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Everything posted by Mornats

  1. Pluginboutique and Time+Space have the deal now too (possibly a pound or two difference in price and no exchange rate lottery too). I started on Ozone 7 elements and it made such a difference that I decided to upgrade to Ozone 8 Advanced in one of their upgrade sales. I tend to chuck the individual components all over my track, particularly the vintage tape and vintage limiter. But even the elements version will add that extra shine to your mix and the maximiser is to die for. Charlie Clouser (of Nine Inch Nails and Saw soundtrack fame) loves it and judging from his posts on VI-control he knows a thing or two about limiters. This is the Ozone 7 Elements interface. Do you get more control with Ozone 8 Elements?
  2. You should never ever visit VI-Control then
  3. BestService are doing a good deal on the Izotope Elements bundle and individual products - Neutron (mixing plugin), Ozone (mastering plugin) and RX6 (audio repair plugin). Highly recommended and at this price a great way to upgrade to the full and advanced products later (which I did with Ozone Elements). https://www.bestservice.com/deals.html#izotope_elements_sale I just bagged RX6 elements for 27 euro and it fixed some horrible clicking in one of my tracks very quickly and easily! Neutron and Ozone are great too. (They have demos of them if you want to try them first to make sure they'll work for you).
  4. Got my final* mix up now. It's a bugger to mix this one. So much low end staccato strings thick with exciters and an orchestra that barely cuts through when Action Strikes are belting it out too. * When is it ever final really?
  5. I'm working on another mix of mine. There was a lot I didn't like about the percussion and some other elements.
  6. Here's my track (and my first post on the shiny new Basschat!) Sound Dust Cloud Bass provides the beastly roaring backdrop with textures by Spitfire's Orchestral Swarm and strings mashed by exciters from Albion One. Edit: Forgot to say, the DOOM array made its way out of this track as it didn't sound right. Bah! More work needed on that thing.
  7. My DOOM array is actually sounding rather weak in my track, we especially when compared to Sound Dust's superb Cloud Bass (seriously , check out their instruments, they're awesome). It's coming along nicely with some great additions from Spitfire's Orchestral Swarm (as used in Blue Planet 2) and some gnarly ostinato strings from Albion One out through a distorted exciter. I'm pleased with it so far DOOM is great, perfect for stress relief and I love the soundtrack. Did you see the Mick Gordon video I posted where he talks about the sound design for it?
  8. Another +1 for Ozone here. I'm using Ozone 8 Advanced but I started with Ozone 7 Elements and got good results from that. Ozone 8 Elements seems to let you have more control than 7 did. It's got a maximiser, EQ and imager in there. The imager really helps open up a piece I find. https://www.izotope.com/en/products/master-and-deliver/ozone/ozone-elements.html I find that when I use the gain-match bypass feature on Ozone there's not a massive difference between the bypassed and processed versions in terms of for example, the EQ suddenly changing loads but the subtle difference has a huge effect on opening the track up. It also does matching of a reference track which I quite like as it gives me a good starting point. But saying that, I'm sure over time I could take what I learn from Ozone and use other standard plugins like the ones mentioned above and get similar results.
  9. I detect a sense of.... DOOM! in this month's pic
  10. [quote name='lowdown' timestamp='1509528922' post='3399597'] Thanks for the kind words folks. I thought there was some great ideas this month, considering the nature of the picture. I am out at the moment, so will send a picture over later. Would that be to Skol?...I will see if I can find an action photo, so Mornats can unleash his track of Doom!! [/quote]
  11. Loved it, well done mate!
  12. That's Embertone's Joshua Bell violin. I used the mod wheel set to control velocity and vibrato together and the instrument's superb programming simply responds to your playing. It's incredible. Check out the thread over on VI control about it. I also did this one when I first got it: https://soundcloud.com/mornats/vashj It's hands down the most beautiful sounding VI I've ever heard. Definitely check it out even if you have other solo violin libraries.
  13. Voted. Great work everyone!
  14. [quote name='Bilbo' timestamp='1508928734' post='3395380'] Everything I try sound weak and predictable. I just can't play a musical instrument :-D [/quote] That's never stopped me
  15. Here's my entry that almost never made it due to temporary hearing loss and me hating the track up until very recently! https://soundcloud.com/mornats/fae Joshua Bell Violin, The Giant piano and Ethera vocals feature on this one with support from Albion One, Apocalypse percussion and Olympus choir..
