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Everything posted by Mornats

  1. The plugin for my USB audio player app is similar to Sonarworks and has profiles for loads of headphones including mine. So I've heard a flat response from mine and can see the benefit
  2. I've been considering Sonarworks and may possibly have a discount offer as they email me weekly after I signed up for the trial! I recently got an external USB DAC for my phone as the internal one is rubbish and it has a flat response eq add-on so I can hear the difference it makes on that.
  3. Wow, that's quite a nice endorsement for Ozone! I agree, it's magic what goes on in there. Click a preset and boof, nice master. No messing really. Even if I only ever use one preset on everything I reckon it's worth the £22.
  4. My mistake with the presets, they went into the c:\documents\blah folder but I've moved my documents to a different drive. I ended up buying it partly as a (hopefully) cheap upgrade path to Ozone 7 in the future but also because the £22 price point is bang on. So I tried it on a couple of tracks after removing the limiter and compressors from Neutron on the master bus and I'm actually quite impressed. Selecting just the "add brightness" preset brings a lot out of the track and just polishes it up nicely. I'll play with this for a while and may consider the upgrade to Ozone 7 off the back of how good it's sounding now. Or maybe stick with elements until I know what I'm doing... To summarise, the addition of Neutron and now Ozone Elements has brought my mixes up into quite a new level compared to my earlier stuff. Maybe I'm learning more as I go but these two are certainly helping a lot.
  5. Wanna borrow my Doom array?
  6. I went for what I think is quite an appropriate feel to match this month's pic. I approached it by thinking of a middle-eastern feel, which immediately made me think of The Fifth Element. I never got my Doom array into this one (aww shucks you all cry!) but I think the Epic Tech kit from Damage gave it a little bit of the feeling from the Diva Dance from the film. Feyron's Flute (a freebie instrument from here - http://vstbuzz.com/freebies/feroyns-flute/) provides the melody. Synths are from Massive mostly and vocals from Ethera 2 and Ethera Soundscapes. The calabash and djembe percussion instruments come from West Africa from Komplete. https://soundcloud.com/mornats/ta-seti
  7. I have mine almost done now. I just need to have a few more listens to check the mix on various speakers and I should be done.
  8. Mornats


