 17.5d Weight: 39 Lbs.
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  7. Whatever else I am, I have never been accused of being fast before! I did one of the Ancestry DNA tests once. Meet grandad.
  8. A favourite tune from a favourite album, this is the complete Dave Holland part from the tune 'Milestones' from the 1993 Joe Henderson album, 'So Near, So Far'. This is the 'old' John Lewis composition not the track from the later Miles album, 'Milestones'. https://bilbosbassbites.co.uk/milestones-miles-davis/
  9. Thanks, Dave. Here's one for, Wayne - I can't think of anything less Punk that a bass transcription but here is the complete Jean Jacques Burnel bass part for 'Down In The Sewers' from the 1977 album, 'Rattus Norvegicus' from The Stranglers - It's all about the tone. https://bilbosbassbites.co.uk/down-in-the-sewers-the-stranglers/
  10. Received, Dave. Don't get carried away 😆
  11. That's the difference between knowledge and wisdom. Knowing what basses Geddy used vs. knowing that, if you went out and got those instruments, and even if you used the EXACT SAME BASSES, you would still sound nothing like Geddy Lee. There is a lovely story out there where Ted Nugent spoke of having Van Halen as a support band. Nugent loved EVH's sound and asked to try his guitar. Nugent didn't touch any of the controls on the guitar or amp and, upon playing the instrument, was disappointed to find that he sounded exactly like Ted Nugent.
  12. I have been operating this website now (on and off) for about four years and, from a modest start of about 40 or 50 transcriptions, there are now just under 550 on there (it will keep growing, I promise). I have tried to avoid monetising the site with adverts and I really don’t want to charge for transcriptions because not everyone can afford to pay. There is a lot of learning on here and I want to keep it free for anyone who wants to use it – that’s just the way I roll. Nevertheless, these things take a lot of time to put together. Some I can get done in less than an hour while some of the complete transcriptions take several hours to put together (I think the longest is about 6 hours?). I estimate there to be at least 1500 hours of work on here. That’s nearly 200 8-hour days ‘work’ (although I have enjoyed every minute of it). The site is averaging 70,000 hits a year (6k a week) so people are getting something out of it and that pleases me a great deal. People have asked about making donations and I am thinking, why not? Having discussed this with wiser men than I, it has been suggested that the best way to do this safely and without any risk to users of the website is to just post my PayPal email address. No subscriptions, no ‘pay per download’, just an opportunity to contribute to the cost of running the site and for the time spent grinding away at the dots. If you want to donate, that would be cool. If you don’t, that is cool also. Enjoy the transcriptions and use them for whatever you want to use them for.
  13. Sorry, Gareth. My bad. It should link to the correct chart now. I realise what I did. When I was doing the MM page, I noticed the previous AJ chart has a spelling error on the title on the chart so I corrected it and re-posted the corrected chart on the older page and then forgot to reload the URL for the new one.
  14. More Anthony Jackson - it's actually Steve Khan's fault. These tunes have such great bass parts. This is the complete bass performance on the tun 'Mari Mulambo' from the 2011 Steve Khan album, 'Parting Shot'. Bit os a monster chart at 9 pages (and there are lots of repeat sections) but the track is 10.20 long so that's what happens. The line is essentially a repeated ostinato with a couple of unison passage and breaks to keep the interest up. https://bilbosbassbites.co.uk/mari-mulambo-steve-khan/ I just realised I have posted over about 30 minutes of dots today! That' learn ya!!
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