  16. I've been using a pair of Senner earplugs for a few months now but I'm going to splash out on a custom moulded pair. I think my ears are either too big or too small for the Senners and whilst trying to get them to fit I must have compacted some ear wax into my ears. I ended up with ringing in my ears then almost total hearing loss in my left ear. It's cleared up now but the thought of that being permanent has pretty much opened my budget to whatever it takes to protect my ears. So I'm considering getting the ones moulded to my ears so that I know they'll fit properly. The ACS ones are mentioned a lot on here and it was interesting to hear about the Specsavers ones being good too.
  17. I had to take a week off from working on mine as I ended up with a blocked ear. Was a scary week as it started with a ringing in my ears for a while then almost total hearing loss in one ear and muffled hearing in the other. It's fine now but wow, it's never too early to start looking after your ears! Once I find the thread on here about ear plug recommendations I'm going to order a pair of custom moulded ones for gigs. Don't care about the cost after this. I had a decent pair of off-the-shelf ones but I reckon it was inserting those that compacted wax in my ear leading to my problems. My track's not sounding as I'd like it but I can get what I want to do this weekend I think. (All at very low volume as my cleared ears are a little sensitive.)
  18. I like the lick of the week videos. Nice bite-size pieces that you can fit in any time you have a little time spare.
  19. Mine's a little ambitious. Which means it's gonna sound awful without a lot of work but it may sound good after it.
  20. Another month without my Doom array! But I do see my Joshua Bell Violin all over this one as well as some choirs and mystical voices. Great pic!
  21. As well as the September composition challenge I've managed to knock out another four tracks this month. My editing and mixing times are getting shorter as I'm getting more experienced (or perhaps less tolerant of dodgy mixes?). Not sure if anyone's picked up on it but I use my own photos to illustrate my tracks. A few comments about each pic is included if you're interested. [b]Darkglow[/b] First up is Darkglow. I wanted to do something with strings and voices as well as breaking out of my limited chord progression range. This is a 16 chord sequence in F#m. It's my new favourite chord/key now so there should fewer Dm tracks now https://soundcloud.com/mornats/darkglow Pic: Nidaros Cathedral in Trondheim, Norway. [b]Airlock[/b] I fancied some sci-fi ambience for the next one. So out came some synths (Massive mostly). It gets a bit orchestral at the end. I'm getting some good use out of Juggernaut here. It's a library that I wasn't sure about after buying it but I can see the value in it now. This is also interesting as it's my first track where I played all of the percussion by hand using Darwin Percussion from Albion One. It's harder than I thought but more satisfying than using midi loops or phrases. https://soundcloud.com/mornats/airlock Pic: The Milky Way taken from Colco Canyon in Peru. Zero light pollution and an altitude of over 2 miles lets you grab some nice sky shots. [b]Vashj[/b] I bought Embertone's Joshua Bell Violin and wanted to try it out. It's simply the most beautiful VST I've ever used. I love it. https://soundcloud.com/mornats/vashj Pic: Pen yr Ole Wen from Llyn Idwal, Snodonia National Park. [b]Cargo Bay[/b] Grabbed a couple of sci-fi sound libraries from Sampletraxx in a sale and started on this one. Halfway through producing it I saw 8Dio's Shepard Tones library and added it in there. Can you tell I saw Dunkirk recently? https://soundcloud.com/mornats/cargo-bay Pic: Another Milky Way shot from Colco Canyon in Peru. Taken from the same shoot as the previous one. It's tough to find lots of sci-fi shots in my photos!
  22. [quote name='Dad3353' timestamp='1506850365' post='3381439'] On another note, I'm surprised that no-one seems to have picked up on my joke (too carefully hidden, I suppose...), in using (and abusing..!) the theme from Doom (ring a bell with anyone..?) as base (and bass..!) for my track..! No gamers here, then..? No mis-spent, lost youth..? No..? Oh well; I thought it funny, s'all. [/quote] I can't believe I missed that! I can hear it now you've mentioned it
  23. Almost forgot that today was the voting deadline! Made it in time though. Loved all the carny goodness here!
  24. That's actually a good idea
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