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  1. Bakithi Kumalo
  2. If you don't want a Fender-a-like, go secondhand! Here are some examples: Ibanez SR400 (the Korean-made model with P/J pickups) Cort Curbow Yamaha RBX270 (I think this is the right number, maybe 260) Vintage V1004 Westone Thunder 1 or 1A Warwick Rockbass You'd be able to find any of these for, at a guess, around £150 s/h. Maybe slightly more for the Westone and Warwick. If you decide to move on, you'll easily get your money back.
  3. [quote name='HowieBass' timestamp='1409997832' post='2545229'] If you have an old credit card you might try that instead of a razor blade. [/quote] That's what I would use, followed by an application of raw linseed oil.
  4. Ending soon! Aria Pro II SB Special II for a decent price: http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/321483048945?ssPageName=STRK:MEWAX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1423.l2648
  5. A big congratulations to all those who have studied as mature adults and passed grade exams. That takes a lot of work and dedication. I have a related question: I am familiar with ABRSM exams, but what other boards offer bass exams (if any)? I'm wondering whether there are any exams that are a bit less classically focussed.
  6. ^ I think you are comparing apples with pears and have missed kerley's point. Besides, I don't suppose GB produces anything that costs as [i]little[/i] as £1000...
  7. Eventually found this curve linked from an old listing (I've copied it to a Photobucket account in case it disappears altogether): [url="http://s522.photobucket.com/user/echobeach66/media/STYLESWEEPSR_zps69bea331.jpg.html"][/url] It seems that in the extreme "finger style" position there is treble cut as well as some (around 6dB) midrange boost (purple curve). I wonder if the preamp can produce [i]any[/i] kind of flat response .
  8. Just got my grubby mits on a bargainicious s/h Ibanex SR300. My question is what does the "Style Sweeper" control actually do? In the "slap" position it obviously boosts bass and scoops mids but what about the other end of the range (labelled "finger style"). It sounds quite "middy" in this position so I'm guessing there may be some midrange boost but what is slightly confusing is that there is no centre detent position to this control. Therefore, either: 1. the "finger style" position is flat and the bass sounds very middy anyway, 2. my SS control is broken in some way or 3. Ibanez did not see fit to include a centre detent. Any ideas?
  9. [quote name='Norris' timestamp='1403005096' post='2478712'] A second hand MIM Jazz would be around £250 - and are lined [/quote] If they are anything like the US made Jazz fretless basses they have a problem in that the side dots are virtually hidden by the edges of the lines. Side dots on a plain board should, of course, be at the "fretting" position but on the Fender lined board they are just not visible enough to be of any real use.
  10. Superb, thanks very much
  11. Excellent! Thanks.
  12. They're defo smaller than MM pickups. I don't have an MM bass but my Vintage V1004 has an MM type pup and looking at the photos of Ibanez SRXs the proportions (and the fixings) are different.
  13. Yes, please! That would be great. I don't really subscribe to the "good for metal" notion, which is why I put it in quotes. I've already got a Korean SR400 with P/J pups and I fancy another but a bit different .
  14. I've got a bit of GAS for an Ibanex SRX (if they're good enough for Carole Kaye...) and they seem to go for £notverymuch on eBay etc. Reading some stuff over on TB it seems that the pickups/preamp etc are "good for metal" (whatever that means). Since a) I don't play metal and I don't like the look of the exposed pole pieces on the stock pups I'd think about swapping them out. Does anyone know what direct replacements exist? None of the threads I've seen mention any model numbers, only brands like Bartolini and EMG etc.
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