    Still happening, just had it now. I've just flushed my cache too. If it's an ad doing this then perhaps it's time to block that ad provider for trying to scam people, or for having piss-poor security, whichever it is. I'll stay off the desktop version of Basschat until it's been fixed. I don't want to risk my PC.
  9. Ozone Elements is currently around £22 ($29 on the Izotope website - some error on Time and Space where the discount isn't showing at the time I posted this). For that price it's possibly worth it, although I'm still confused about the difference between putting Neutron on the master bus vs. Ozone. Reading back up on Douglas' point above about using mastering to make a bunch of tracks sound like they belong together is how I understand the basic principle of mastering but I tend to try and match my tracks with my older ones using Neutron anyway. I would guess that you'd have to use the same Ozone preset on all of your songs to get them matching which would mean I'd end up only using one preset. I tried the demo of Ozone Elements but it has no presets (which is the whole point of the elements version...) so it only affects the volume which doesn't paint a picture of what it can do.
  10. William Morris has been doing some really nice demos of some of the Labs instruments over on YouTube: [url="https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL1kUP0YJZfASGZh9kjtt7mS5UR1FSOw1B"]https://www.youtube....tt7mS5UR1FSOw1B[/url] (That's a link to his channel so it won't embed by the way.)
  11. Nice, I love the Labs instruments. Currently I have:[list] [*]Bedlam Piano [*]Henson's Frozen Strings [*]Plucked Grand Piano [*]Scary Strings [*]ThunderVox [*]Felt Piano [*]Moon Guitar [*]Permafrost Strings [*]Lightweight Cimbalom [*]Lightweight Hapsichord [/list] Most of them have made their way into my tracks. The felt piano in particular is beautiful and I used the bedlam piano in a recent (as yet unreleased) track where it worked perfectly.
  12. Definitely needs a bit of Doom then!
  13. [quote name='lurksalot' timestamp='1501611552' post='3345950'] He's a Giza ! [/quote] Looks like he's got a pharaoh way to go.
  14. Yeah, very pricey! I can see the value in a good set of hardware faders but my budget would be much cheaper
  15. Oi,I have an idea that doesn't involve the Doom array * * Doesn't mean I won't use it...
  16. [quote name='fingers211' timestamp='1501596195' post='3345767'] I see a chap, going through the desert on a camel with no name,.... [/quote] That will be the Doom Marine.
  17. Thanks for the votes I wasn't sure that I'd actually get an entry in let alone be one of the joint winners! I won't be able to look for an image until I get home from work later today so if lowdown gets one in before then I'll go with that. (Hint: I want to use my Doom array!)
  18. What's that thing with all the faders on? A decent set of faders is something I'm lacking...
  19. [quote name='MoonBassAlpha' timestamp='1501323696' post='3344012'] Another thing I find about this challenge is that I tend to do it all very quickly (this month's was 1 session of about 3-4 hours, most of that trying to decide what to play on the drums, and how!), and not redoing any of the takes, and when I come to listen again some days or weeks later, it's almost as if I'm listening to work by someone else, which somehow makes it more interesting for me to listen to, as I can't remember much about the process, unlike recording demos with the band, where you get sick of the tune after all the overdubs and tweaking the mix. Is this just me or do others find this too? Apologies for the ridiculously long sentence above btw [/quote] I find that too. I'll listen to some of my tracks months later and start hearing little bits such as some harmonics in a synth that I don't remember putting in but which help to gel everything together. Also, sometimes I'll struggle with a transition from one part to another and I'll find some riser, tremolo trill or something else that just works perfectly and it transforms that part of the track.
  20. I managed to get one done My streak of entries is intact! https://soundcloud.com/mornats/east Not much to it, a bit of repetition but when time is against you... I recently bought the Street Swarm Maschine expansion which is rather nice and gritty. I do like it. It provided the drums and the bass for this. I did feel bad about not playing my P bass on this to replace the Maschine bass but as I said, time was against me.
  21. It's looking like I won't be able to get one in this month. That will break a 19 month unbroken streak of entries I had an idea but sadly not the time to execute it, or even start it. I blame a brief period of going on a few dates (extremely rare for me). Maybe there's time at the weekend... maybe...
  22. Mornats


    I got it just now. Had it on and off for months.Something dodgy going on with one of the banner ad partners maybe? Most likely it's coming into the site that way I reckon.
  23. I have a Komplete Kontrol keyboard with Komplete 10 Ultimate and have to say it's amazing. I can't play the keyboard all that well but you can learn chords and play melodies very easy on the KK keyboard. It has a light guide and chord and scale modes so you could set it to Dm for example and it'll light up all the keys in that scale. Then you can just improvise a melody quite easily. I'm learning more scales and chords this way. So I bought an S61 with Komplete 10 without really being able to play it well and I get on ok Even if you get the keyboard without Komplete it still comes with Komplete Select which includes Massive (a brilliant and very versatile synth, especially if you buy third party presets for it) and The Gentleman - a nice upright piano. Plus some more but you'll get a lot out of just these two. You can upgrade from Komplete Select to Komplete or Komplete Ultimate too although they've just ended their half price upgrades on that. There's also a lot to be said about doing as much as you can with what you have. Maybe download the free Komplete players and see how you get on? https://www.native-instruments.com/en/products/komplete/bundles/komplete-players/
  24. [quote name='Dad3353' timestamp='1499609199' post='3332464'] I did, eventually, manage to fix it, though; I wish you the same success. [/quote] That old rack synth module sounds interesting! Ever thought of sampling the sounds from it?
  25. I've got a Maschine MkII, a Maschine Jam, a Komplete Kontrol S61 keyboard and Komplete Ultimate 10. I love how they all work together and make the process of coming up with a track much slicker. If you're interested in them at all then it's worth grabbing one at these prices.
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