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Everything posted by muttley

  1. [quote name='tedmanzie' timestamp='1383584225' post='2266202'] don't forget the practice amp! this is on the forum at the moment for £20! [url="http://basschat.co.uk/topic/217849-kustom-dart-10fx-combo-amp-with-reverb-delay-l20/"]http://basschat.co.u...verb-delay-l20/[/url] [/quote] I still have my old guitar amp but I need to check it still works! If not then I'm sure we can come to some sort of arrangement.
  2. [quote name='xilddx' timestamp='1383509390' post='2265315'] Yep. However I suspect new is the key since it's a pressie, so the Pacifica would get my vote. Excellent guitars. [/quote] S/H is OK if it gets a better instrument. I like the look of the Yamaha Pacifica. I'll see what the local music shop has in its second-hand section.
  3. [quote name='RichValentine' timestamp='1383492112' post='2264980'] Second hand squire cv or vm strat [/quote] What's the difference between a VM and a CV? Assuming both have the usual Strat 3 pickups and a wammy bar setup, is it just finish or does one have a better spec than the other?
  4. Daughter has expressed an interest in playing the guitar and is learning a few songs on my acoustic. With the forthcoming silly season I thought I would buy her a leccy guitar. What does the panel recommend for a teenager to learn on? Budget is under £200 (£150 would be nice...).
  5. Ibanez SR series (eg Korean-made models with P/J pickups). Aria ProII (Japanese Matsumoko instruments - same factory as Westone Thunder). I wouldn't buy new at that price. A used instrument can usually be sold for what you paid if you change your mind.
  6. Different = better. As any fule no.
  7. Anyone know if these have standard Fender size/shape neck pockets?
  8. I've come across another problem . I borrowed a bow off a friend and I have noticed that the A string is much quieter than the others. It's OK played pizz so only quiet arco. Could this be a duff string?
  9. Got it, thanks. Packing foam FTW!
  10. I've just take delivery of my Stagg EUB. A small problem that I've not seen mentioned* is the portion of the strings between the tailpiece and the bridge ringing on. Does anyone else have this problem? A suitable damper will sort this out but before I molish my own does anyone know of a documented fix? * if it has, I'm sorry but I missed it
  11. It's here . Just had a quick plonk - first impressions very good . Has a couple of minor issues but these are covered in the various threads. Need to learn how to bow now. Well, need to buy a bow and then learn how to use it (I play violin but that doesn't count). [quote name='stingrayPete1977' timestamp='1373561586' post='2139106'] Colour? [/quote] Dark brown. I'm no fan of sunburst finishes and black was too, er, black. Looks ver sexy.
  12. [quote name='Maude' timestamp='1373563843' post='2139136'] Better start saving for an acoustic double bass now then, it's an inevitable and slippery path [/quote] I know, I know.... Two years ago I picked up the bass (guitar) again after a break of over 20 years. Wanting to do it "properly" this time I bought myself a fretless bass, found a teacher and have learned some proper technique and to read music. When I started he told me he would teach me db fingering etc "just in case". I told him empathetically that I had no desire to play db. I guess he's won .
  13. I saw these on eBay and thought they looked very interesting (I'm not familiar with the Ampeg model). However, the listing does not inspire any confidence in a buyer (although the feedback seems good). The website is worse: quite nice layout but is short on information and there are no contact details apart from a mobile phone number... So it's good to know the instruments are good. I look forward to reading some more reviews.
  14. Still waiting for some cash to come into my account so can't order yet . But, I was at a friend's house earlier and had a go on an acoustic db. It just confirmed my "need" to also play an upright .
  15. [quote name='stingrayPete1977' timestamp='1373274514' post='2135434'] I find the dots confusing, too many of them! Gorgeous things to look at though. [/quote] I have no real objection to the dots on appearance grounds but I'd rather learn without them. I assume the Stagg has side markers though? I've read through your thread, SRP, and that and the one on TB will give me plenty of modding ideas.
  16. Update: After considerable procrastination I've decided to get myself a Stagg EUB . The Aria one I played is an older model and no longer available it seems and I've not seen any for sale anywhere. The NS Design basses are nice but a.) considerably more expensive and b.) have dots on the fingerboard which I don't like.
  17. [quote name='iceonaboy' timestamp='1372772711' post='2129729'] I thought it was about bass playing and having fun, c'mon guys, a lot of these statements are being taken too seriously , life's too short an aw that [/quote] I was actually replying to discreet but I suppose my comment also applies to the in-between post.
  18. Sorry, I must be on the wrong forum. For a moment I thought this one was about bass playing...
  19. Back on topic... I found it refreshing to see a bassist not clutching the neck like they're hanging on for dear life. I've never understood how anyone can play that way. In violin playing we call it "pan-handle". Is there a similar term for (electric) bassists?
  20. I did pick up on that pun. How long can we string this one out before the mods get us in the neck?
  21. Borrow a fretless bass for a while, then reflect on how lucky you are
  22. This model isn't listed in the UK section of the Ibanez website. It is in the [url="http://www.ibanez.co.jp/products/u_eb_page13.php?data_id=198&color=CL01&year=2013&cat_id=2&series_id=112"]USA bit[/url], but only in black. Shame, as I too like both the simplicity and the natural finish.
  23. My eBay-fu came up with [url="http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/161042855545?ssPageName=STRK:MEWAX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1423.l2649"]this[/url]. Shame the P&P is over half as much again . When duty and VAT are added it will be well north of £150. I'll give GuitarBuild a try.
  24. Can anyone point me in the direction of an EU supplier of such a thing? I know I can get one from Warmoth but that would probably be overkill for the relatively cheapo neck I have. Not too fussed about wood type. TIA.
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