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Everything posted by Bilbo

  1. Let me have this one, Rev......
  2. Another double bass transcription, something simple. This is the complete Ben Wolfe bass part for the tune 'Wright Brother's Rag' from the 1995 Wynton/Ellis Marsalis album 'Joe's Cool Blues'. A lovely little album of Vince Guaraldi tunes and Peanuts inspired music. https://bilbosbassbites.co.uk/wright-brothers-rag-wynton-marsalis/
  3. I have transcribed loads of Anthony Jackson but today, after listening to him for 40 years or more, I have finally noticed a mistake. At 5:09 on this big band video from 1994, in the tune 'Why Not', AJ hits a wrong note. I couldn't believe it. 'kin lightweight! There is hope for me yet!! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=88-Xz5fUFKg
  4. Yes, it was the Reidy's offer, Terry. I saw it for under a grand previously but it went up and some places are asking £1449 but I got it for £799 so all good. The 'sterile' comment is an interesting one because I find that fact that the sound is 'tamer' than a lot of active basses can be is that selling point for me.
  5. Had a listen to SoC. It's one of those mixes where the bass is kind of lost in a drone - he does sound like his dad (same hair as well, poor sod). Not feeling the Lucassen yet. Might give it another go.
  6. I have to say that, in my 44 years of playing, I have always found that, whatever instrument I play, I unfortunately end up sounding remarkably like me.
  7. I got a Cort Rithmic a couple of months ago and loved it. It plays well and sounds great and I particularly love the passive electronics. On the weekend, I was browsing online and randomly came across a half price Rithmic V, it cost less than the four string which I also got for a good price. I couldn't resist. Here is the new bass alone and with the 4-string and my Harley Benton 7-string.
  8. Bilbo


    Won't open on my phone... Oops, it just did. Sounds lovely. Is it yours?
  9. Or get a five string.... You can just detune the E to Eb (or D) only and remember the other notes on the E string are now different (classical guitarists do this a lot) or you can detune to Eb Ab Db Gb and just play like everything is in E.
  10. Years ago I was out to get a jazz guitar and looked at the Epiphone Joe Pass. It was nice. Then I tried a Gibson ES175. You just know. I have a 7 string Harley Benton that cost about £300. It's not a Fodera Anthony Jackson Presentation 6 (£35000) but is the Fodera 100 x better? Of course not. It's a question of relativity. I think most £1500 basses are significantly better than most £500 basses but it is a case of trying before you buy.
  11. This whole album has been remixed and sounds great. https://open.spotify.com/track/7CKpVrjrmHdBxRdoRaIPpq?si=SB6Ab_3xSfGlhj0G6lQCqA&context=spotify%3Atrack%3A7CKpVrjrmHdBxRdoRaIPpq
  12. I have a stick you can have if anyone has a moon they are happy to let go. I don't want cash for it; a donation to Children In Need would be nice.
  13. Will look them up. Starcastle I have heard of but never heard. The others are new to me.
  14. I hadn't listened to it for decades myself, Dave, but, some days, it's just a question of what to try next. Stuff like this then comes out of left field for no reason whatsoever and off I go. I am now minded to finish the whole album which would mean there are four full Rush albums on the website.
  15. You knew it was coming didn't you.... https://bilbosbassbites.co.uk/the-necromancer-rush/
  16. I have a lot of time on my hands at the moment, itu. The gigs have dried up and my efforts to re-build my profile as a player locally are not proving to be that successful. I suspect I will struggle to sustain this level of output for long. In the meantime, as a form of self-harm, I have transcribed the complete Geddy Lee bass part for the tune(s) 'The Fountain Of Lamneth' from the 1975 Rush album, 'Caress Of Steel'. All 11 pages of it. What was I thinking. https://bilbosbassbites.co.uk/the-fountain-of-lamneth-rush/
  17. Another complete Geddy Lee bass part, this is the bass performance of 'Bastille Day' from the 1975 'flop' 'Caress Of Steel'. https://bilbosbassbites.co.uk/bastille-day-rush/
  18. Paul Del Harwood's bass part for the tune 'Dragonfly' from the 1978 'Frank Marino and Mahogany Rush Live' album. I didn't put every fill and gliss in this time. There is enough here to play the song. https://bilbosbassbites.co.uk/dragonfly-frank-marino-and-mahogany-rush/
  19. Another delightful Anthony Jackson part, this time it is the tune 'La Comparsa' from the 2002 Michel Camilo album, 'Triangulo'. https://bilbosbassbites.co.uk/la-comparsa-michel-camilo-trio/
  20. I just ran up a transcription of the Prelude to Cello Suite No. VI by J.S. Bach. Just a reading exercise for extended range bases (I think you could do it on a 5, 6 or 7 string but a 4 would need you to move things around in a couple of places). Just something to chew on if you are looking for a challenge (everyone knows the Prelude to Suite No. 1 so I though something different would be worth considering). https://bilbosbassbites.co.uk/cello-suite-no-vi-in-d-major-bach/
  21. A simple part but beautiful to play. The simply beautiful 'Oblivion' by Astor Piazolla. If I wrote something like this, I would die a happy man. https://bilbosbassbites.co.uk/oblivion-astor-piazolla/
  22. Bilbo

    NAD Markbass

    Just did a jazz gig in Norwich on 16th, Pete, but have put the word out that I am looking for work. I can't do double bass gigs at the moment as my bass is broken (bridge, tailpiece, no strings etc) so a lot of Jazz players won't be using me but I am up for electric gigs.
  23. I just wanted to say I have been working on reading guitar parts recently and am making progress. I bought five books of reading studies in January and read through all of them in about three weeks (600+ pages inc. Sor, Guiliani, the Leavitt Advanced Reading book etc). The skill of reading is a massive enhancement to your capacity to learn. It's not about reading gigs, it's about opening doors.
  24. It's an interesting song. Great writing. I hadn't heard Gov't Mule before these two songs but I like what they do.
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